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What else can I do? (Read 6445 times)
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What else can I do?
Feb 25th, 2011 at 2:42am
I have to say I hate it. It comes incycles and I can't sleep because I don't know when he'll need em to do soemthing. Sumatrip. helps sometimes and sometimes not. Cold helped a bit. I am so annoyed and wish it would go away. I end up feeling sick with worry. Any help, words etc. would be appreciated.
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #1 - Feb 25th, 2011 at 7:17am
Hi Loopy and welcome to ch.com.....sorry that you find a need to be here but when it comes to CH it's the best place to be.  There is a ton of understanding and support here.

The best thing you can do for starters is read, read and read.  Knowledge is power when helping your sufferer.  By reading here and on the OUCH site (button on the left) you may fine some things to bring him relief.

Talk about what he wants you to do.  There really isn't much but you can get what he needs during and after an attack.  Have a plan...does he want you there or does he want to be alone (some want to be totally left alone...some don't),  make sure that what he needs it available (02, ice, triptans),  keep a positive attitude and try to keep his spirits up,  show him love and understanding.

If he's not here have him join.  Clusterheads find comfort in knowing that they are not alone.  Talking to others helps.

Hang in there.  It's tough but you can do it and always remember that as terrible as it is, it's not terminal.

Ask questions...talk to us.  There is always someone around to help.

(wife of sufferer)
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #2 - Feb 25th, 2011 at 8:40am
First off bless your heart for being a supporter. My wife has stuck with me for almost 32 years of these damned things, she found the original streaming CH board a miullion years ago and saved my sanity. We're quite fond of our supporters. Smiley

Read this link, oxygen has all but eliminated my use of imitrex. It's taken away most of the beats ability to scare me! Wink

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Wishing your CH'er some pain free time soon.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #3 - Feb 25th, 2011 at 9:54am
Hi Loopy, hang in there, we feel ya, for sure!

My husband has had cluster headaches for going on 16 years now, and we've been together for 12. I remember, so vividly, the lost feeling before we knew anything more than a name for these. Doctors had no more options, so that meant there was nothing more we could do- or so we thought. And then we came here. And the realization that there is not one or 2 more things that might work but a multitude of things that DO work was almost enough to bring me to my knees. There was hope!

Now- I can only speak from personal experience, god knows I can' tell you what would work for you. But me- I would be DAMNED if I was going to lose a fight with these headaches when the prize was my husband! And so I studied like a mad woman. I learned, and I applied what I learned. I would hand him his Melatonin pills and remind him to take them. I got us an O2 set up and cajoled him to get on O2 at the first inkling of a headache- not wait to see if it actually was one. (which makes O2 less effective, by the way) I'd keep an eye on our Imitrex stockpile- but remind him to try O2 first but not beat him up if he was just to exhausted and just wanted the nasal spray so he could go back to sleep fast. I'd remind him to drink his red bull. And I would sit with him through his headaches. If he woke in the night then I would try to be up with him.  He needed me- so I was there.

And it was at another level too. What he wouldn't do for himself (hope these treatments would work and keep at them correctly) he WOULD do for me. We'd spent years trying new things doctors prescribed and not having them work (the oxygen concentrator with the rebreathing mask comes to mind...) Hope can be crushing when it is dashed over and over again- I get that. And so it was easier to not get his hope up in the first place. And he was exhausted and all his energy went into surviving the hits (I call them attacks- the term headache is WOEFULLY insufficient), he had no energy for anything else- even hope, for a time. But I did.

Here is what I would say- knowledge is power and action wins over depression everytime. Take an active hand in his treatment. Go to doctors appointments. Take notes. Hand him his medicine. Ask him what he needs from you. My husband likes me with him during a hit- but others like to feel like their headaches are not affecting the family and want to take care of their headache in private and then come back as if nothing happened. To each his own. TALK to your sufferer- see what he'd like you to do.

Many of us have dragged a sufferer, kicking and maoning, to relief. I promise you can too. While it hasn't taken all of the pain out of this for him, or blocked all of Lucas's hits; it has completely rid us of FEAR. That was invaluable. I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything!
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #4 - Mar 6th, 2011 at 4:27pm
Thank you so much for this post! i'm trying to absorb as much as I can and tired of feeling so helpless, really trying to help my hubby. Thanks again!
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #5 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 5:42pm
i don't have any advice because i'm in the same boat right now..but feel free to send me a message if you ever just want to vent/talk/etc.
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Albuquerque, NM
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #6 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 10:48pm
It's just good to know that there are others out there who know what you're going thru - thanks!
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I AM a Phoenix!

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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #7 - Mar 8th, 2011 at 9:24pm
Hello new supporters, my name is Christy and I am married to Guiseppi who posted earlier. As he (Joe) said, you're over a major hurdle in that you're here. Getting the diagnosis finally was huge for us, but back then the docs were just throwing narcotics at him. I was scared to death of him driving under the influence of his prescriptions, taking care of the kids, etc. And then i called his doctor and asked for a meeting. I guess the doctor realized the problem required more than drugs and sent us to a neuro. So between that, and then over time finding this site, we have found our way with things like O2, preventatives, energy drinks etc.

So when Joe's on cycle he likes privacy with his hits. But when I "feel" his absense, or hear the o2 tank clank as he sets himself up, I just quietly take him a redbull (he prefers the sugar free) and an ice pack. I make sure he's ok, and then I leave the room (or garage where he often hides) but stay within hearing range.

Once he aborts he just likes to rest, so I leave him be.

We keep redbull in the car and his tank when we go places while he's in cycle. And Imitrex too, just in case. You never know.

We used to have CH ruin our family time, but now we're more in control. I like what Lauren said, - I too can fight CH when I know the prize is my BFF.

hang in there and let us know how we can help you. Do check out Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register too when you can.
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Chester UK
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #8 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 9:52am
I hope you don't mind me posting in the supports page.
I am a sufferer and my husband is not supportive, he's a "for god sake its only a headache" kind.
I have tried to give him the information and talk to him about this thing that haunts me but to no avail,
I so admire you all for being there, I now take full support from this site and have met 1 other sufferer and plan on meeting up with another next week.
We all find our own ways to cope and exist and I'm afraid to say I borrow some of your support.
Keep strong
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If you see something you want.. reach out and grab it with both hands.....just watch out you dont get a smack in the chops for grabbing the wrong thing!!!
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I AM a Phoenix!

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San Diego, CA
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #9 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 8:39pm
So sorry 37-41 that your husband doesn't really understand CH. I pray he will someday. In the meantime we are happy to be your family.  I see you're in the UK, hope you have met some of your "family" there. We were on holiday there last summer and met AndrewJB - very pleasant day with them.

Please let us know when you need an ear!
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #10 - Mar 10th, 2011 at 4:11am
Hi Christy & thank you for your kind words

I am over in the UK and have met up with 1 other sufferer so far... but thanks to this forum I am planing on meeting up with another next week!
Plus I have made contact with the leading neurologist in this area..I have the referral pathway so its off to the GP for me!!

Sue  Smiley
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If you see something you want.. reach out and grab it with both hands.....just watch out you dont get a smack in the chops for grabbing the wrong thing!!!
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #11 - Mar 10th, 2011 at 11:02am
As a sufferer I like to be left alone, my wife doesnt see most of my hits as there night ones but she asks me nearly every morning how im feeling, even during PF days/months. How my wife really helps is by being there to talk to after a bad Hit/night/week and she makes sure ive got everything before we leave the house.

I love all you suporters out there, you deserve a whole chest of medals and honours because with out you by our sides the name suicidal headache would be more prominent.

Mark (>>>>>> sending you all HUGS)
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #12 - Mar 11th, 2011 at 2:52am
-I try to make sure he has anything available that might even remotely help with a hit.
-Research and understand as much as I can. He isn't able to yet.
-Keep learning about the different things that help different people.
-Stock up on ice packs, try all sorts of different kinds (there are some that are softer on the skin, stay colder longer, or stay/shape better on the shoulder/neck.
-Keep the energy drinks available. Bring him new flavors/types to try. Often they feel bad about buying it (expensive) but feel blessed when its just there and ready when they need it.
-Take care of yourself, your family, try and keep the balance of life as much as possible. They already feel so bad, it makes them feel worse to see it affect the family any more than it has too.

-Think of a special way to bless him or her. This cycle I surprised my hubby with a nice cushy bean bag chair in the corner of our master bath where he curls up in the dark if the beast isn't making him dance, some fancy dancy new reading material (Calvin & Hobbes Smiley) and one of those new fan-dangled twisty pillows to help balance the icepack against his head as he leans into the corner. (His hands get cold and tired after holding an ice pack for so long.) Little things say "I care" in a very big way...


RESEARCH the risks associated with all drugs before he takes them. Print out that info so he can make a good choice based on the facts, not just what the doctors will tell you.

oh, and sneak down stairs and cover him with a blanket if he falls asleep on the couch after pacing for 3 hours.
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Words can not express the gratitude I have for all of you who have, in the midst of such great pain, reached out and helped so many...
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #13 - Mar 11th, 2011 at 5:43pm
High Five, Dereksgirl!

I read your post and thought "THAT a girl!"
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #14 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 3:32am
McGee said...
I love all you supporters out there, you deserve a whole chest of medals and honours because with out you by our sides the name suicidal headache would be more prominent.

I agree wholeheartedly with McGee here, he says it all!

Ladies ( Jackie,Lauren17,QnHeartMM,dereksgirl ) and the other life savers on this board and in the background, it's you that makes the seemingly impossible and unbearable, possible and bearable....

Your Compassion and Thoughtfulness shown in the above posts, are a Benchmark in Care and Love!

Respect,a Salute and Thank you for being YOU!

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"An old Wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.."
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #15 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 5:18am
I echo those words Gaz (Batty)

I can't imagine how supporters feel when they see their loved ones going through an attack.
I imagine helpless, scared, frustrated, sad and many many more emotions.

The posts above are full of compassion and love, your sufferers are so lucky to have you, I'm glad your willing to share your experiences on here.
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If you see something you want.. reach out and grab it with both hands.....just watch out you dont get a smack in the chops for grabbing the wrong thing!!!
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CH.com Veteran

I thought it was CH...but
my helmet is too tight!

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E'Port Cheshire UK
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #16 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 5:29am
Here 37-41, take an Oar!


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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2011 at 5:29am by Batty »  

"An old Wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.."
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I AM a Phoenix!

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San Diego, CA
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #17 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 11:16am
thanks for the kind words. Honestly, we're just paying it forward. I don't know what I would have done without Linda, Pat, Jackie and others. Not to mention all the sufferers who coached Joe. We thought we had CH under control by the time we found this, but oh my, life got so much better wtih the sharing from here.

Folks on CH have become our family. We see the annual gatherings (OUCH or otherwise) as our opportunity to vacation with friends. Hope you'll join us some time so your loved ones can meet other sufferers in person, and so can you.  We'll be in Nashville in July. Check out the info on Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register
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Re: What else can I do?
Reply #18 - Mar 21st, 2011 at 5:21pm
Do any of you supporters have the link to Cluster Chuck getting hit?   I can't find it right now.  Maybe seeing that would help her husband understand a bit????

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