Docs are people too'

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Posted by trip ( on February 23, 2001 at 15:29:41:

In Reply to: In Defense of Doctors posted by Todd on February 23, 2001 at 12:14:12:

When I first started CH I was a college student , long hair, peace symbols, rough looking rode a Harley, (What can I say , it was the times, and chicks loved it).Looking back on it, I can see why a Doc would be skeptical of my pain. Not that prejudice is justified, but it is a reality.It wasn't untill my 30S and after many ER visits (clean cut short hair) that I finally got to a Nurolgist, and tests and a dignosis.Docs are people too,trying to do their job, with the knowledge they have,hindered by rules and insurance companys and fear of law suits,what frustrates us is , we have to go through them for relief.I don't know the salution except more education

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