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Pig story (Read 1107 times)
CH.com Hall of Famer

Posts: 6422
St. George, UT
Gender: male
Pig story
Nov 7th, 2016 at 9:35am
It's been very quiet here lately so I think it's time for a story.
Years ago after I got out of the army I needed a job. I found one with a farm-ranch supply company. Everything from seeds to tools to tractors.
One day I was driving the back roads through the rural farm and ranch areas of Kansas. As I passed one farm house I noticed a 3 legged pig in the front yard. Odd, I thought and drove on. I kept thinking about that 3 legged pig. I had to go back and ask about the 3 legged pig.
I knocked on the door and was greeted by a well weathered 'ol geezer.
I started to ask "Can you tell about the pig?"
'Ol geezer says.."Why you askn' bout the pig? That's a fine pig. Don't you say nothin' bad bout the pig. That's a good pig."
Me..."I'm curious about why your pig has only...."
'Ol geezer cuts me off. "That's a fine pig. Don't be saying nothin' bad bout the pig. One day I was plowin' out in the back 40 when the tractor flipped over and pinned me underneath. The pig heard me hollerin' and came arunnin'. She dug and rooted around til I was free. Saved my life that pig did. Don't you say nothin' bad bout that pig."
Me..."I just want to know why the pig has only 3..."
'Old geezer.."One night me and the wife were in bed sound asleep. Some how a fire started. That pig came rushin' and woke us up before the fire got us. Saved our lives that pig did. Don't you say nothin' bad bout that pig. Fine pig it is."
Me..."Can you just tell me why the pig only has 3 legs?"
'Old geezer..."Hey, a fine pig like that ya don't eat all at one time."

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CH.com Hall of Famer

CH - It's all in your

Posts: 3851
Cairns, Qld, Australia
Gender: male
Re: Pig story
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2016 at 5:27pm
I was driving along in outback Queensland when I saw a three-legged chicken running along behind my car. Then it overtook me, turned onto a side road, and disappeared behind a farmhouse.

Intrigued, I went in and spoke to the farmer who said he breeds three-legged chooks because he likes a leg, the missus likes a leg, and the young fella likes a leg too.

When I asked what they tasted like he said, "Dunno. Never caught one."

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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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Santa Maria, Ca.
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Re: Pig story
Reply #2 - Nov 8th, 2016 at 1:33pm

LOL Bob.   I've sure missed you.  Went through St. George, a few months ago, but didn't know where you lived or have your phone number.   Pretty town, BTW

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CH.com Hall of Famer

Posts: 6422
St. George, UT
Gender: male
Re: Pig story
Reply #3 - Nov 8th, 2016 at 10:31pm
Hi Linda. Sorry we missed a meeting.

Hey Brian....one day while driving my sales route in Ohio it was raining. The road was muddy and I got stuck between the Smith farm and the Ball family farm. Luckily I was pulled out by the Smiths.
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