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changes happening? (Read 4099 times)
Beth E
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changes happening?
Sep 25th, 2011 at 11:31am
As suggested on another thread, I have been "tweeking" my CHer's meds.  I have been doing it gradually.  He notices them, but takes them without saying much.  I have told him about the progress others have had, but STILL can't get him to get on any of the sites.  I have him up to 8 Vitamin D-3s and 2 Fish oils a day.  The past two nights he has slept to 7 am, not waking for his regular 3-5am hit!  The first morning, he said.."I wish I knew what I did to be able to sleep all night"!  He didn't say anything at all this morning, although both mornings he went straight to the pain killers.  (He is not fully detoxed yet. )  I have asked him occasionally, if his headaches have changed any.  He just says "things are about the same".  But from what I am "seeing" I don't think that is true.  by watching him, the hits are there, but I believe he is tolerating them much better.  Lately the weather has been screwy, so sometimes he is hit hard. No O2 yet (Grrrr) He is hesitant still.  We see a different neurologist on the 11th.  I am taking some of the information about the O2 regimen with us.  Also the D-3 and fish oil suggestions.  Hopefully they will prescribe O2.  If he goes through more of it than they think he will, I will order it from a welding supply place.  With him still not working...I don't know how we are making it financially.  Do ya think it is all in "my" mind that there "may" be changes taking place?  Why wouldn't he want to admit it? I am hoping that these natural vitamins and such are doing it for him.  I will be increasing to the suggested dosage next week.  I have been crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes hoping for some relief for him.  Thanks for listening. (reading)
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #1 - Sep 25th, 2011 at 1:29pm
This is going to sound a little harsh, but he is probably not admitting it because that's the way junkies talk. He likely wants an excuse to keep taking the pain meds.

If he truly wants to be pain free, he will have to get off the opiates. And you will not be able to make that decision for him.

He can cowboy up or he can lay there and bleed. He still has a choice while he's granted the ability to take breath.

Just my humble opinion based on the limited knowledge I have of your situation. Your mileage may vary.
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #2 - Sep 25th, 2011 at 10:08pm

Will you ask him why he is so hesitant to try 02?  If it was some major drug with side-effects I could understand that.  But this has me scratching my head and I would sure like to know how he answers that question. 

Opiates are a hard thing to let go of and that is probably why YOU see a decline in hits, especially night-time ones...and him telling you that  they are the same.  Right now I would say YOU have more clarity than he does and that is why we love and need our supporters.  You are doing good.  Don't give up and don't stop trying Beth.  HE may not know it, but he needs you now more than ever.

   Even if you have eat beans and rice for the next month, get him that 02.

My heart and prayers are with you. As with all our supporters, you are walking a tough line.
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #3 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 7:48am
I would have to say if he's starting to sleep through the night since you've started giving him the D3 and Fish Oil that they are making a difference.

Him telling you that things are the same is him just wanting to take the painkillers.  From what we've talked about in the past he has been on them for quiet some time and doesn't seem to be willing to let those go, but I promise those painkillers aren't doing a whole lot for his CH.

My hubby takes morphine for his back and neck pain, but he will be the first one to say that it doesn't do shit for his CH.  The doctors used to throw all kinds of painkillers his way and not a single solitary one touched his CH.

Even if you can't get the doc to prescribe O2 it's still fairly cheap through welding supply from what I understand.  You will figure this out and like Linda said he has nothing to lose by trying the o2 and it has no side effects.
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #4 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 8:01am
When I first met my wife, I was very hesitant to tell her about my CHs. Once I did tell her, I made the CHs sound like they were no big deal, just something I've been able to deal with in the past. It took me awhile to admit to her how bad some of my CHs get even though she witnessed me pacing around the backyard at 3am. Even now, after all the CHs she's seen me with and the O2 she's watched me suck down, I still don't relay the full pain of CHs to her.

This is what I'm getting at: I don't have any experience with painkiller usage or withdrawal but I am a man and some of us are proud until the very end. Despite all the pain in the world going on in my head, I still tell my wife I'm okay. When she asks how I'm going with the vitamins (I'm taking what your husband does), I usually give a similar answer to your husbands. In general, CH and I are in a cage match with the door locked and no room for an audience.

Continue to recommend treatments to your husband, I'm sure he appreciates the help. But don't be discouraged if his proud and stubborn nature doesn't allow him to acknowledge the success of your suggestions!
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Beth E
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #5 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 11:35am
Thank you all for your encouraging words.  And No Brew, I don't feel you are being harsh, but honest.  My fear about his pain meds and becoming addicted whether he needs them or not has been a real one for a long time.  He takes dilaudid.  Although since the last neurologist suggested he detox and then they can start on different treatments, he questions about being the "guinea pig" again.  That is why he won't try the O2.  They tried that before...but not like this.  I HAVE bought the Optimask; it  sits at the house.  He is becoming a bit mean, and years ago, had to detox from alcohol and cocaine.  Five years clean...CH hit!  I hated to see him start narcotics!!  I prayed there were other answers, but at the time, no one gave us any and I hadn't found you all yet. Sad  I remember that attitude, and have to say, I am a bit scared all over.  There have been a couple issues that have happened in the past months, that cost us...but he will not see that he could have been because of him being on those meds.  He is becoming more careless.  Although he is only permitted 5 8mg tablets in 24 hours instead of 8...that has been the only cutback Drs. have put him on.  I felt the last neuro we went to hit the nail on the head! My CHer didn't like what he said.  He is one of the best in his field at the Cleveland Clinic OH! We were lucky to get a chance to meet him.  Now under the VA, we can't go back unless their own Neuro specialists direct us there. 

I understand where you are coming from, cause even when he takes the pain killers, they barely take the edge off after 20 min. Then an hour and a half later, "they are finally kicking in"....huh???? I don't have CH, and honestly can hardly deal with a normal headache myself. But after all of the posts I have read, I am assuming...that is the  CH going away on its own...until the next hit. 

@ ClosetCHer...and you are correct too.  My Cher is a proud man. He really doesn't confide in anyone. Has been like that all his life; and only with me on a few things. So, yes, he probably doesn't want to worry me more, or have me worrying about him any more than I do.  Or babying him either.  I try not to. He will get up and work, doing what he can.  He does not drive much with the narcs in his system; could be big trouble if something happens and they find out about it.  (Had a close call about a month ago)  But he cannot go back to his former job...until...no narcs!!  He, in his mind, cannot see a life with CH.  I do now...after reading and researching.  But I don't know how much longer I can do the addictions.  (With the addicted mindset) I love him and care about him; he thinks I don't because I agree with the former Neuro and don't know what he is going through.

@ flipperlips...You and I know they aren't doing anything for the CH.  But at this time..after all these years...I'm afraid it is too late to change his mind just with words.  He also takes a med for muscle spasms in his back...but that is another story. I believe since his dosage has lowered of the dilaudid, he is feeling more in his back and takes more of those now.  I switched the melatonin to 10 mg at night, because he was issued 20mg and when I put them in his med case, he always added two more.  So I started putting two 5's in there and he takes two more.  Now he is on a safer dose.  I put them in the 10mg bottle tho, so he doesn't know.  He would be furious...but he has been sleeping a bit better with that and the vitamins.  I HATE being sneaky.  I just don't want to wake up with a cold body beside me some morning. Cry

If the Dr. doesn't go along with the O2...I AM going to purchase some.  If he doesn't give me the boot first.  I will be there for him...even quietly..if he wants me there.  But I cannot enable him anymore.  I cannot express to you all my gratitude to you for your thoughts, prayers, kind words, and care!!  Thanks for being here for me. 

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Re: changes happening?
Reply #6 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 1:02pm
But I cannot enable him anymore.

I'm glad YOU said that instead of one of us Beth. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and I'll bet anything that besides the usual frustration our supporters experience...you're walking on egg-shells around him. 

We've all had to go through several forms of meds to see which ones would work or not.  That isn't being a guinea pig.  It's simply what has to be done.  Verapamil may do wonders for one person here and nothing for the next.  It's a trial and error sort of condition we have.

You said the Dr. decreased his narcotics from 8 per day to 5.  Is he taking them all the time or only when he gets hit?  If he's taking them even when he's not getting hit then I would say you've got your answer and you're in for a tough time. He's probably afraid the 02 will work for him and he won't have that excuse anymore.  I can abort a headache in less than 10 mins. if I get on it fast enough.  Certainly a whole lot faster than it would take for a pill too work. 


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Re: changes happening?
Reply #7 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 4:00pm
If what you said is true eight, 8mg dilaudid a day,  your husband would be dead.

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Beth E
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Re: changes happening?
Reply #8 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 5:02pm
@Potter...YES!! that is what he "was" on. Now it is 5... Shocked

and @ Linda...I'm sorry to say...I believe he takes them regularly. Embarrassed  And I know he may feel that way (guinea pig) but some things are working for some of you!! So what can it hurt? Not any more than it already does...right?  He used to say that he would "do anything in the world" to get rid of them. I am soooo happy for those of you who have an abortive!!!

The last Neuro wants him fully detoxed and said it probably wouldn't be totally done for almost 6months! He has had these in his system for so long. But he also said he wouldn't work with him until he was.  He said right to my CHer's face "the narcs have taken over, and will NOT allow anything else to work properly in your body. So until they are gone, there really is nothing we can do to help you." He set up a planned detox that would be fast and rough. My CHer did not like it one bit. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I want him fully detoxed too. I know it would be a long road, but you'll never reach your destination if you don't start walkin!  Makes for a tight-rope walk for sure....an illness I think I can handle...an addiction?? Well...not so sure. I will be with him at the next Neuro appt. It is almost a 2 1/2 hour drive...but I have a feeling...it will seem even longer coming home.

Thanks for talking with me.

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Re: changes happening?
Reply #9 - Sep 27th, 2011 at 10:36am
Beth...Please listen to me about this one thing !!!!!!!

Oxygen will NOT interfere with detoxing and will help so much with the attacks when he does get them. All you can do at this point as a supporter is help him to get the 02.  Whether he uses it, is totally up to him. 

It is almost a 2 1/2 hour drive...but I have a feeling...it will seem even longer coming home.

   You're most likely correct in that assumption dear.  We're all behind you here and we support you.  Smiley
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2011 at 10:40am by Linda_Howell »  

Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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