I posted, where did it go? Anyone see it?Respond please C H er's

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Posted by reg1fan ( on September 15, 2000 at 02:54:44:

I had posted about new Neuro trip, but now I have come back for hits & have found no post. What is the deal? Anyway, I am suffering after verap, oxy, & imitrex have let me down & asking PLEASE anyone let me know about any new in-sights that I do not know about. I am a "Cluster Head " {I wish you did not belong to this group) & want help! I give "kudos" to the one(s) responsible for this outreach for us , so do not get me wrong when I say I wish you did not belong, cuz I am sooooo sorry you are in "our " group! Hang in there, :-} reg1fan.

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