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Help me Please Im knew and scared (Read 7327 times)
CH.com Junior

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Help me Please Im knew and scared
Oct 10th, 2011 at 11:13am
Hello all and bless this site.  Last week my almost 19 year old son told me a few days after it happened about this headache that woke him from sleep. He described what you all know as classic CH symptoms.  woke him from his sleep, pain behind right eye, laying down hurt worse, runny nose, wattery eye. I was somewhat concerned and was mad he didnt wake me when it happened. It being only one occurance I wasnt ready to panic yet, but told him in no uncertain terms if it happened again he was to wake me. Well ,, exactly 1 week later on the exact same day at the exact same time he woke me up with the same symptoms. this time I observed the drippy nose, he told me he had beey rubbing his eye as it felt strange or wattery,, he said he did not want to lay down and went to take a hot shower, which helped somewhat .. he said going down stairs and walking around felt better. We have an appointment with a neurologist tomorrow morning. Im wondering,  Can people only have a few of these a year ?? if his were a week apart is there a chance they wont become chronic ? In retrospect now I see his father gets the little mini kind that lasts only seconds but I never paid any attention to his much because he seemed to be used to them. I just put it all together now .. Please help watching your child in pain is the very worst !!!
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 12:06pm
Can people only have a few of these a year ??

Generally not, but it's been known to happen. Chances are, if he does indeed suffer from cluster headache syndrome, this may be the ramping up of his first cycle.

if his were a week apart is there a chance they wont become chronic?

Chronic is defined as not having a 30-day or more break in any given one-year period. You don't have to worry about this just yet.
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Beth E
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #2 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 1:31pm
Hello, sorry you are here. Sad  But you have come to the right place for support.  I am fairly new also, but I think I can share with you a few helpful tips.  Begin a dairy/log of the headaches.  Dates and times of hits, length, what he did for them, what helps, what doesn't.  Check out the "Kip" scale of pain on this site, and write down his pain level. (Or have him do all this, as he is an adult) After reading what you wrote, I can tell you, that everyone has symptoms that are the same, and different. No one person is exactly like another. So, what works for one, doesn't always work for another.  Keep reading and learning. I understand it is hard not to get discouraged, but if he is willing to help himself, it will be easier on you also.  Try to get him on this site to talk with other people.  Again, I definitely don't have all the answers, I am still looking myself. But you are not alone and niether is he.  We will be checking in.  The people here are great! Please come back, keep sharing, asking questions, or just plain vent.  At least you know that we truly understand!

Hope to hear from you soon,
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #3 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 1:46pm
You've gotten some great advice so far.

Make sure to read tabs to the left.  There's a lot of great info there.

Good luck at the neuro tomorrow.  Please check back and let us know what the doc says.
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #4 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 4:15pm
Not to burst your bubble, just more of a warning of sorts. GP's get about 4 hours total education on headaches in "doctor school" covering hundreds of headache types. Garden variety neuros don't get much more then that. If this neuro appears to not know headaches that well, don't be suprised. Headaches are a specialty unto themselves, and we've seen consistently better results from those fortunate enough to work with a headache specialist neurologist.

In my late teens, my CH followed no set patterns, in fact if I felt one starting, and could get to sleep, I could dodge the attack completely. I didn't even start getting the wake up attacks until my late30's early 40's. So yes, it's possible your son is suffering from CH. If that turns out to be his final diagnosis, don't lose this website. You won't find a more comprehensive database on CH anywhere. Good luck on the diagnostic journey. As a parent my heart aches for you.

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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #5 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 4:41pm
Thank you all so much for replying ,, this docotor purportedly has headache/migrane as a specialty, he also has another cert in neuropathy.  I have been reading and reading ,, my husband gets those little <60 short stabbing ones (I never knew what they were ,, he would just say .. oh it will go away in a minute) but his grandfater was a migrane sufferer.  Thank you all so much .. I know I have my own support group for menopause (ok .. laugh if you must) and I see here is the same kind of knowledge and caring for cluster sufferers.  I will definately be reading all I can. thank you.  BTW .. do you know if anyone has tried re-locating as a solution ,,ie .somplace that doesnt have seasons like hawaii ??? just curious
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #6 - Oct 10th, 2011 at 6:50pm
We moved from Michigan to South Texas.  Phil seemed to be doing better at first, but that only lasted around a month or two.  We didn't move to be closer to the equator or because of the seasonal thing (well maybe not dealing with winter so I guess it was kind of seasonal).

I would never laugh at a menopause support group.  I was a total psycho for the first two years...still am just not a totally  Grin  After my hysterectomy I joined a group called HysterSisters.  I was only 28 and freaking out.  It was very helpful  Smiley
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #7 - Oct 11th, 2011 at 9:26am
Great to hear he's a headache doc. And yeah, whether it's menopause, CH, or any other malady, misery loves company. Advice feels a lot better when it comes from someone who "shares your pain." Still hoping it's not CH, but as you've seen from the members of this board, if it is CH, it's certainly not the end of the world! Wink

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #8 - Oct 11th, 2011 at 3:15pm
Saw Neurologist this AM ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM,, he listened and asked all the right questions. He said yes ,, sounds like CH to him but ordered MRI to be on safe side. He offered several different prescriptions, 2 injectibles and 1 imitrex nasal.  I asked about the oxygen ,, he said not just yet as its cumbersom and not something my son can carry with him.  I am going for the least first wich is the imitrex nasal spray,, anyone have any luck with that ?  ALso so far he has only had 2 episodes. dont know what the rest of the week will bring though .. thanks all
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #9 - Oct 11th, 2011 at 6:24pm
It's always great to find a doc who is willing to listen and work with you.  Good deal on ordering a MRI.

Imitrex nasal or injections are a great abortive used by many.  My husband used to use that.  Now he just sticks with energy drinks and O2 for aborting an attack  Smiley

Hang in there and keep us posted.
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Mike NZ
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #10 - Oct 12th, 2011 at 2:48am
didgens wrote on Oct 11th, 2011 at 3:15pm:
I asked about the oxygen ,, he said not just yet as its cumbersom and not something my son can carry with him. 

Even if it's hard for someone to carry around (I carry a small cylinder around in a small backpack when I need it), I expect that a lot of the time your son will either be at home or near a car, etc, making it easy to have oxygen accessible.

I don't think many neurologists realise just how effective oxygen is.
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #11 - Oct 12th, 2011 at 11:04pm
hello and welcome!!

yup, you are getting great advice..... not sure I can add much more, but I will bring up the headache journal idea again.  I really wish I had started one right away like everyone told me.  it really can be a helpful tool.

also, I completely agree that o2 doesn't get the fame it deserves with a lot of doctors.

god forbid I hope he doesn't have clusters, but if he does, living with o2 close by will become as natural as brushing your teeth.  I just had my first cluster this past jan. and after 5 doctors I finally was diagnosed, and prescribed oxygen.  I haven't had more than 2 days cluster free since then, and oxygen has already become a regular part of my life.

Its really not THAT bad ....... ok its a pain in the butt Smiley  but you get used to it quickly and anything is better than dancing with the demon.
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Beth E
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #12 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 12:54pm
I don't think many neurologists realise just how effective oxygen is.

Yep....just learned that! So now the hubby really thinks I'm crazy.. Cheesy....or you all are!   Grin
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #13 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 3:16pm
Adding my 2 cents - 2 injectibles and the nasal drops will only go so far if he develops into CH Cycles. Unless you have awesome insurance, you'll probably be limited to how much you can get per month (ours was 6 shots when it was still covered). So I would push for the o2. Might be difficult to lug to school, but he only spends 8 hours there, versus the other 16 at home, right? And franky, if he started getting hit at school I'd arrange to have a tank for him in the nurses office. Imagine aborting in 5 minutes and being able to go back to class!

The injections do work great, but you can't take them multiple times a day, and you'll run out. Good to have with him in his backpack, in the car, etc.  But O2 is so much cheaper in the long run with no side affects!
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #14 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 11:53am
Thanks all .. well the MRI was clean except a for a large Cyst in his left maxillary sinus ? I dont think this has anything to do with the other its on the opposite side below his left eye. Anyway there is some relief knowing the brain scan was clean.  He had another headache last night around 11:30 (not sure why it keeps being a wednesday night ?? wth?) ,,we instantly tried the red bull and some advil. He said he didnt think it did much help, perhaps minor pain relief. it was gone in under an hour and he went back to sleep.  Ok so now we got see an ENT, Im sure from my reading she will prescribe a steriodal nasal spray to shrink the cyst (polyp). I have read here that steroidal nasal spray can help with the CH's as well .. I know its a short term solution .. any suggestions ?  Oh BTW .. the doc wanted to know if the imitrex worked or not ,, he wasnt closed to the idea of oxygen ,, just wanted to try the imitrex first and see if it helps.  So far my son has had 3 of these headaches within a month span. not sure what to expect now Sad
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Re: Help me Please Im knew and scared
Reply #15 - Oct 22nd, 2011 at 11:11am
didgens wrote on Oct 20th, 2011 at 11:53am:
Thanks all .. well the MRI was clean except a for a large Cyst in his left maxillary sinus ? I dont think this has anything to do with the other its on the opposite side below his left eye. Anyway there is some relief knowing the brain scan was clean.  He had another headache last night around 11:30 (not sure why it keeps being a wednesday night ?? wth?) ,,we instantly tried the red bull and some advil. He said he didnt think it did much help, perhaps minor pain relief. it was gone in under an hour and he went back to sleep.  Ok so now we got see an ENT, Im sure from my reading she will prescribe a steriodal nasal spray to shrink the cyst (polyp). I have read here that steroidal nasal spray can help with the CH's as well .. I know its a short term solution .. any suggestions ?  Oh BTW .. the doc wanted to know if the imitrex worked or not ,, he wasnt closed to the idea of oxygen ,, just wanted to try the imitrex first and see if it helps.  So far my son has had 3 of these headaches within a month span. not sure what to expect now Sad

Three headaches in one month ain't clusters.

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