Okay Don, I got 19 hours of sleep yesterday and today kinda ran together....

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Posted by Tony G on October 28, 2001 at 04:21:01:

In Reply to: no resonse to the TFAV ?? I dont believe it! nt posted by don on October 27, 2001 at 22:00:18:

First of all the meds we discussed FUCKED ME UP!!! as you can probaly tell by the amount of sleep? and with kids, I damn sure can't afford that much sleep! plus I'll get that much sleep when i'm dead. After a few posts that I've received, I'm kinda cunfuse which should not be supprising considering whats in my system. Yours and nancyc post are the ones i'm concentrating on...I've even had posts telling me to up these meds? I think I've told you the meds I'm on I.E(Verap@180mg per day which accually elevates my bp, Tripler hospital on Oahu is suppose to be the best in the Pacific? yet they don't carry verap@180, just 240s..I also have my Imetrex injections 22 left of those which I don't like to take unless I know that I'm going to get hit with 8-10. Due to my Military service, my back is also covered under my disability CHs aswell. So when I go to get treated, they treat me for both. The only appointment I could get for a neuro is feb next year??? So I've got no oxeygen until then, and that works on average of maybe30%-60% of the time depending on when I catch the onset. But those are the current meds. well other than the ones prescribed yesterday (Narcotics). Goog news is, today is the first time sinse December that theres been no pain (Back or Head) but I sure do feel F'ed up. I'm having to type most things here twice so its takin awhile to do the simplest of things... Enough with that, Did you get my post about the Military cottages? 1-3 bedrooms with a kitchen approx 50 yards fro the water..prices running from $35-$80 per nite I believe? But I can find out for sure, You just need to let me know the dates or get approx anyway. If you are not retired or a disabled Veteran no worries I've got Ya covered there..I'm starting to feel groggy again, so I'll wait to here from Ya..AS ALWAYS PF TO YA BRO...TONY.......One more thing, What does TFAV mean?

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