Re: psychologist with cluster, some recommendations

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Posted by Yuko on October 12, 1998 at 14:46:20:

In Reply to: psychologist with cluster, some recommendations posted by GERHARD STEENKAMP (JERRY) on October 12, 1998 at 09:44:37:

Hi, Jerry. I am a psychiatric S. W., and non-medicinal remedy and psychological analysis during an attack have been my interest too. However, over the past 14 years with my coping, my personal conclusion is that focusing on non-pain related constructive thoughts doesn't do it in the midst of a full-blown attack. At least in my case, I feel desperate to escape the pain, and rational thinking doesn't exist in my little brain. During my non-pain sane state, I've pursuaded myself into visualization and even self-hyponosis (which isn't my style) to prepare for the next attack. Result? I regretted not grabbing Imitrex injection sooner.

As you see on this board, we are lonely, depressed, and suicidal. Support from fellow sufferers and loved ones is the only non-medicinal treatment for me. I agree with you, the more we consciously focus on anything, the more we suffer. Simply put, I just don't care whatever is going on with whom or what. As you stated, our attempts to escape the pain may tense up the body and not help ease the pain. However, the way I feel is that until this monster takes its course and be done with abusing us, tensing up or relaxing won't make much of a difference. Each of us has developed a coping mechanism, whether to curl up or bang on the head.

I also agree with Marcus and everyone else here that smoking really doesn't have anything to do with CH. Sometimes I light up at the tail end of an attack to relax after a fight, and it never brings back the pain or prolong it. Of course it's just my experience.

Water method I tried....didn't work. No question that plain water is good for us, and being a non water-drinker, I've tried to learn to drink plain water for my general health, especially for my syncopal symptoms. Maybe I was drinking too much. Naturally we go to the bathroom when we wake up, but when a CH wakes me up in the middle of the night, going to the bathroom is one minute delay on grabbing an injection, and urination does intensify the pain. I tried water in last year's episode, and it just didn't do a thing to CH per se. I'm not discouraging anybody to try this, though!!

Verapamil, Imitrex, O2 and lots of support, eliminating triggers, and keep my life low key are my best combo to keep my sanity.

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