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Melatonin (Read 3480 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Feb 17th, 2015 at 10:14am
I wanted to see if anyone is actively trying Melatonin. I did see some older posts with some variable success.

I tried 10 mg my first night without any CH the entire night.. Typically I get hit with 2-3. Second night at 10 mg I was hit with one later in the morning.. I was too tired to get up and of course it got pretty bad. Is anyone actively using this and having success, and at what dosage?
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #1 - Feb 17th, 2015 at 10:37am
Hi johnson
10 - 15 mg is reccomended I believe, although most say it takes a couple of weeks to become effective. It hasn't worked for me, but I have sleep issues which are nothing to do with my CH. Many people here say it works for them. I think it's one of those things that either will or won't, depending on the person and circumstances etc.

If you've had a couple of better nights it could just be that your cycle is winding down, or you could be one of the lucky ones where melatonin has a really fast effect. Only thing to do is keep using it and see what happens in the future. It will do no harm either way.
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #2 - Feb 17th, 2015 at 10:46am
Yes, its such a complicated beast.. I have been almost 4 weeks in and it would be a typical time to start winding down my cycle.. I was just hoping that I stumbled on some gold. Anyone else with current stories on usage?
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CH.com Alumnus

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Douglasville, TX
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #3 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 6:04am
I've been taking 10-20 mg at night for about 100 years (maybe 10-12 years) and don't have night hits. BUT it took three tries before it started working and then it took a couple of weeks before it started doing any good.

But I swear by it.

You might check out the D3 regimen. Since 97 I've been chronic, but since going on it, I haven't been hit since Oct 21st of 2013.

Good luck..  Kiss
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CH.com Alumnus


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Perth WA
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #4 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 4:24pm
I've been taking 5mg of Melatonin before going to bed
for the past 2yrs, and no wake up calls from the  Smiley. I'm also on the vitamin D
regiment, with no hits during the day.

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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2015 at 11:40pm by Hoppy »  
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #5 - Feb 19th, 2015 at 2:17pm
Thanks for the response.. So far I have had a mixture of results. Please let me know if there is anything that can be identified with your experience here as normal or any ideas on what I might consider or try. Thanks

day 1 (10 mg at bedtime). no hits (but coming off a real bad Hit which is usually the case for me the next day.. dont know why)

day 2. (10 mg at bedtime) hit at 5 AM (jumped in the shower and did my typical hot water to the head treatment with hyperventilating and was able to beat it.) 1 hit is pretty great for the night!

day 3. (10 mg at bedtime) hit at 5 AM (jumped in the shower and did my typical hot water to the head treatment with hyperventilating and was able to beat it.)

day 4.. last night (5 mg at bedtime, as I took 5 a few hours earlier out of panic as I was going out to dinner) 12:00 attack, beat it with shower/hyperventilating, 3:00 attack, beat it with shower/hyperventilating.. 5:00 attack, took 5 mg more and beat it with shower/hyperventilating.
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CH.com Alumnus


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Perth WA
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #6 - Feb 19th, 2015 at 4:08pm
Try upping the dosage to 15mg, 2hrs before bedtime. Think about starting the vitamin D remedy,you can find all the info under medications and treatments that may or may not have worked for you, Batch.

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« Last Edit: Feb 19th, 2015 at 4:11pm by Hoppy »  
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #7 - Feb 20th, 2015 at 8:53am
upped dosage to 15 mg, I still got these phantom calls or wake up alarms even though I didnt really feel any pain.. I panic or course because I know what the might turn into and treated them as though they would turn for the worse.

Phantom call at 12:00 (got up and treated just in case)
Phantom call at 3:00 (got up and treated just in case)
Phantom call at 5:00 (didnt get up and turned into a mild CH 2-3 for a couple hours until I woke at 8:00

Is this the experience you have had with Melatonin? Do you still wake up with the alarms? Also do you get super vivid dreams and thoughts in the middle of the night? Thanks for the follow up.
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CH.com Alumnus

Hugs to ya

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Douglasville, TX
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #8 - Feb 24th, 2015 at 6:55am
After a couple of weeks, I sleep thru the night... BUT I wake up about 5 a.m. and GET UP (do not lay in bed and try to go back to sleep - that's a NO NO). Get up and get a cup of coffee.

And DO get on the D3 regimen. It's worked for so many of us. I haven't been hit since Oct of 2013 (and that's after being chronic since 97). It's definitely worth a try.

Also you didn't mention O2. Most of us keep a tank handy in case of a hit. Used immediately and correctly (see O2 info on left) it works for about 70% of us.

AND take ALL the melatonin BEFORE bedtime - not at odd times.

Keep us informed..  Kiss
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #9 - Feb 24th, 2015 at 9:53am
I have now been on the Melatonin just over a week. I take it at 15mg every night. I can honestly say that I believe it has cut the intensity and frequency of my night time hits. I do however still have a nightly hit around 2:00 AM. If I don't react to this hit it becomes a full on attack. I tried to ignore it the other day to see if the Melatonin would alleviate the attack.. It did not, trial and error. If I still have my headaches by weekend I will start on the D3 and see if that helps. As far as the O2, I am reluctant to try that until my next CH cycle in a year or so as I hope to be cycling out pretty soon. Thanks for your help

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CH.com Alumnus


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Perth WA
Gender: male
Re: Melatonin
Reply #10 - Feb 25th, 2015 at 1:15am
Hi Johnson,
pleased to read the Melatonin is helping, you can up the
dosage to 20mg, but be sure to take it 2hrs before going,
to bed! Because otherwise you could feel drowsy for a while after waking up.

As to the vitamin D remedy, you need to take it for the
rest of your life! To hopefully, stop the beast from ever paying you another visit.


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« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2015 at 1:25am by Hoppy »  
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CH.com Alumnus

Hugs to ya

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Douglasville, TX
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #11 - Feb 25th, 2015 at 8:49am
What Hoppy said.. Get on the D3 and stay on it whether you're in cycle or out. You may just skip another cycle. There are those on here who've been pain free for years after starting it.

BUT you have to follow the regimen so check it out. But it's not something you start and stop.. It's a commitment - but it sure beats the pain of CH..
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Mike NZ
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Oxygen rocks! D3 too!

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #12 - Feb 26th, 2015 at 12:20am
BarbaraD wrote on Feb 25th, 2015 at 8:49am:
BUT you have to follow the regimen so check it out. But it's not something you start and stop.. It's a commitment - but it sure beats the pain of CH..

It is also pretty good for you in general with many people reporting things like less colds, flu and similar infections, as if just doing an amazing job with preventing CH wasn't enough.
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Melatonin
Reply #13 - Apr 28th, 2015 at 7:24pm
I'm just starting the melatonin along with vitamin D.  So far no help but it's only been a few days.  I get headaches hourly.
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Mike NZ
CH.com Hall of Famer

Oxygen rocks! D3 too!

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Re: Melatonin
Reply #14 - Apr 29th, 2015 at 2:20am
Mary123 wrote on Apr 28th, 2015 at 7:24pm:
I'm just starting the melatonin along with vitamin D.  So far no help but it's only been a few days.  I get headaches hourly.

Hi Mary and welcome

It can take a bit of time for vitamin D3 to kick in for some people, but the wait is worth it. I've gone well over 3 years CH pain free with it.
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CH.com Alumnus

Hugs to ya

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Douglasville, TX
Gender: female
Re: Melatonin
Reply #15 - Apr 29th, 2015 at 7:09am
Are you on the D3 REGIMEN? If not be sure to get on it like it was developed. You've got to take the other vitamins with the D3 BUT it sure works for me. Going on two years without a hit.

But I still take the Melatonin at night. And keep O2 handy (haven't had to use it but it's there "in case").

wishing you PF days.. Kiss
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