Fiorinal is aspirin with an added barbiturate and caffeine

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Posted by Victor on November 13, 2001 at 09:32:10:

In Reply to: Learn to spell.. posted by alberta on November 12, 2001 at 21:12:53:

While the barbiturates are suppose to relax, they can in some people make a person more tense. No telling how the caffeine will react either, it's supposed to constrict blood vessels, hell, if I take a fiorinal, just may plan on staying up all night. Codeine can take the edge of the pain of a cluster but also can cause cluster rebound, a far worse headache than just a plain old cluster.

Each of us has a different body chemistry, an ideal science would be to measure this chemistry and adjust both the type and dosage of the various medications to maintain some type of balance. But as it is, have to go by the means.

Me, I find it much easier to deal with my CH's by not taking any form of fiorinal, it just made them worse. A friend became addicted to the codeine and had to spend three months at a drug rehab center to break the habit. Codeine in my case caused severe dehydration and constipation and was a choice for breaking the pain of the CH or having an intestine full of harden concrete. Didn't know at the time that I was also suffering from codeine rebound, but quit taking fiorinal instantly with zero urge to take another.

From what I read and heard the class of drugs that were used for pain management for thousands of years if used properly can be very effective. Unfortunately, this class of drugs was used for entertainment purposes and is now illegal even for medical research. A drug overdose of any kind would kill a person and some studies have shown that if some of these drugs are used for real pain, the person does not become addictive.

In my opinion, the government made the good stuff illegal and we are left with just the junk. Our so-called politically correct government wants us to suffer. You are considered cruel and sadistic if you don't put an ill animal to death, but if you are unfortunate to be human, well, you are forced to die a very slow and painful death. The AMA goes hard against any doctor that is known to prescribe what they feel is an excessive amount of pain killers. Hell, just get to use to suffering and learn how to enjoy it.

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