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Posted by KRISTIE on November 12, 2001 at 14:25:16:

This is my first time to chat w/ you guys. I have
been reading alot you guys have posted though.
I am 29, and have had CH ever since I was 14.
I just had my first cycle after a 5 year remission.
I thought they were gone, but not so lucky.
I went to a neuro for the first time since I
was 16, and he doesn't seem to care at all. I
feel like I am just pushed aside. Does everyone
feel this way, or is it just me? This cycle started
on September 14th, and my last CH was on Nov.2nd.
When I went for my follow up w/ the Neuro, he
didn't even know what meds he had prescribed to
me. I asked for pain meds, repeatedly, to no avail.
He finally wrote me a scrip for O2, now that I
think this cycle is gone. At least I have it,
I had to beg for it though. I wouldn't have
been to to the point w/ my neuro about the O2,
if it weren't for you guys, and reading about
the success you have had w/ it. Thanks alot,
don't know you guys, but you are all great and
alot of help!!!!!

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