I know how upset and mad you were!

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Posted by Elaine ( on December 13, 2001 at 12:30:54:

In Reply to: Need to vent really bad right now... posted by Linda Howell on December 13, 2001 at 04:02:20:

I don't hold any faith in tech of any kind. I have been thinking a lot about Doctors and how we are treated by them. I was thinking about many of the post here. I have seen post after post that their doctor said they were the only cluster person they had or they only had one or two. Some have never even seen a clusterhead. Why would a doctor go out of his way to learn something about a illness he has never treated or seen before? The doctors learn as they go, just like we do. Now a nero should know about Clusters, and truely they are the type of Doctor we need.
My point is when we came here we each thought we were alone, we never thought that we would meet this many people who have clusters. The doctors who have never treated us don't know how many there are they are going by how many they have treated and zero to maybe two is what they have treated. Why should they know? Its our job to educate them. There are two things that set us off the words migrain and crazy.
I have both kinds of headaches and know of no known cure for either. I don't let either of those words upset me, because I don't care what they call my cluster as long as they stop the pain, I know I am crazy so that don't upset me.I am going to sit down and explain to them the difference. If they still do not have a clue afterwards, I am not going to let it bug me.

I was straped down in a amblance when having a cluster and because I was in lots of pain I cussed screamed ect.. I am surprized I wasn't taken away and locked up. Thank God for me my doctor was at the hospital and he took care of things. Its a bitch how we are treated, but unless we take the time to educate then we can't expect better. That is what O.U.C.H. is all about!!

Maybe we should call the hospitals and talk to the admistrator and tell them we use their hospital and have clusters and we want to know how educated their staff is on handling clusters. Maybe we could help in some way and work with them to educate them, or at least make them think about it.
I have had dealings with the hospital admistrators before, believe me if you stay calm and show them what you want and need they will work with you. Screw the Doctors and Techs at the hospitals..go to who runs the hospitals.

You could talk to them and tell them after talking to him, you are concerned, but stay calm when you talk to them, bite your lip if you have to, get in the door then later fly off the handle.

Good going girl! Hey I bet that smoke you had was the best one in a long time. I pictured you outside smoking ..smoke coming from your ears too :-)!

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