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Posted by Stavie ( on June 12, 2000 at 14:21:40:

Hello All! First, let me say what a great site this is!I've been "lurking" around the site and board for some time, but I suppose I've been too shy to say HI until now. It's wonderful to know I am not alone in my suffering (although it sucks that y'all suffer), and to see how wonderfully you support each other.

I am a 27 year old female who was FINALLY diagnosed in February of this year. I can remember having these right-sided, eye socket "headaches" back in high school, although the pain was never more then a (Kip) 2 or 3. In college, they progressed a bit in frequency and pain, but still never enough to make me think they were anything unusual. After four years without the slightest bit of pain - POW! Full-blown attacks of 10, three to four times a day, eight weeks at a time with two weeks pain free, starting about two years ago. After jumping from doctor to doctor, being told "You're too stressed, quit your job," and given muscle relaxers that just made it imposible to fight the pain, I found a doc who correctly diagnosed me within ten minutes of talking to her.

I've tried Verapamil (240mg a day), which seemed to help lessen the pain for one cycle, but did nothing the next time around. From there we tried beta-blockers and prednosone, which didn't do much either. Now I'm taking Magnesium, FeverFew and Vitamin B suppliments which seem to maybe keep the 9 and 10's away, mostly. Now I know to ask about Oxygen and Imitrex when I go back. Thanks!!!

My boyfriend of 5 years has been wonderfully supportive, although I know how much it hurts him to see me in an attack. I don't think I could have made it thru the last two years without his support, and his amazing ability to hide the gun and all sharp objects. Now that I have a name to put with this pain, he longer has to hide these things, as I am determined that we will all find a way out of this mess!

Sorry to go one for so long, it's just great to be in the presence of people who know.....

May you all be pain free!!!!!

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