Sailpappy's Thankful Passage

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Posted by August ( on January 14, 2001 at 22:36:52:

Sailpappy sent me some of his poems a while back, so they could be shared at Cluster Creations. I wasn't able to open the file they came in. Tonight I came across that file again, and was able to open it. This poem called Thankful Passage hit me perfectly.

Sailpappy you don't know how this poem affected me tonight. I can't really explain here why, or people will really think I'm nuts, not that most don't already. Thank you, and I hope you don't mind I'm sharing it here. I want others to see how beautiful it is too. We haven't heard from you on the board in a while,

I hope your ok over there in your corner.

"Thankful Passage by Sailpappy"

The Day's pass like fluffy clouds
High above our earthly bounds
No interpretations or demeanor may
From their inevitable path make
With no apparent purpose exposed
Away they fly, as the wind blows

I see each day as anew it comes
To bring it's cargo to everyone
To breathe new life into each moment so
To smell the scents and aromas blown
To love and hate and wild oats sown

We live so fast as do the clouds
That our affect might not be felt
Just as the little drop of rain
Consumed by the massive ground

Our lives seemingly have little meaning
But that one little seed by the drop is hit
To bring forth it's treasure of life
So our existance might seem dismal and small
Except to the ones by which our passions fall

To feed their fires of life and love
And if graced by the lord above
To live a life filled with joy
To share a feeling known by only a few
To bear a child and see it reared
In a world completely void of fear

I know now that when my time comes
I'll be one of the lucky ones
For I have shared my life and love
With the fulfillment of all my dreams
I've seen all of life's ups and downs
and felt the joys of everyone

In the days that have seen my presence
In the company of the few I've know
There have been many pleasures
But by far the best has been shown
To be the time I have been given
To spend with the ones I love. 

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