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Re: New here (Read 4839 times)
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Re: New here
Dec 29th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Get to the neuro and demand 02.
all the best, hang tough.
tell John houdy from Montany
the bb
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Re: New here
Reply #1 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 2:07pm

the effing insurance company which only allows him 4 Imitrex/ day

Did I read this wrong or maybe it was a typo?  He's ONLY getting 4 Imitrex per DAY??   Most of us can only get 6 to 9 per MONTH, and even if we could get more there is no way he should be taking more than 2 every 24 hours.  It's too dangerous.

One of the things you can do for him is read everything here on the links to the left.  Educate yourselves thoroughly on treatment so when he does get in to see a Neuro...he  won't just sit in front of the Doctor and say "fix me"     We....and you have to be our own best advocates.

I would start by reading everything on 02.  On the medications board up at the top and under important topics are 2 threads on everything you ever wanted to know about 02 but were afraid to ask.  lol

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« Last Edit: Dec 29th, 2008 at 2:10pm by Linda_Howell »  

Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Grants Pass, OR
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Re: New here
Reply #2 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:06pm
As a supporter who has lurked in the shadows here for almost a year I was compelled to reply to your post!

Firstly, I want to say (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) You seemed like you could use one.

Secondly, my boyfriend told me the other night (after a k7 kicked him in the head) that just knowing that I still love him regardless is the best gift he's ever had. I would bet that is the same in your case.

I know it's hard, scary, and frustrating, and even a year into loving a man with this beast doesn't end the "Can I do this?" "Am I strong enough?" questions. We are always stronger then we think when we look around and realize that we are not alone. I find whenever the helplessness gets me down that coming here and reading all the wonderfully supportive posts helps me to stand up to that beast for another day.

Our love for those who suffer will always be stronger then the beast that rides them. Try not to beat yourself up. You are only human and it's okay to be down from time to time. When it's too much for you alone, come here to the heart and arms of all these wonderful people who are more then willing to help us hold each other up. Feel free to PM, IM, or email if you ever need a shoulder. I'm tiny but I hear I have a comfy shoulder for tears.


midgetnminx@yahoo.com (same for IM as well)

(Sometimes even us supporters need support)

and another ((((((HUG)))))) just on case the first wasn't big enough!
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Re: New here
Reply #3 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Whoa I had no idea about that.
Just to clarify; insurance only allows him to pick up 4 Imitrex pills/ day from the pharm (regardless of dosage; 25mg, 50mg, 100mg, which seems stupid).
He only gets a max of two attacks in any 24-hr period (so far), so he has never taken more than two pills in 24 hours. Of that, I am sure. The resident here at UCSF upped his dosage last week to 100mg b/c the 50 was becoming useless and we kept running out of them and I was worried over the holiday period that we wouldn't be able to get a refill. At least, I figured, we could cut them in half if need be.
The scary part is that I didn't realize he SHOULDN'T take more than 2/day. I have not seen that warning on any of the labels. I was beginning to wonder if there was a health concern tied into their reluctance to give more.... I'm afraid this resident isn't experienced enough to know what's going on.
So... I did get him an appt with his old doc south of here (these UCSF general practice docs are too slow to respond and it seems, too inexperienced to know whats up) for tomorrow. I am hoping this guy will refer him to the headache clinic, or a neuro up here in the City. Likely, here at UCSF, but at least he could speak with a specialist, insurance permitting.
My only dilemma is whether to go with him or let his brother take him. His brother will not advocate for him and is in no way prepared/ interested enough to ask the 'right' questions.
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Grants Pass, OR
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Re: New here
Reply #4 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:18pm
If his brother won't advocate for him, and he's not sure he can do it himself I would say absolutely that you should go! Sometimes it's all we can do just to stand up for them. (It also helps me with the helpless feeling to know I'm doing SOMETHING positive)
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Re: New here
Reply #5 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:19pm
Just reading your reply was enough to tear me up but make me feel better. Thanks so much!!
I also got my daily dosage of caffeine finally-- feeling better!!
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-our heaven is just waiting so put your hand into mine ...
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Re: New here
Reply #6 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:20pm
You go with him.
the bb
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What would he do without chya Wink
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Re: New here
Reply #7 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:22pm
My feelings exactly. Plus if hes exhausted after another night of this (highly likely) he'll be really fuzzy-headed and may not think of all the questions I have (and I've a growing list).
Plus, it's a selfish endeavour (I admit), I want to know myself from the horse's mouth exactly what this doc said and why.
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-our heaven is just waiting so put your hand into mine ...
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Grants Pass, OR
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Re: New here
Reply #8 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 3:36pm
There is nothing selfish or wrong about that. My BF and I have learned that when he's in cycle he's the worst person to rely on for accurate info on timing, k scale, and what not. (As once he's done with a hit he's "fuzzy" after a bit on the details)

I've taken to walking in with a written list of questions and writing down the docs answers so I can keep it all together. I also keep tabs on the when, how bad, how long, and symptoms of BF's headaches like a diary, again I feel I've accomplished something helpful and the docs get a better understanding of what his cycles are like from someone outside the pain and (Usually) more clear headed. All tiny little tricks to fight that "Helpless" monster that tears at all of us that choose to support our CH'ers.
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Re: New here
Reply #9 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 10:20pm
O.K. Abby...I was under the imp-ression that he was getting 4 Injections per day.  I didn't understand you were talking about pills.

If you have read anything around here you will come to the conclusion as we all have at some point... that pills aren't the answer.  They may work for Migraines...but not CH.  They take wayyyyyy too long to get in the blood stream and work.  Ask for either the nasel spray or the injections.

Either way...Imtrex is hard on the heart as it contricts the blood vessles.  Anyone with a heart condition should not take it..but a good Dr. should already know that.

     02, 02, 02, 02   Oh and did I mention 02?    Wink

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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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san francisco, CA
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Re: New here
Reply #10 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 12:24pm
OK, update here:
We managed to get him into the after hrs clinic last night right after work to see (yet another) general practitioner. All this time I was asking them for injectables (knowing the pills were virtually useless) and O2 they wouldn't Rx anything until they could see him again and then the holidays, etc. So he got the nasal spray from this guy; and prednisone (on top of the verapamil). He didn't have an attack last night, but now he's jittery and can't concentrate. I don't which is worse, the disease or the cure.
Then, the Doc even said it would more believable if he'd had ER trips on his record. The jerk. J's ER copay is no bueno. We've purposely been avoiding it like the plague b/c of the cost, so, he suffers through it. Its like we were pill-heads looking for drugs.
We did, finally, get a solid referral for the headache clinic so no driving out of town today and missing work, etc. Our bosses are getting fed up with us. I have half a mid to start referring to it in medical terms so we stop getting pushback about, "oh, it's just a headache..." blah blah.
Round two-- headache clinic;
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Sounds like maybe they have their heads on straight over there, mentioning clusters right off the bat. Why these moronic gen practitioner docs didn't send us there in Nov when his cycle began is beyond me...
I'll post with updates on this new avenue; hopefully it will be fruitful.

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Re: New here
Reply #11 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 1:16pm
Why these moronic gen practitioner docs didn't send us there in Nov when his cycle began is beyond me...

I don't know either, but one reason Dr.s in general are clueless about CH is because of what one prominent Neurologist told us all at an OUCH convention in Vancouver. 

"Doctors get exactly 5 hours of training in medical school on HEADACHES.  That includes all kinds of headaches. "
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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: New here
Reply #12 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 2:06pm
whoa, that drives the point home.
Thanks, Linda for all your feedback by the way; very much appreciated.
I'm just sifting through all additional info I can get my hands on in this site and others, like the headache clinic. At least the docs there have extensive experience, exposure and clinical trials under their belts
I wonder if there are any other SF'ers on the board who have been there...   Wink
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Re: New here
Reply #13 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 2:13pm
Abby,  I didn't read your link before this.

Leading the team will be Peter J. Goadsby, MD, PhD, who will arrive at UCSF Medical Center later this year. Rounding out the team of attending physicians will be Manjit S. Matharu, MB, ChB, who was a clinical fellow with Goadsby and is now a consultant at UCL.

I know this for a fact....you CANNOT do better than Peter Goadsby !!!!!!!!

In case us sufferers didn't drive another point home to you,  we have the upmost respect for what you are doing for your BF.  Being a supporter out there trying to find out the answers is nothing short of heroic and I applaud you all for sticking with us and enduring the bad times.   Kiss
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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: New here
Reply #14 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 2:50am
Welcome Abby! Sounds to me like you're doing everything right!! As everyone here will tell you - do take the time to read all this board has to offer on medications. I know - it's a lot of reading, but the effort could very well save John from stumbling into some very serious pitfalls. Find out all you can about everything that's prescribed - possible side effects, predictable reactions etc.

As Linda said - because CH is so rare, you're aveage GP has'n't heard of Cluster Headache since med school. I hope you'll find one who is, at the very least, sympathetic. I used to cry for hours every time Brian was thown out of a clinic, accused of being a junkie and just abandoned to his pain.

Professor Goadsby proved to be a turning point for us! I had the radio on one evening while I was sewing. I'd just stopped the machine and caught the tail end of a broadcast I wish I'd heard from the beginning. The words "Cluster Headache" were mentioned, and from what I could gather the program had comprised an interview with Professor Goadsby and a Clusterhead. First thing next morning I sent away for a transcript. When it arrived in the mail, Brian's reaction was at first, to me, a bit of a kick in the teeth. I found him sitting on the front step - transcript in hand - sobbing "I'm not alone! I'm not alone!". What he meant, of course, was that this was the first time he'd ever read the words of another sufferer.

It was some years after that when we discovered this site and we've never looked back. It doesn't make seeing someone close to you in such dire agony any less devastating. It doesn't chase away your own feelings of helplessness and frustration. The comfort and encouragement come from the the fact that indeed  - we are not alone!

Having rabbited on so thoroughly - I sincerely trust that John and yourself will get some tangible relief very soon.

Love & Blessings to you both, and here's to a PAIN FREE 2009 for all of us!

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Re: New here
Reply #15 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 8:50am
Welcome and congratulations on getting the new hope with the referral to the clinic. I've been a supporter for some 27 years now, but have only known WHAT I was supporting for about 24. I found this board for my husband about 10 or so years ago. The information we've learned here is just incredible, and has helped him more than I can say. I should say helped us both because that is true.

The people who share here are just amazing, I'd name names but fear I'd leave someone out, but seriously (even though many of them think I'm a phantom of Guiseppi's imagination) they are a wonderful support group for us. If you get the opportunity to join a gathering I would encourage you, even if it's just with a few people that live in your area. We did one here in San Diego a couple years ago. Guiseppi's been to a few other larger gatherings too. Actually we're both going to St. Louis in a few weeks.

One thing Guiseppi does is organize all the treatment info into a binder and takes that with him when he's in cycle and has to get updated meds and prescriptions. He keeps track of what's been effective dosages etc. Oxygen has been a lifesaver and I think many here can tell you that regulating the flow saves money and makes everything more comfortable. Joe  (Guiseppi) has a regulator from an old diver's set that works for him.

Keep reading and introduce your boyfriend to the board too.

Best of luck and for sure get ahold of us if we can help.

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Re: New here
Reply #16 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 6:02pm
Sorry you had to find us, but sounds like you're on the right track now!  As Linda points out, there is no better than Goadsby, period. 

Hoping ALL goes well with the treatment and your DH finds his way into a pain free world and that you no longer have to suffer the hurt and helplessness.

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This is enough already
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on my knees
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Re: New here
Reply #17 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 5:13am
God bless supporter's , just knowing that someone is on your side means the world
when you need to be his advocate,friend, pharmacist etc.
god bless the supporters.
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DISCLAIMER: All information contained on this web site is for informational purposes only.  It is in no way intended to be used as a replacement for professional medical treatment.   clusterheadaches.com makes no claims as to the scientific/clinical validity of the information on this site OR to that of the information linked to from this site.  All information taken from the internet should be discussed with a medical professional!