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New supporter.. looking for advice (Read 8570 times)
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #25 - Nov 12th, 2009 at 10:15pm
We are also new my husband has been suffering since Sept 17 with ch.  The last episode being two years ago but not diagnosed.  We are exhausted and we freely admit we need other people who understand.  It has taken  a horrible toll on our marriage and on our finances.  As, he has been unable to work since Sept 17 and I have had to major surgeries in July and August.  We are at out wits end.  He is now on Depakote 2000 mg daily,folic acid and B12 injections daily.  How do you all work?  How do you keep it together.  I want to help but I have exhausted every avenue I know.  Thank God we found you all!  Thanks.  We would appreciate any advice that you can give.  When will people ever learn that people need people.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #26 - Nov 12th, 2009 at 10:29pm
I know you are new, so I want you to look up at the top of this page on the left where it says.."Good evening trucker.  You have 1 message.   Click on it.  Wink

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #27 - Nov 17th, 2009 at 3:22pm
The way I work is as such: I always have O2 with me to abort. I start on one of the combination of two preventatives that make up the cocktail that eliminates 90-95% of my hits - lithium. If and when they start breaking through that, I start on the other - verapamil. I don't like taking this one as it makes me tired and drains me of energy, and the sexual side-effects suck. But it's a trade off.

The only time I've missed work due to CH in 20 years is two times I was hospitalized for three days each time - IV DHE-45 treatments.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #28 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 1:26pm
My husband was diagnosed with CH about one month ago.  He was having headaches around the clock but now just at night.  He has been put on more Depakote and B12 injections and folic acid.  He goes back to the neurologist today.  This has completely torn our life apart.  I had to have two emergency surgeries this summer and have not been able to do rehab due to the care that he has needed this summer and fall.  He seems to be better.  I pray that he does not hurt and have sent a note to the neurologist asking about oxygen therapy and imitrex injections.  I don't see light at the end of the tunnel either.  I feel hopeless.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #29 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:11am
Trucker, I understand your feelings of hopelessness, but hopefully as you and your hubby read through the information on this site you will see that people Do and CAN live with CH. It's all about getting the mix of treatment - both preventative and abortive - that work for him. Lithium and Verapmil are common preventatives, taken at appropriate dosages.  Then the Oxygen therapy, and imitrex if necessary to get through any hits that break through. These are the things you should discuss with his Neuro.

Good luck.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #30 - Nov 23rd, 2009 at 8:30pm
I am new to ch, have had 2 episodes. Have had an mri which is ok. I seem to be getting migraines several times a week now. I havent decided what to do about this. my episodes come during the day. I have all the classic symptoms and took the quiz. My GP is willing to give me o2 and meds but im hesitant. Should I wait for my next episode? Do episodes get progessively worse?
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #31 - Nov 24th, 2009 at 3:29pm
catlover wrote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 8:30pm:
I am new to ch, have had 2 episodes. Have had an mri which is ok. I seem to be getting migraines several times a week now. I havent decided what to do about this. my episodes come during the day. I have all the classic symptoms and took the quiz. My GP is willing to give me o2 and meds but im hesitant. Should I wait for my next episode? Do episodes get progessively worse?

ummm, migrains and clusters are seperate. just for your info.

if you're diagnosed with clusters, I would get the 02 and meds ASAP. don't wait till they come back; get prepared for WHEN they come back. 02 is safe to use, so theres no harm in arming yourself with it.

Episodes can get worse, get better, dissappear, go into remissions for years.
some episodic sufferers turn chronic, and go with little or no releif from the headaches. some chronic sufferers go episodic.
you'll have to wait and see for yourself. best of luck!
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #32 - Nov 26th, 2009 at 11:18am
Hi B,
I'm in the UK too.  Although I'm a chronic sufferer, I recognise a lot of your worry.  My wife still worries terribly after 9 years of first ECH and then 4 years ago I went CCH.  Just go with your heart!  My wonderful wife doesn't try and stop me banging my head on our garage wall, but she has got me to put hardboard with loft insulation behind it on the wall I use.  She now knows that at least I won't fracture my skull!  She finds seeing me so bad very distressing, but we long ago threw away thoughts of Ambulance and A&E - you just lie on a trolley and wait for 3 hours.  Then the doctor finds out your CH and offers no treatment, other then telling me to contact my Neuro!
Second, you seem to infer that 'at least' you don't have kids yet is a relief.  Well I can only tell you from a CCH my viewpoint.  We have two great girls, one nearly ten and one very much younger.  They have no problem seeing daddy like I am, because it's all they've ever known and once they are able to be reassured that this is 'normal' behaviour for daddy then like all kids it's 'OK lets play!'.  The major strain would be on you, cos when I'm out of it, I'm pretty darn useless, but then once it eases to say a KIP 6 , I'm ready to get on with it again and give my wife a break and play with the kids etc.
Don't be surprised about two weeks for Neuro letter.  I'm under UCLH and two weeks would be amazingly quick.  My Consultant at the National Neuro apologised for the delay because she hadn't had a secretary for 4 months!.
Hang in there B, oh and I found it a great help when my wife finally opened up about how she felt - you see it's not just your partner living with CH - you are too and you make a CH sufferer proud that you carers agree strong enough not to just 'cut and run'
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #33 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 11:10am
Hi exmed1!

Thank you for your reply!
It is reassuring!

We're now not sure if he's actually got clusters or not..

A few weeks ago I could not wake him in the morning, he had an attack the night before and the morning after its usually quite difficult to wake him but this was much worse.. he'd part open his eyes and let out a groan and that was it. He remembers none of it, but seemed none the worse for it when he eventually came back to life!
I couldn't get a GP appointment for him (bloody NHS), so out of desperation called the hospital to try get hold of his neuro.. but only got an answer machine.. so left a message.. eventually the neuro called!

Since then things are moving along and currently my husband is bouncing between the GP and neuro each week.. the neuro is not sure exactly what he's got as the pain usually only lasts 5/10 mins (the most its ever been is 25mins) and he was going practically unconscious after an attack, and sometimes just before as well.. only for 30 secs a min.. which noone on here reported..
One attack takes him out for the whole day, so he's signed off work at th mo.

The poor thing is on 460mg of verapimil now, which has lowered his BP and now he's falling over alot.. and on 6 tablets a day of an anti inflammatory..

Neuro thinks he may have Trigeminal Neuralgia (apparently anti inflammatory may help that), but his symptoms don't really match that either..!
None of the tablets appear to be doing anything.. except making him tired and have an acidy stomach, and he seems to be having more hits rather than less, but I don't think they are as painful, and he's not quite so out of it after..

But MRI shows nothing.. so we're at a loss..!  Sad

(if any of this rings any bells to anyone please let me know!)

Sorry to ramble there.. but I haven't posted for a while..!

Again thanks for all the replies I am getting!


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« Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2009 at 11:10am by B »  
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #34 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 11:43am
Has your husband tried indomethacin?

I have to ask too, is his neuro a headache specialist? Not all neuro's are and it sounds a little too like your husband is a guinea pig here.

Whereabouts in the UK are you?

I promise, I will try and help!
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #35 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 11:55am
Has anyone considered BAM or basilar arterial migraine? I have been thinking of this since I posted a minute or so ago and just wanted to mention it. I know it's "considered" to be largely women who get it but, what do you know?! CH is primarily middle aged men and me (female) and my primary school age son can testifiy against that!

Basilar Arterial Migraine involves a disturbance of the basilar artery in the brainstem. Symptoms can include severe headache, vertigo, double vision, slurred speech, and poor muscle coordination amongst other things and one thing that is important to know about them is triptans are dangerous in this headache type.

I am NOT a doctor - I don't want you to think my opinion holds any "weight" for a minute, it was just something that seemed to ring a bell with some of the things in your post.
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #36 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 12:54pm
Hi Lelimey!

Thanks for your reply!
He's on indomethcin at the moment.. that's the antinflamatory just couldn't remember the name..!
I'm not sure if the neuro is a head ache specialist or not..? We're in Bedfordshire, using the Lister Hospital in Stevenage..

I have never heard of this Bam thing.. just did a quick google but not come up with much yet.. the pain he gets is similar to that of ch, (as in as painful as described here, and in same place) I thought the pain of migranes wasn't painful enough? I dont know tho.. open to any ideas!

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #37 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 1:15pm
Well if cluster meds and meds for Trigeminal Neuralgia aren't working - it may not be either! Indo will also rule out Paroxysmal Hemicrania and Sunct which are TAC group with CH, (Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia's )

Migraine is a severe and debilitating condition. Some varieties and attacks may not be as severe as others but some are damn awful. BAM is a very intense pain from what I know of it.

The fact he has difficulty in recovering fro an attack would make me think it's possibly not a headache condition at all merely a condition with headache as a secondary factor. I'm very glad he's had an mri, that rules out a lot of more ugly stuff at least. A CAT scan might be a useful diagnostic tool too as they show different things to MRIS.

If he get's offered one, definitely take it! Has he had any blood work done?

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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #38 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 5:26am
Hello again!

Sorry for the delay.. I don't get on the computer really over the weekend! He had a CT when they thought he had something wrong with his sinuses before they finally decided on ch, but also didn't show anything.

Its strange his pain is very specific.. it lasts about 10mins, then he has about a 10/15 min break and then it comes back for another 8-10 mins. It very rarely differs from this.
He says his tablets are making him feel less "out of it" afterwards, but thats about it. The frequency of the hit is now increasing. He has at least 1 attack a day now, where as before it was a few a week. Usually just as he's going to bed (regardless of the time), then sometimes again when he wakes.
He's been signed off work, now on his third week, as he can't concentrate and is not awake enough.

I am still trying to do research into these BAMs but not coming up with much..

I hope the neuro has a brain wave on Thursday when we see him again and realises what's going on and gives him a magic pill and he's all better!
I just want my normal husband back!!  Cry
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #39 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 7:15am
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"I have been asked if I have changed in these past 25 years. No, I am the same. Only more so."  --Ayn Rand
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Re: New supporter.. looking for advice
Reply #40 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 10:11am
Brew wrote on Dec 7th, 2009 at 7:15am:
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Cheeky!! Cheesy 
I have googled it.. but the info its giving doesn't help with the amount or duration of the pain..! Maybe I'm missing something?
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