Thanks for the info.

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Posted by Flash ( on September 17, 2000 at 08:51:11:

In Reply to: Shrooms consumed!!!!! posted by Graham on September 16, 2000 at 12:30:19:

We don't know a whole lot about how long this puts chronics into remission on average; Stavi certainly seems to be doing quite nicely though - must be coming on 3 months. Remember that you can't really take shrooms more than once a week or they don't work! I don't know why this is, but it's part of what makes these substances counter adictive. Personally I would hope that you have to use the treatment no more than 4 times a year. I myself only really require once a year, although sometimes I take it twice to be careful.

Since everyone else started trying this I've gone back to 6 monthly intervals, since there is no longer a requirement for me to provide ALL the data!!!

I hope this works for you. Remember that over time the active ingredient will seep into the honey, rendering the shrooms less effective. Provided the jars are kept in a dark place the net content of Psilo will be the same, you just have to take more honey with them.

Big tip for you since you are in the UK - those Gale's jars of clear honey that go narrow at the top work really well. I used to use set honey, but the clear stuff sets itself once it's breathed (when you add the shrooms) provided you keep it in a cool place. The big advantage is that it's much easier to get the honey in and out of the jar. The set honey often required heating, and adding hot honey to the shrooms partially cooks then and releases some of the Psilo into the honey, something you want avoid unless you have an exceptionally sweet tooth! The Gales jars are good since their narrow shape helps keeps the shrooms submerged. I no longer divide the shrooms into single doses per jar, I pack as much into a jar as possible, and just extract the shrooms I need at the time and top up with more honey. Again this helps to keep up a consistent strenght of dose over time. The extra shrooms in the jar also ensure they stay submerged longer. Another tip is top fiil the jar all the way to the top with honey.

If you've already got them in jars then don't mess them around, they'll be fine, you can always make alterations next year:)


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