My experience

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Posted by Bill ( on February 04, 2000 at 11:19:47:

In Reply to: Weekend Topic begins! posted by Mrs. Holloman on February 04, 2000 at 07:37:23:

I've had these things since I was a teenager and am now 35. Here we go.

I first get a headache when my cycle starts. It's not a normal headache. It's different and I just know that it's time to start all over again. The headache is small, but painfull. It lasts only a minute or two but it's my definite sign that the party is over and my reality starts.

When a CH(Cluster headache) occurs, I get a pain behind my eye. It lets me know in 2-3 minutes, all hell will break loose and prepare for the worst and expect the best. I normally experience 5-7 pain on the Kip scale. I am episodic and will have a few 8s, a few 9s and a ten (sometimes two). An ER visit is normal. I take medication for these CH. It helps some.

My episodes last longer as I get older, however, the time between episodes gets longer too. Go figure.

I don't have hazel eyes, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke.

When a CH happens, my eyelid droops, I get tears running freely, my nose runs, I sweat, I pace, I want to punch things, I am EASILY agitated, I hit my head, I want to scream, I want to get rid of the pain...sometimes with any means.

My headaches last any where from 30 minutes to seven hours. It just depends.

I want to be able to help you understand, but that would require two things.

1. You being with me when a CH happens. People have.

2. You feeling the pain. I would NEVER wish the pain of a CH on anyone.

Welcome to my world.

Bill, another Freek

cause sometimes it's how I feel ;)

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