Re: Amerge

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Posted by William Graham on November 01, 1998 at 15:00:04:

In Reply to: Amerge posted by Bob on October 15, 1998 at 18:04:33:

I have had Clusters for about 15 years now. I get them every 2 to three years, for around 7 to 8 weeks at a time. At the peak of the period the headaches come to about 2 or 3 a day. Ive tried to explain the sheer nightmare pain to friends and relativesto which I get the usual sympathy noises, but they really can't understand what we go through unless you go through the ring of fire yourself. The "Cluster Club" is not an organization I would ever choose to pay dues to, but for the past 7 weeks I've been payin the Piper big time. I've tried acupuncture,hypnosis,oxygen,cat scans,ect. the only thing that I've found that works is Imagran or Sumitriptan injections or pills 100mg. Talk about payin the Piper, how about payin (in a very big way) the pharmacutical companies. They know exactly how much pain we go through and that we'll pay almost anything to rid ourselves of it, hence= The Price ! I'm actually through my Bi-annual 7 weeks of Hell for now, but as I've said before, I'm a fully paid up member of the Club and I'll see you in 2 years. I'M NOT LOOKING FOREWARD TO IT

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