Re: I never knew

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Posted by Dave on September 28, 1998 at 12:39:54:

In Reply to: I never knew posted by Tonya on September 27, 1998 at 16:34:05:

As a CH sufferer for about 15 years, I know the stress and helplessness you feel when your husband has a headache. I have not had a CH in about 10 years, so there is hope they will end eventually. I can remember my wife trying to explain to my small(at that time) children why Daddy was in the bedroom with the lights off and ice cube bags on his eye. I tried most of the medications that are mentioned by others throughtout this site. At the time I remember thinking I had found the solution, when in actuality it was likely just the end of the cycle. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that during the last 2-3 years when I had CH's, Oxygen positively aborted the headache. It did not break the cycle necessarily, but it never failed to stop the pain. Usually within 5-10 minutes. I know that Oxygen does not do this for everyone, but I know it worked for me and it is a lot better than the pain or dosing up on Demerol or pain killers which have their own negative side effects and never really get at the pain, only numb it to some extent. Please try the O2, you probably need an Rx for it. I still have bottles in the basement, just in case. Good luck

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