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New supporter.. looking for advice (Read 8573 times)
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New supporter.. looking for advice
Oct 26th, 2009 at 11:33am

My husband has recently been diagnosed with cluster headaches. He has an MRI tomorrow just to rule other stuff out but his neuro is 99% sure.

It's a very scary time and I'm just looking to see if any of you have any advice, suggestions how to deal with it.

So far my husband doesn't seem completely typical (we are half hoping the MRI shows something up). His really bad "headaches" only seem to last between 5 mins to 25 mins. I am pretty sure they are what you lot would call a Kip 9 or 10 and if they lasted any longer he would probably try and kill him self, he says that's what he thinks when it's happening as the pain is so bad. Usually he will go unconscious/fall asleep for about 30 secs 2 mins, sometimes they come back after, some times this signals the end.

The other abnormality is the side of the pain, it's not always the same, it seems to switch, but is 99% of the time centralised around his eye (as others describe).

Currently he's on verrapamil (sp?) on 240mg a day I think, started at 80 and doc been increasing it. Also trying the water treatment, not sure if either are working, but the duration of the headaches seems to be getting less..

Ok, so I'm waffling now, just don't know what to do.. want to ask the doc for oxygen just to stop the pain, but don't know if the pain lasts long enough for it to do any good (God I don't know how you lot cope with it any longer)

Also don't know what to do if they do last too long.. have taken him to hospital before but they just give him paracetamol (but that was before they got really bad)!!

How do you know when it's time to call an ambulance (my husband wouldn't be able to tell me.. he's just there banging his head, trying to pull his hair out, or his face off, squirming all over the place, murmuring "stop stop") and what on earth do you tell them when they arrive??

He's so scared when it does stop that they are going to come back that I think him stressing causes it to come back..!

Currently there's barely a pattern, just usually they happen sometime close to bed time. Can't work out what are his triggers, altho alcohol doesn't appear to be one luckily, altho taking veripamil with beer makes him v drunk which is funny! Roll Eyes

Ok.. thanks for reading, and sorry about the waffling.

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #1 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:07pm
Welcome B.  I'm sorry for the reason you are here, but am glad you found us.  I too, am a supporter.  My hubby was diagnosed 18 years ago, but suffered from them long before that.

I'm glad to see you are doing this diagnosis in the "right" way.  The MRI may rule out other, more sinister things, and you are left with CH.  I'll tell you first that CH alone won't kill him.  It may seem like it will, but it's not fatal.  The pain is horrific (you know this already from watching), but IT WILL END. 

I suggest you read everything you can on the O2 therapy.  The proper use of oxygen has saved many a sufferer here.  The important thing is PROPER use.  Huffing a little O2 for a minute or so won't help - and then many say it doesn't work for them.  One must have the proper mask, the proper flow rate, and the proper frame of mind in order for it to work.  Read, read read, and have your sufferer do the same.  CH CAN be managed and treated - just not cured yet.

Ambulance?  Never for us.  Even in your beginning stages of reading about CH now, you know more than most medical personnel in ER's across the country. Find a neuro that knows CH, will properly manage the cycles, prescribes O2 ON DEMAND, and you'll never need an ambulance for CH.

My hubby was episodic (several cycles a year) and then became chronic (multiple hits a day for 18 months at a time).  Both his chronic cycles were mitigated by hospitalization for DHE treatment (you and your hub should read up on those).  DHE isn't something that works for everyone and can't be used by some, but it's helped him break two un-Godly chronic cycles.

Please encourage your hubby to come here and chat with other sufferers.  The relief of knowing he's not alone goes a long way to empowering him in his treatment.  The supporters and sufferers here are the best people I've ever met - they are my friends and have become my cyber family.

We're here when you need us.  Good luck.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #2 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:19pm
Hi B - I will echo what Mosiacwench said. My husband has been suffering from these for at least 30 years, probably longer. We were fortunate in that when I finally suggested that excedrin PM might not be enough for his "headaches" and we went to see the doctor - his MD has a brother in law with CH. So he immediately put us in touch with a good neuro.

In explaining his CH to a co-worker, who then started googling CH, we found this board. My husband (Guiseppi on the board) began his ch.com friendship with many here. It's here we learned out oxygen therapy works, about possible supplements, etc.

We've never called the ambulence but I know others who have before they knew the issue was CH. The sufferers seem to appreciate the interaction and support they get from each other. We supporters hang out here too, as we also need our moral support. Our dear husbands (or wives) can get a little "snarky" when the headaches have them down and we all need to be here for each other because we  know it's the "headache" or the "meds" talking.

Get the O2, a good regulator and a non-rebreather mask. If the verapimil doesn't work, as the neuro about lithium. That's what my husband takes on cycle.

Good luck B and keep talking to us. What part of the world are you in?

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #3 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:44pm

Thanks for your replies! I'm in the UK. I have found the UK Ouch board but doesn't seem very active so I came here.

My husband has had a look on here, not posted yet though I don't think.

How long do your sufferers pain last? Does my Husband sound "normal" to you?

I  know the MRI will show anything that's there, but the similarities to everyone here are too many to be a coincidence.

From what I have read on 02 it takes about 10mins to work, by which time he's usually ok anyway.. so do you reckon it'd be right for him?

Should we try for this first or go for the lithium etc?
Veripamil is having some sides effects on him not bad ones, but he cant be on em forever..

At the moment I am finding it difficult seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am just praying he's not chronic and that they will stop for a bit.

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #4 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:56pm
The pain sure sounds familiar, the only thing IMHO is a few points contradict my own experiences with CH.

My shortest clusterheadache lasted 30 minutes, and I average about 50minutes.  I've never had one last less than 30minutes, and nver had one persist beyond the 2 hour point.  5-10minutes is not normal, for me.

Also, you mentioned the pain being near a kip 9-10 and your husband falling asleep.  Is it AFTER the hit that he falls asleep? cause that would be normal for me.

but if he is trying to sleep THROUGH the pain, that is uncharacteristic.  Anyone I've spoken to knows a Kip 8+ would be painful enough to wake me from a coma! and theres no way I can sleep/be still during a hit.  Im the pacing around the rooms while yelling and clutching my poor head type.

but CH are crazy. everyone has their particularities. get the MRI, rule everything out.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #5 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:57pm
Hi B,
I'm glad you found us although I'm sorry for the reason.

My hubby, Blake, has been a chronic for years.  It's a tough deal but you all will learn to manage and it does get better.

You've received some great advice from two of the best supporters around, Pat & Christy.

You all are in the early stages (if it is indeed clusters) but it's not to early to start a plan.  By that I mean 'what does he want you to do during an attack'.  As his supporter you are also his biggest and best advocate.  Read and study all you can.  There is a wealth of knowledge here and on the OUCH website (button on the left).  Knowledge is power, Sweetie.

We've never been to the ER.  Most CHers will tell you it's a wasted trip.

Oxygen therapy is used by most sufferers with great success.  It's important to administer it properly....the information posted on the 'oxygen info' (yellow button on the left) is VERY good.

Hang in there, Sweetie.  Ask questions and we'll do anything we can to help.  There is always someone around.

Good luck and big hugs,
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #6 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 1:46pm
Just to clarify what Martin wrote, CH pain and duration is different for everyone. 

My hubby (Brew here on CH.com) can sometimes abort a hit with O2 in 2 minutes.  Sometimes longer, but usually 10 minutes or less.  His trick is to not let it get too bad before he hits the O2.  We have an "M" tank in the living room just for this purpose  (the "M" tank is the one about 4.5 feet tall).  His worst CH attack lasted about 6 hours (that's what got him inpatient for DHE treatments).  That 6 hour attack was also at the end of a chronic cycle that lasted 18 months and got progressively, horrifically worse over those 18 months.

O2 has virtually no side effects and is cheap as far as treatments go.  It's a great line of defense against this evil creature.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #7 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 1:53pm
Jackie wrote on Oct 26th, 2009 at 12:57pm:
Hi B,

You've received some great advice from two of the best supporters around, Pat & Christy.

You all are in the early stages (if it is indeed clusters) but it's not to early to start a plan.  By that I mean 'what does he want you to do during an attack'.  As his supporter you are also his biggest and best advocate. 

Jackie is right - plan NOW for the hits to come later.  When all is well, talk about what he wants you to do for him.  Get coffee?  Ice pack?  Hold his hand?

But be prepared for the answer that a LOT of us get - "leave. me. alone."

It's the hardest, most counter-intuitive thing in the world to walk away from a loved one in pain . . . .but if that's how he deals with the pain best, you have to be prepared to do it.

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent on the patio, in the garage, in the basement, wherever, knowing my hubby was fighting the beast and I had to stay away.

But if my staying away makes it easier for him, then I'll do it.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #8 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 2:35pm
To add on to what Pat and Jackie said - I try to keep the house quiet when he's on cycle. My dear husband doesn't like chaos/confusion/clutter on a good day, so on a CH day that would send him over the edge. When the kids were little we'd leave him home and go sommeplace. He often sleeps after getting hit, like he's just so worn out. He also likes the house to be cool, but not cold. so he'll curl up on the bed and take a nap, or in his recliner as far as that goes.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #9 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 5:42pm
QnHeartMM wrote on Oct 26th, 2009 at 2:35pm:
I try to keep the house quiet when he's on cycle.

Does your house normally make a lot of noise? Grin

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #10 - Oct 26th, 2009 at 6:10pm
Brew wrote on Oct 26th, 2009 at 5:42pm:
QnHeartMM wrote on Oct 26th, 2009 at 2:35pm:
I try to keep the house quiet when he's on cycle.

Does your house normally make a lot of noise? Grin

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

doesn't everyone's? Tongue
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #11 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 4:39am
Thanks for more great replies..
We have had the discussion before of what he wants me to do.. when he's really bad he says he doesn't have a clue.. Luckily he doesn't want me leaving him alone, but he doesn't want anyone else near him.. we haven't got kids yet, we've only been married a year.. and God what a first year it's been!!

At the moment he's still scared by them.. so am I, but more so because he's going to hurt himself rather than them.  Sad

But hey got the MRI this afternoon.. but as usual god knows how long til we get the results!
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #12 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 8:37am
Best of luck to you both today. We'll be waiting to hear B.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #13 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 11:31am
Hello B,

I've been a chronic sufferer for 22 yrs. now and I want to commend you for sticking by your husband trying to get to the bottom of all this.

One thing you said that stuck out in your first post is when you said he goes "unconscious/falls asleep"   To me their IS a big difference.   Being tired and wiped after a hit is normal.  Blacking out...isn't. 

I, like all the rest here are waiting to hear what the Dr. says so I hope and pray you come back here to report.  We all care deeply.

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #14 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 4:54pm
Does my Husband sound "normal" to you?
Normal for Ch that is. relax. Get the 02.
Dont worry your in good hands with these ladies here. Do what they say and all will be well.
the bb Smiley
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #15 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 9:51pm
Dont worry your in good hands with these ladies here. Do what they say and all will be well.

Why thank you John.. Kiss
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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #16 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 12:20am
Yes indeed, thank you bbz! 

Remember B, "normal" is a setting on the washing machine.  Certainly nothing to aspire to!

Waiting to hear about that MRI . . . . Cool
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #17 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 9:10am
Apparently we must wait 2 weeks for a letter from the neuro.. hmmm..!  But will let you know when we hear.. not quite sure what I am hoping for..
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #18 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 10:56am
Well that sucks, doesn't it?   He must have very slow handwriting to take 2 weeks to write a letter.  Roll Eyes

I feel almost as frustrated as you probably feel right now, but this kind of thing happens to a lot of us when dealing with the medical community.  Angry
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #19 - Nov 6th, 2009 at 11:42pm
Just a suggestion, you may want to read about Trigemial Neuralgia. It has CH type symptoms and what you describe made me look at it.

Good luck, Don
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #20 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 11:39am
Skyhawk5 wrote on Nov 6th, 2009 at 11:42pm:
Just a suggestion, you may want to read about Trigemial Neuralgia. It has CH type symptoms and what you describe made me look at it.

Good luck, Don

Hi Don!

Thanks for the suggestion, we have both read up and it and are intrigued. It has some similarities but he doesn't have the trigger points it suggests.

Anyway, off to the docs tomorrow to try and convince him to prescribe oxygen..! See if that helps! Smiley
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #21 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 5:17pm
I am a supporter too but I have a 24 yr old daughter. She has only had CH for 3 yrs. I can remember some of the feeligs you've had. She seemed to morph into CH from migraines and I was pretty much in denial that it was CH. I didn't think she had enough symptoms. It started in July 06 and by Oct 06 it began to develop a pretty clear pattern and more symptoms. We used the ER alot inthe beginning because they could give her iv meds or shots that stopped it but in hind sight that wasn't doing anything long term. One time they strapped her down so that she would stay still and stop banging herself. Not good! In Nov. they put her inpatient for a week to observe her and try various meds. That was the week I figured out just how well the o2 worked. The routine was to put her on o2 and give her a shot of toridol when ever she had an attack. 10 min later it was over. I asked if just once we could try just the o2 and if it wasnt over in a reasonable time then try the toridol. It was over in 10 min., no toridol. She likes me to be with her because it's scary for her. Many people told me they want to be alone. I think this varies. You will figure it out. That first yr was so much research and experimenting and this group of people were so helpful. Good luck with the MRI.

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #22 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 7:39am

Just to let you know.. his MRI results came back and they are all clear..! So it's almost definitely these things..! Went to GPs yesterday and had his verapamil up'd again, and the doctor actually suggested oxygen, but wants to check with the neuro first.. but hopefully that'll be good.. also getting tested for the hormone levels.. may as well give it a go!

We'll see what happens..!

Hi Charlotte
It's nice to hear from someone who felt the same as I do! Can't imagine her being strapped down tho..!! That must have been awful!  He's started arguing and swearing at them now rather than whimpering which is better.. sounds horrible, but he's getting used to them and knows they will stop.

He doesn't really have a pattern yet, they are all over the place.. and we can't work out any triggers or anything which is very frustrating.

I am glad I found this website..! Helps me realise altho he's hurting like hell he's not going to die from it!
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #23 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 10:38am
Just so you know, some people have triggers. Most do not.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #24 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 3:40pm
And some triggers come and go.  Things that will trigger this month may not next month or next week or next year . . . .damn beast.  He's a cagey one.
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