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There back again (Read 948 times)
brian trudeau
CH.com Junior

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Kinde, MI USA
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There back again
Dec 11th, 2008 at 2:38pm
Hi again all,
Its been awhile, but sad to say that I am back at it after 2 year break from CHs.  I have been pain free since Nov. 26th 2006 after using the clusterbuster method of treatment. They returned 2 nights ago at my regular time waking me from a sound sleep at my regular time around 1ish. First night maybe a kip 4, last night a kip 5-6, (Geez cant wait to head to bed tonight)
All in all looking now to bust them again using mushrooms since in the 15 yrs with CH. 4 Doctors, too many meds to mention, and years of torture,  this has been  the only a miracle treatment for me at least.
I used to be hit twice a year for about 4-6 week groupings. After one dose of mushrooms it ended my cycle with no reoccurance for just over the last 2 years.  (Longest break I have ever had since they started 15 yrs ago)
My o2 arrived today and it does help, only if you can catch it asap which does alot of us no good if we are awaken with the hit in progress.  Also when using o2 to abort it, seems for me at least, that the beast knows what your doing and will come back even stronger the next hit to try and show whos in charge again and will punish you for even trying to silence him
.  Im hoping my cousin gives me a call soon with some good news of finding me some mushrooms soon and that this method will work again for me.  For the simple fact of these returning 2 nights ago has already brought me down with dread and gloom and my outlook for the next few weeks looks pretty shitty.
If others would like to discuss this method with me or share their experiences using this method of treatment that would be great. Im looking to see if say a yearly dose (vs waiting till there back)as a preventative would keep them from ever returning again. I should of been ready with some backups in the freezer and will take that into concideration with my next purchase.
To all those who think this is an innappropriate method of treatment and are still in pain I hear your plea, but to me that one 25 dollar purchase 2 years ago has saved me months of pain and suffering, thousands of dollars in medical appts and perscription cost (no side effects from meds either) and lots of sleep that would of never happened if it was not for these little fungi.
I thank Dr. Andrew Sewell from Harvard Medical for his research into this method, and for including me in his study, Clusterheadaches.com and OUCH members for their support when I have needed it most.
Wishing all Pain free days and looking foward to your replies,
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Re: There back again
Reply #1 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Never tried them but not opposed to them either at this point. Just hope I don't need anything in a long time. Anyway, sorry the beast found you again and good luck!
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Re: There back again
Reply #2 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 6:08pm
Hi Brian, I do not think we have met, my name is Barry, pleased to meet you.

Good to hear you got a two year break with the shrooms and I had researched it a bit but for now I will stay with what is working for me so far.

I am in cycle and taking 480mg Verapamil daily and o2. I am maintaining PF time for the most part, but the odd hit breaks through my barrier, but I start to huff the o2 and I can stop the hit within minutes. Smiley

Here's praying you do your med and you get another two year break or even longer! Cool

PF wishes forever buddy!!!

   Barry Smiley

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Re: There back again
Reply #3 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 8:18pm
Mentioned LSA, LSD and seeds to my doc's nurse and she pointed out the risk of liver damage. She wasn't sure if shrooms also caused liver damage. You might want to check on that. It was enough to keep me sticking to trex and stupidmax.
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