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Magnesium works for cluster headaches! (Read 2581 times)
Robert Jr.
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Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Sep 27th, 2008 at 7:56pm
My wife did extensive research on the internet about cluster headaches. She found that cluster headaches are related to low levels of magnesium. If you go on the internet there are some sites that actually show you studies that have been done and the results. Feverfew is an herb that works alot like aspirin.  We went to the health food store and purchased Magnesium, Feverfew, and B-2. I started taking 400 mg. of magnesium once a day, along with 400 mg. of feverfew, and 100 mg. of B-2. It has been a month and a half since I started this combination and after three weeks my headaches have come to a hault. I noticed in the beginning that my headaches went from 45 minutes or more of pure agony to a shorter more tolerable headache. I have not had a headache for THREE WEEKS! That may not seem like a long time to some but for someone who has experienced excruciating headaches for a year it's a miracle for me. Here is the brands I have been using: Bluebonnet magnesium plus B-6 easy to swallow capsules, NOW Feverfew, and NOW B-2. If you have tried everything and feel there is no hope then please try this! I hope it helps others as much as it has helped me. I feel like a new man! Smiley
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2008 at 8:05pm by Robert Jr. »  
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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #1 - Sep 27th, 2008 at 10:08pm
It doesn't hurt to take some vitamins...maybe I'll add em to my mix and see how goes. WTF is feverfew??? Questioning Questioning
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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #2 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:14am
I don't know about feverfew, I've never tried that. I added magnesium and vitamin B-2 several years ago. I swear it's reduced the number and the intensity of the attacks. Batch posted an excellent article recently about how magnesium affects the ph levels, and how that reduces the tendency of the brain to suffer CH attacks. (I'm phrasing that real crappy I know but bottom line is MANY people are reporting psotive results from adding magnesium)

If you are talking magnesium add a calcium supplement as magnesium leaches calcium from the body. Glad you found something that's working well. Have you ever looked into oxygen? A great abortive for many, I've learned you can never have too many tools in your arsenal! Smiley

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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #3 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:42am
Like Guiseppi, I take magnesium--along with vitamin B2 and calcium on a daily basis.  Since I began this regimen after my last cycle ended, the jury is still out on whether or not it will positively impact my CH.  We shall see.

As for feverfew, I tried that some years ago.  I not only used the dried herb, but grew it--consuming it fresh in salads throughout a couple of cycles.  Unfortunately, it seemed to have no effect on the headaches one way or the other.  You wouldn't want to overdo it, but in small quantities it adds a sourish/bitter quality to a salad, not unlike sorrel.  That's about all I can say for it in my experience.

Like most things that we try, what works for some may not work for others.  I'm happy to hear that it has been successful for you.


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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #4 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:10pm
She found that cluster headaches are related to low levels of magnesium.

As well as abnormal grey matter growth in the hypothalmus and other unknowns regarding triggering mechanisms, and how CH actually manifests itself.

Taking magnesium, Bvitamins and calcium also counteracts side effects of some traditional drug therapies used to treat CH. Wink
all the best
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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 10:46am
I AM 64... and like a good old dude, even tho my CHs have stopped for the year, I AM looking around and about so I have plenty up my sleeve if another springtime gift comes. On wustl.edu I noticed "some fibers from the optic nerve go directly to a small nucleus within the hypothalamus... This nucleus regulates circadian rhythms, and couples the ryhthms to the light/dark cycles." The reason I was alerted to this eye and hypothalamus link was that I went to a new agey foot reflexology practitioner and, to show she's not just way out there rubbing my feet in LA LA land, she pointed out how the brain is constructed. (Of course she did ask if I had forgiven the guy that axed me in the head in a previous lifetime.) The other thing that she said of note is that the power drinks only release endorphines (the body's own opiates) to cover up the CH but allow it to pop up again later.
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Re: Magnesium works for cluster headaches!
Reply #6 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:13am
Robert Jr. wrote on Sep 27th, 2008 at 7:56pm:
My wife did extensive research on the internet about cluster headaches. She found that cluster headaches are related to low levels of magnesium... We went to the health food store and purchased Magnesium, Feverfew, and B-2. I started taking 400 mg. of magnesium once a day, along with 400 mg. of feverfew, and 100 mg. of B-2. It has been a month and a half since I started this combination and after three weeks my headaches have come to a hault. I noticed in the beginning that my headaches went from 45 minutes or more of pure agony to a shorter more tolerable headache. I have not had a headache for THREE WEEKS! That may not seem like a long time to some but for someone who has experienced excruciating headaches for a year it's a miracle for me. Here is the brands I have been using: Bluebonnet magnesium plus B-6 easy to swallow capsules, NOW Feverfew, and NOW B-2. If you have tried everything and feel there is no hope then please try this! I hope it helps others as much as it has helped me. I feel like a new man! Smiley

Hello Robert,

Sounds like you're on to something.  Allow me to add that magnesium is one of the components of the mix that I've been using with tremendous success:

Kudzu - 1000 mg, 2x per day (morning & night)  
Magnesium - 250 mg, 2x per day (morning & night)  
St. John's Wort - 300 mg, 2x per day (morning & night)  
Skullcap - 425 mg at bedtime  
Melatonin - 10 mg at bedtime  

Cyndi started a thread entitled "Kilowatt3!" on the meds board describing her husband's experience with this regimen.  I urge you to read that thread, and also "Thrilled to join you all" on the "Getting to Know Ya" board.  There are now five of us (that I know of) that have tried this combo, and it has brought a full-blown CH cycle to a screeching halt for four of us.  TJ did not have quite the success (yet) but it did stop his daytime hits and bought him a few nights' sleep - so it helped considerably.  No word yet on whether it does any good for a Chronic, but if I was one, I'd sure be trying it!  If anyone does, PLEASE let us know!

If you should find that the magnesium, feverfew, and B-2 don't continue working, please consider this regimen as another option.

BTW - I've been taking B vitamin supplements for years, so maybe B-2 is contributing to the success of my mix and I just didn't know it  Huh

Best regards & GL,
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