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Posted by Q ( on January 17, 2000 at 18:00:18:

In Reply to: Hey Q, I like You! posted by Susan on January 17, 2000 at 09:45:34:

Hi Sue, You remind me of a friend I once knew.

I don't know about the remission part of CH. It seems to me that CH is opportunistic. It seems to be adaptable, changing itself to survive in the host.

Perhaps, CH-remission periods occur when the CH takes a wrong turn in the mutation path and leads itself into a deadend. Perhaps the healthy parts of the brain capture it and seal it off in quarentine. Or maybe it just goes into hibernation. Or incubation. Or hiding. Maybe there is some kind of criminal justice system at work and CH just has to wait out its sentence.

As we don't actually know what causes CH, we don't know if the periods of remission mean we don't *have CH* or whether the CH is just not active.

Under the euphoria-seeking brain using pain as the mechanism theory, perhaps the disease just goes to sleep for random long periods. A thought could waken it. Remember, to be effective, the euphoria-seeking brain must keep the host alive. The randomness is part of the cunningness designed to keep us baffled and off its scent, else we might find the cause, then a cure, and it loses.

Personally, I believe that CH will not survive the internet. CH needs to be kept secret to be effective.

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