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Hello from a New Supporter (Read 3112 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Hello from a New Supporter
Jul 29th, 2011 at 5:18am
Hi all. I've been reading the message boards for the past month or so but I haven't had the courage to post my story yet. Truth is, I'm still just learning. My boyfriend has them, and he's currently in a pattern. I remember he had one the first weekend we spent together, and he said that I helped. I don't know what I did other than kiss his forehead and beg God, but apparently it helped. I think now that we are in love and we really trust each other, he's more comfortable showing me his pain...or else it's just getting harder to hide the pain. I can't tell. Now I hold him as he gasps and twitches in pain, dreading the day when my kisses and gentle words won't be enough to calm the beast.

He's tried a lot of different meds in his lifetime, and I'm overwhelmed with how much I have to learn about what doesn't work and what he hasn't tried yet. He's frustrated with missing so much work. I'm frustrated with watching his frustration and wishing I could do something about it.

I love him and I'm in it for the long haul. That's why I'm on here.

Thanks, and I hope to get to know you all and share tips or suggestions in the future.

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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #1 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 7:06am
Hi Hayley  Smiley

Plain and simple...CH sucks big time.  It hurts to watch the person we love in so much pain knowing there's nothing we can do to help get rid of that pain. 

Your doing one of the best things that you can do to help him.  Your educating yourself.  Read the board and read all the tabs to the left especially this one
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Another good read and you can buy all this over the counter...
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Has your BF been diagnosed by a headache specialist?  If not it's very important to do so.  It will make it so much easier to get on the right track with treatment.

If you can please let us know what meds he is on and the dosages.  Sometimes dosages are way to low.

Hang in there and keep reading and asking questions.


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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #2 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 9:14am
Some quick "light" reading for you to give you an overview:

First off Flipperlips makes a great point. Are you working with a headache specialist neuro yet? We have seen the best results from doing so. There are hundreds of headache types, some which mimic CH, and it’s important to eliminate those before arriving at a firm diagnosis. I’ve had CH for 33 years, they haven’t killed me yet! You need an organized approach to managing them so they don’t manage your lives. I use a 3 pronged approach, many use a similar approach:

1: A good prevent med. A med I take daily, while on cycle, to reduce the number and intensity of my attacks. I use lithium, it blocks 60-70% of my attack. Verapamil is the most common first line prevent, topomax also has a loyal following. Some have to combine lithium and verapamil together to get relief.

2: A transitional med. Most prevents will take up to 2 weeks to become effective. I go on a prednisone taper, from 80 mg to zero over a two week period to give me a break while my prevent builds up. Prednisone will provide up to 100% relief for many CH’ers but is harsh on the system and should only be used for short periods of time.

3: An abortive therapy, the attack starts, now what? Oxygen should be your first line abortive. Breathing pure 02 will abort an attack for me in less then 10 minutes, that’s completely pain free. Read this link as it must be used correctly or it will not work.

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Imitrex nasal spray and injectables are very effective abortives. I use the injectables, they’re expensive, and I rarely use them, mostly just when I get caught away from the oxygen. The pill form generally works too slow to be effective for CH’ers.

For now, get some energy drinks. Rock Star, Monster, any containing the combo of caffeine and taurine, have him chug it down as fast as he can when he feels an attack starting. Many can abort or at least really reduce an attack using these.

Read everything you can on this board, as a supporter, knowledge is your best ally. We’ll help you all we can. And thanks for supporting my CH brother. My wife found the original streaming CH board many eons ago and saved my sanity. Also...nudge him to join the board. There are too many treatment options available, just in the last 10 years, to curl up and take the hits. Wink

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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #3 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 9:31am
Welcome Hayley - we love getting new supporters here. As Guiseppi (my husband) mentioned, I found this board for him years ago, it helped both of us cope with CH and learn effective treatments. Now we manage CH instead of it owning him when he's in cycle.

HOpe your BF is reading here too.

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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #4 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 10:05am
Hi Hayley,

Good for you for coming here! There is hope. There is help. It's just a matter of finding it yourself sometimes. This place was where my husband (Lucas) and I found both after years believing there was none of either to be had with these things.

My husband also likes if I'm with him during an attack; little good as it does physically, at least he isn't alone and he is loved. Some prefer to be alone- it's a personal thing to each sufferer. But mine prefers me with him, and so I will be- even if it means waking up in the night to sit with him.

My husband is out of cycle now and it's easy for life to be good, but one of the MOST important things you can do is try, to the very best you are able, to make life good in a cycle. It's possible, it's difficult too, I will not lie- but possible, and it helps him to hold on through the pain.

Also, don't forget it when the cycle is over. My husband and I did that for years, but no longer. I have his kit and journals ready to go. I pop over occasionally to keep up to date. We have him on Batch's formula and a few other things to try to prevent him from ever having another of these. That is my goal and I will forever be working towards that. Which leads me to...

...my main point to share. FIGHT! Fight for your man. I will be absolutely damned if I will let these things have my husband! And so I fight for him. I make him take his meds, go to his doctor, take his oxygen correctly, and research research research. I've said it before, but in a battle for Lucas, put your money on me!

*Hugs* I know how hard it is for you. We're here for you.
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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #5 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 10:11pm
Welcome to the CH Supporters family.  It will do him good to get on here and read and know that he's not alone in fighting this evil thing.  You already know it's good not to be alone.

I won't expound on all the treatments, abortives, and what have yous - there are far more knowledgeable people here who do that.

What I WILL tell you is this.  Even though I hate CH with the depth of my being, I love that because of CH I have met the most caring and loving people I've ever encountered. 

We just finished up a convention in Nashville where I got to see my dearest friends.  I never would have met them if it hadn't been for my hubby's CH.  So while you're begging God to stop this evil thing, give a small prayer of thanks that there are people willing to share their lives and their pain for the benefit of others.  I say that little prayer every day.  Because without their help, we would be in a very different, very dark, and very dreary place.

You're not alone anymore!  Welcome home.
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« Last Edit: Jul 29th, 2011 at 10:11pm by Mosaicwench »  

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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #6 - Jul 29th, 2011 at 11:23pm
Thank you all so much! I'm so happy to have found a place to help. I'll be spending my spare time doing research on here. Thanks for the tips and links, I will keep you posted.

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Beth E
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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #7 - Jul 30th, 2011 at 11:34am
Welcome Hayley!

I am new here too! But I already realize that I totally fit in here, and so will you.  I am not new to CH as my husband has suffered almost 16 years, so I am a supporter as well. I am just learning all the vocabulary here and have been reading up on sooo much.  Keep your chin up...you are not alone.

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Re: Hello from a New Supporter
Reply #8 - Aug 3rd, 2011 at 8:13pm
Try Imitrex?
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