Katrina, disregard this sultaney! Read this

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Posted by Annemarie ( on April 13, 2001 at 15:37:59:

In Reply to: surgery posted by katrina on April 13, 2001 at 09:54:38:

Ayoung man posted on this board some time ago about special surgery for clusters. For him it worked, but that is beside the point.

He related that they sedated (is THAT the right word?? somebody) him, but he was not completely out, I understand, for he could react to his environment. They then started to stimulate the hurting nerve - AND THEN woke him up again to check whether they had the right one!

Which means that he hadn't felt the hurting nerve in the first place. Apparently this is standard procedure.

I hope this puts some heart into your husband. You are a great supporter!

regards, annemarie

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