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Posted by Dennis O'C ( on March 09, 2000 at 03:31:18:

I'm posting this to return the favor given me when I was new to this site.
This is a generic post...not intended for anyone in particular, but Doc's post about Maxalt and wanting a more "comprehesive med link" brought it to mind. I don't know "doodley" about maxalt but remember seeing it many times in the past.
I have been lurking around this site for awhile and still use the search engine at the archive site a lot.
From the time I opened the "post archive" page...hit "search" ...typed in "maxalt". It took me 1 minute to find a list of posts specifically containing "maxalt" in the archives.
I have, in the past, posted a question and gotten few responses. How the hell was I to know that I was beating a dead horse? Many subjects have been worked and reworked in the past by some very smart ,kind folks who, for a variety of reasons, don't post here anymore but their gems of knowledge are easily found in the archives with the "search" engine.
There's also some pretty fun flame wars there.
Imagine all the info, pathos and sharing that are presently on todays board that you are reading multiply that by the years that this site has existed.
If someone seriously wants as much info as they can get on a particular aspect of Cluster Headaches...they will spend hours in the archives of Clusterville as well as the other links to the left.
If they just want attention Drummer...well...
I hope this leads somebody to the treasures of our past....if not...well at least I got to see my name on the board.
Walk in the sunshine.

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