02 worked GREAT for me - details in post

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Posted by gary g ( on August 24, 1999 at 00:22:18:

In Reply to: Oxygen Help posted by Susan D on August 23, 1999 at 16:49:42:

used oxygen years ago, twice - low flow rate, regular mask, same as for heart trouble, etc - did no good at all

last cluster, started oxygen according to suggestions from CHMB:

8 liters/minute flow rate
by NONrebreather mask with the bag that fills with 02 between breaths(so you breathe in ONLY the pure 02 - no room air, no inhalation of your last exhausted breath - JUSt pure 02, breath after breath)

start immediately at very first sign of attack coming on
stay on it until attack passes, plus 3-5 minutes

for me that stopped EVERY attack during the last 4 weeks of my cluster (a total of about 60-80, I kept a record) within 10 - 12 minutes

UNLESS - very important - I waited until the attack had started and begun to hurt before I got to the 02, then it was only moderately effective (about 5 times)and didn't stop the attack

DON'T stay on the mask for long periods

watch out for signs of excess drying of respiratory tissue (coughing, flu-like feeling in chest)

many many people were reporting great success with this approach, and haven't heard anyone complain of bad side effects

NOTE - some people complain the attack comes right back - you have to compare to your own pattern - I have as many as 10 a day when it's heavy, so if I get at least an hour in without attack symptoms, I call it effective - - you have to use assesment standards fitted to your own experience

good luck

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