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Five Years Headache-Free (Read 1939 times)
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Five Years Headache-Free
Jan 21st, 2009 at 9:57am
I had my first "headache from Mars" in 1980. I spent the next 15 years trying to track down the nature and cause of these increasingly painful episodes. I went to dentists; ear, nose, and throat specialists; optometrists; orthopedic specialists; and a neurologist. I took many of the drugs discussed on this board. I wore a neck brace and a TENS unit for a year. Finally, another neurologist diagnosed cluster headaches and I began another 10 years searching for the right combination of drugs and therapies to fight the headaches--Sansert, lithium, Imitrex, codeine, Valium, bottled oxygen, etc. Some of them worked in the short term, but none gave long-term relief. During my last session, I looked at my .38 revolver and for the first time thought seriously about using it.

But five years ago I got a treatment and haven't had a headache since. My wife worked for a dentist trained at the Pankey Institute. I used to joke that he was part of a dental cult, but I'm not mocking him anymore. He made no promises but said he thought he could help by adjusting my bite. Apparently, a slight misalignment of my jaw made my teeth come together at an unnatural angle. This caused the nerves in my face to send a continuous stream of impulses, as though I were clenching my teeth 24/7. This eventually led to my headache sessions. One of the signs that told the dentist I had a problem was the presence of cracks along the gumline in some of my teeth. Repeated stresses from improper alignment had caused these cracks.

The dentist made dozens of tiny adjustments, taking measurements, grinding a bit here, grinding a bit there, then taking more measurements and sending me off for another week or two before repeating the process. Finally he was satisfied, made a cast of my teeth and gave me a night guard to keep me from grinding my teeth while I sleep.

I've had a few scary moments when I thought I detected the telltale signs that I was due for a headache, but so far they have all passed without any bad results. The past few years have been the longest headache-free period I've had since 1980. I don't suggest that bite adjustment is the cure for all cluster headaches, but if it helps even one of you on this board, then this is worth posting. I'm going to post this message in a few other places on the board. Good luck to anyone who reads this.
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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #1 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 10:17am
I am glad to hear you are headache free!  Headaches, whatever type they are, are NOT fun to deal with.  It is great you have found a solution to your problem!

Enjoy your pain free life.

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Black-Billed Magpie

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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #2 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 10:25am
I'm glad that you've found substantial relief.

A single post on a particular topic on a single forum is sufficient, however.  Many thanks.

Best wishes,

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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #3 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 10:30am
About 20 years ago, before being diagnosed with CH, my dentist diagnosed my HA's as TMJ (this was after being treated for sinus infection but before being treated for hypoglycemia,  Cheesy ).  I was given a bite plate to wear at night and he also did the whole filing my teeth to realign my bite thing.  Alas, it did me no good at all.

If it worked for you that's awesome and I hope it can help others but for now I will continue to worship at the feet of the God of O2 and the Goddess RC
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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #4 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 11:41am
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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #5 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 11:54am
I am glad for your long remission. I wouldn't throw away my 02 if I were you. I think it would be a mistake for you to assume the correction of your bite has done anything to CH. Just my opinion.
all the best
the bb
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CH.com Old Timer


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Re: Five Years Headache-Free
Reply #6 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 11:22pm
I want to keep an open mind.  I've had years of dental work hell. 

But I'd really like to know exactly how this dentist thinks it's all about your bite...that is, how does he account for all of the evidence relating to serotonin receptors, hypothalamus overractivity, vasodilation, etc.?

And my other question would be, are you 100% sure that this was CH?  the fact that none of the usual remedies helped, but this unusual one did, makes me wonder if you were misdiagnosed. 

And you say that he said the misalignment was sending a continuous stream of impulses- if that's true, you would be in constant pain 24/7.  I know- I've been there.

Seriously, I'm very glad you are pain free now, but next to CH and kidney stones, I wouldn't wish that much dental work on anybody.
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