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Chiropractor (Read 7048 times)
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #25 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:16pm
fly gas wrote on Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:08pm:
My chiro also has licenses in Applied Kinesiology and acupuncture, and after getting my expectations way down, proceeded to stop a year long cluster attack on the second visit.

Why am I not suprised to see it pluged again!
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #26 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 1:29pm
Funny I've got an appointment with a "special" chiro. on saturday. I've been too chiro's before because I have very bad scoliosis. I dont think its going to work but I'm doing it for my family(wife, mom, dad step parents...) My mom goe to this ladie and said this lady knew all about my CH's and explained to her what causes them and that she could definetly get rid of (BS) So on saturday off to the miracle worker and if she does have the cure I'll be sure to yell at her from all of us here on the site. Cheesy The things we do for our families!!!
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fly gas
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #27 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 3:43pm
I'm a big proponent of alternative medicine, but.....
If the chiro knows what causes CH, she's way ahead of most. If she says she definitely can cure CH, um, er, I dunno, walk softly. On a good day, to the best of my knowledge and reading, SOME alternative medicines can help SOME ch sufferers, SOME of the time. Maybe something got lost in transitions from your Mom? Like with any health practitioner, ask about background, training, maybe even CH references from those she has worked on, then use your best judgement.
Chiro worked for me, but with other modalities, acupuncture and APPLIED KINESIOLOGY, along with some diet things that I stopped doing to myself.
Best of luck, and do let us know, negative or positive.
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #28 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:14pm
I had a family member push me really hard to see her Chiropractor who said that he knew all about CH’s and could cure me. After hearing this over and over I finally said that I would go if he would offer a money back guarantee.

I never heard about it again.
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CH.com Old Timer

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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #29 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:32pm
"Alternative medicine" is an oxymoron.

It is not medicine, it's quackery.

And I ask again, where and when did any discipline of "alternative medicine" contribute anything to scientific knowledge?

you should make a bet with that miraculous chiro. If she has success you promise to pay $10000 for her art, if not she pays you $10000 for your wasted time.


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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #30 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:40pm

My late husband who had episodic CH was treated by a chiropractor and physiotherapist at the Pain Clinic he attended while going through a particularly high cycle. The chiro and physio specialised in pain treatment including migraines, chronic headaches and similar. They admitted they had not treated anyone with CH prior but they wanted to try and my late husband was desperate for anything. Unfortunately he did not get any relief for his headaches. He went for a total of 12 treatments over 6 weeks.

I am myself a certified and practising acupuncturist and I would not try it on him knowing that it would not work as a preventive and that any analgesic effect would not be enough during an acute attack. Furthermore I dont think anyone can sit still enough during an attack to have several needles inserted into them.

Many people here have tried acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractor ... and no one has reported consistent relief. We have wished people good luck when they embarked on the treatment and asked them to come back to let us know but as yet, no one returned with tales with continued or repeated success.

One person a while ago was so adamant that his chiropractor knew what caused CH and could cure the condition that when I asked him to please invite the practitioner here to talk to us, he agreed. He went back to ask his chiropractor to talk to me about his theory and treatment method. I had several emails back and forth with him and each time the chiro came up with some excuses as to why he could not talk to me, even when I offered to call him in his spare time on my own expense. Eventually my emails went unanswered.


Do you think you can invite your chiro, acupunturist and applied kinesiologist to come talk to us about the treatment they gave you ? I would love to have a talk to them. Maybe they can explain better than you can about how the combination of the above treatments may work for CH.

Wouldnt it be a total break through for modern medicine if your practitioners can crack this mysterious headache ? If the treatment regime indeed will work they will be very rich as CHers from all over the world will flock to them for treatment. Their time spent talking to us will not be wasted.

Please consider my invitation. Thank you.

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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #31 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 8:55pm
I'm no expert blogger or any kinda of blogger for that.  But after reading the various thoughts on whether chiros help with CH's or not, I can say from first hand experience that getting an alignment helped relieve my CH's during the peak of my cluster period.  I know that chiros may or may not know diddilly squat about CH's or how to treat them, but after I recieved my alignment and deep tissue massage around the right side (my CH side) of my neck and shoudler area; the end result was no CH's.  I could have very well been at the end of my cluster period, but I think there is more to it.  Obviously no one has the answer to why we get these ridiculous (to describe lightly) headaches and the cure all for everyone or we wouldn't be here.  I'll say this, we know everyone has there own treatments. Some are pretty far fetched and others are as simple as O2.  I believe chiros work for some and I feel the pain for those that they don't (literally).  But if you haven't tried it, I would say give it shot.  You know the relief is far worth the effort.
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #32 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 8:57pm
I tried it. It didn't help. Did lighten my wallet though.

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“We see what we believe, not the other way around." — Varga
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Panama City, FL
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #33 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 9:03pm
Well I guess I didn't specify if it was worth the money?  I only said effort.  But if no luck, then definately not worth either.  Grin
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #34 - Dec 14th, 2008 at 9:39pm
Be careful with a chiropractor. They manipulate the position of your neck before the x-ray to make it look worse than it is. A MAJOR complication of neck adjustments is stroke, and for some unknown reason clusterheads are at higher risk for stroke anyway.

Short version: chiros are good with joint pain, whether in your spine or a sprained ankle.  But DO NOT go to a quack who insists they can cure CH or that you need to come in for maintenance or anything else. Go to a chiro who will treat you as needed for pain, not someone who insists the root of all disease is your spine.
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #35 - Dec 14th, 2008 at 9:51pm
Didn't work for me. CH is in my head. I can crack that well, by myself. Smiley Smiley
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Re: Chiropractor
Reply #36 - Dec 14th, 2008 at 9:58pm
Didn't work for me. CH is in my head. I can crack that well, by myself.

Me too bbz,

I’ve been going to chiropractors for over 20 years now and I can adjust almost everything on my own except between the shoulders. With the CH aggravating my neck constantly, I figure I save myself about $1500 per year…
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« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2008 at 9:59pm by N/A »  
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