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WELCOME! (Read 80651 times)
CH.com Alumnus

One wave at a time!

Posts: 3437
Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
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Reply #275 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 12:37pm
And understand we do John!  Sorry the beast has returned to haunt your nights.  10 years was a good break.

That pred taper should be given along with a preventive like Verapamil or Lithium or ...  The idea is to arrest the beast with the steroid while the prevent gets up to a theraputic level.  That can take 10-14 days.

I'm using verapamil immediate release @ 400mg/day right now.  I'm still getting occasional hits and shadows but the frequency and intensity is way down.

Oxygen aborts fast.  Has to be 100% O2 @ 15lpm using a non-rebreather mask.  No med side effect.  It is my main abortive.  But you have to get on it fast.

If I don't get to the O2 Imitrex injections are my savior.  They've never let me down yet.

The latest in treatment strategy can be found here:

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Here's wishing you another 10 years of PF time.  In the mean time let's see if we can't make this cycle short and as easy as possible.

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Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is Oxygen, you must use proper caution.
So be safe, don't smoke while using O2. Kill the pain and not yourself.
dennism1045 dennism1045 524417261 DennisM1045 DennisM1045  
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CH.com Newbie

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Reply #276 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 2:53pm
Hi there I just want to say hi  Smiley
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Ex Member

Reply #277 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 2:57pm
Well Hi! back.
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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CH.com Moderator
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Reply #278 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 11:37pm
And dang glad you found us! Start a new thread under the getting to know you thread. Let us know what you've used in the past and what's working or not working for you now. And get oxygen!!!!!

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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CH.com Newbie

I Love CH.com!

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lehigh acres fl
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Reply #279 - Oct 2nd, 2008 at 9:00pm
Im new to this and Iv had ch for 15 years i thought i was alone or insane. Iv broke sevaral bones in my youth and had several surgerys and nothing comes close to the kind of pain from a ch I havent shed a tear in 20 years for anything when i found this site this morning I cried allday. i told my wife i would trade a broken arm for a ch any day. im so glad i found this place I need help, please forgive my grammer the beast is on his way he has been showdowing me allday, Im going to kick him in the nuts and run like hell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sincerly J.S.     p.s. god bless you all
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CH.com Junior

Choose life.

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Red Deer, AB, Canada
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Re: Welcome!
Reply #280 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 11:23pm
If I grind this to the top...

does it mean I can say me and deb are doin the bump and grind?

oh nevermind


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"There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten, but I have loved someone with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.”
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CH.com Junior

Choose life.

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Red Deer, AB, Canada
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Re: Welcome!
Reply #281 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 3:59pm
ClusterChuck wrote on Feb 11th, 2004 at 12:35am:
Second Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register  There is normally someone there after 10 pm east coast time.  If no one is there, log on, and wait.  Many of us will check there and, if no one is there we just go away, but if someone is there, we jump on in.

Um...this link doesn't work for me? Can you please email it? That would be great...it's lonely when the world is asleep except for the beast in it's cage. Thanks.
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"There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten, but I have loved someone with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.”
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Reply #282 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 4:05pm
Try it with
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Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register should work as well
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« Last Edit: Oct 9th, 2008 at 4:07pm by gizmo »  
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CH.com Newbie

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Reply #283 - Oct 14th, 2008 at 3:52pm
Hey all!  I cannot TELL you how much finding your website has brought hope to me.  I plan to take the info I found here to my doctor because it explains how I feel more than I can.  Keep me in mind, I go for an MRI on Wed. Smiley
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CH.com Newbie

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Posts: 13
Reply #284 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 10:35pm
Hi, everybody. I'm not exactly new to this site, but it's been a long while.

I've had CH for about 23 years, long misdiagnosed like most until about 10 years ago. I'm left sided this time (as with most, with a few exceptions some years), watering eye, congested nose, weird raging diarrhea (especially because I'm almost chronically constipated), and episodic. Cycles are usually about 1 1/2 to 3 months. Last year, I had two cycles with about a month and a half break in between, ending around September. They don't follow an exact month pattern at all. They usually start with the wake up fun, and then settle out into the same time every day. This cycle (past two weeks) has been odd because I've had 1-3 in a 24 hour period, times changing...

I have a few major obstacles to work out. I don't have insurance, and won't be able to afford it right away. Even still, I live in New Orleans, so even when I was in cycle last year and had insurance, I literally could not find a neurologist who could take my appointment in under a two month time frame (that's the way it is in New Orleans post Katrina, still). I just gave up and got what I could in meds from old ER visits and GPs (general practice docs) who would listen to what I asked them for. This time, having no insurance means ER docs who are becoming more and more afraid to give you anything, especially going as far as prescribing preventatives or abortives to someone just because that's what they say is wrong. So they want to do a bunch of tests that come up clear, racking up med bills that I will never be able to pay, only to send me home with an "I'm sorry, hope you feel better."

In being diagnosed before, I at least have found one abortive med that works about 85% of the time - Zomig - but I have also learned that I can't take it as often as I have CH because it will make it and the shadows worse. All of the narcs that a few ER docs will give knock the edge off, but the last thing I want to become is a dope head. I actually had an oxygen tank last year (I requested it after giving info to a GP doc), but I didn't know I needed to use it at 15 or above and  he gave me the nose attachment...I didn't know I had to use the face mask. So oxygen only distracted me, calmed me a bit, but didn't stop anything. Now, without insurance, I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to try it the correct way now. I have no idea how much it might cost out of pocket if I can get a prescription next week, from a GP at a free clinic. I'm not very optimistic about it, because they've already mentioned a referral to a neurologist with one of those two month waiting lists.

Other than that, I've been given Prednisone and Verapamil in the past, and taken a long list of other stuff before that. To be honest, I'm not sure if I've gotten to try some of this so late in the game that the cycle just ended on its own, if any of it was prescribed correctly...I feel like in preventatives, I'm still at square one with knowing what actually might work. It's just trying to get to a doctor now, I feel so exhausted emotionally and physically it's hard to have the patience to work through the guessing game, especially when my resources and options are so limited - at least to my knowledge.

I'm trying not to get to that "hopeless place". I actually have good people in my life, but they are all new to what I'm dealing with. I am trying to begin that communication and get better at asking for help and support. Even when the darkest part of that place looms for me, it tells me just how serious CH is, because I actually have some pretty wonderful sh*t to live for. So, I'm trying to find a plan, some optimism, and open that one eye just a bit to see the light at the tunnel. I could use some friends that "get it". I'd love to get-to-know, take my mind off the gloom, get ideas, and just share. For now, I'm just waiting. Peace.

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CH.com Junior

CH survivor since 1992
(13 yo then)

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Reply #285 - Sep 2nd, 2009 at 12:21pm
Hello All,

This is a 31 year old (32 in Jan) man from Egypt. I have been suffering since I was 13, but I was diagnosed properly with CH when I was 22.

I am one of the rarest sufferers I guess. Hereby I mean that the bout lasts for 3 months normally, but now it's lasting for over 4 months, making me truly afraid it might've became chronic.

Anyway, the reason I believe I am rare is that CH's bout takes its time, then switches to the correspondent side. No meds can help really, except Imigran injection, and however, dear Egypt has apparently stopped importing it since it cannot be found any where, so I am getting it from England at the moment, while resorting to the oxygen high-flow regulator I got at home, in addition to Zomig, which has proven to be not bad at all, given that it shall be taken at the very onset, 10 mgms / attack.

CH is affecting my life. I am an international lawyer famous in my field, but now my clients started to post on the internet forums about my CH to justify why do I fail to respond to many clients for a few months now. It is not only that pain that prevents me from doing so, but also the severe depression coming along with the bout, not knowing when when would this nightmare end, even temporarily. My attacks are SEVERE, they wake me up whenever I go to sleep, so I can honestly say that CH has became my Freddy Kreuger. DON'T SLEEP!!!

I live alone with my Dalmatian dog after being divorced 1 year ago, so loneliness doesn't really help with frequent and repetitive bouts of CH.

I know this place for YEARS, but I was always lurking around, reading and stuff, and I learned useful things from the old board i.e. manually injecting myself with half of the Imigran ampule, and guess what? It Works!!!

I am here just because I am GLAD to know I am not alone, and that others in the world know and understand the hell I am going through. My close friends really sympathize with me, but I do not need / want sympathy. Talking to someone who truly understands is much better for me.

For the abovementioned reasons I have taken the decision to finally register here.

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CH.com Veteran

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Reply #286 - Jan 21st, 2010 at 4:05am
Hi my name is Nancy. This is my first post and if I sound a little desperate I'm sure you'll understand. It's 2am here, just finished my first ache of the night. Just waiting for the next one to hit. Don't have O2, hell just learned about it the last couple of days reading posts here. Have had clusters for the last 20 years, I'm 43 now. Have a Dr. appointment with a spine Doc tomorrow ( I have a bulging disc in my neck and lower back ) to o.k. me for a nerve block, but I need to make it untill then. Tried everything I know to do. Been taking aleve every 6 hours, powered down a 5 hour energy drink, used ice, even tried imagining a big hammer banging down pointy spikes with every rock, and still I'm at a 7 with a 10 coming like an out of controll steam engine.I'm one week into a 12-14 week cycle and ramping up fast. Any ideas? Thanks!
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Dallas Denny 62
CH.com Old Timer

Semper Fi !!!!

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Island Bayou Mushroom Farm
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Reply #287 - Jan 21st, 2010 at 7:10am
Good Morning Nancy

So sorry you found the need to join our little club but Welcome Home!!!  Also sorry there weren't other board members online to post an immediate response to your questions.

I have been dancin with the beast for over 25 years and it wasn't until I found this site about 5 years ago that found out about O2 as well.  It has been an absolute Godsend for me and has completely changed attitude towards CH.  What was once almost unbearable is now just a inconvenience in comparison!!

My immediate advice to you would be to approach that spine doc today about an O2 script while you're talkin to him bout the disc problem.  May be a long shot but all he can do is say no so I would "grovel til the cows come home".  If that doesn't work then try to get to whatever doc gave you the CH diagnosis ASAP with a printout of the O2 therapy info on the oxygen tab on the left of the page

Do you have a script for Imitrex injections?  I only use it as a last ditch effort since finding O2 but it is a great abortive for me...just expensive as hell when you have no insurance.  If you have a script but can't afford it, Glaxo-Cline has a program on their website that will allow you to get some directly from them at a drastically reduced price!!  Its call "bridge to access" if I remember correctly.

Also, if you are open to it, you might want to explore one of the "alternative meds" treatments on the clusterbusters.com site (link is at the bottom of the navigation bar on the left side of this page) as many have reported great success via that route.

Again, Wecome Home Nancy, you have arrived at a community of folks with 100's of years of collective  "clusterhead" experience who will share their experience, strength and hope with you!!

Sending our positive vibes and thoughts, and wishing for some PF time for you soon!!

Dallas Denny
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I am lost and have gone to find myself....if you should see me before I get back....please ask me to wait until I return!!
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CH.com Veteran

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Posts: 169
Reply #288 - Jan 21st, 2010 at 7:58am
Thanks for the reply Denny. Problem with getting to the Doc who first diagnosed me. Lived in Plano Tx then- now I live in the wilds of Wyoming and even trying to get into see a GP can be problematic. Most specialist are only in town once or twice a week and the next nearest town that could offer anything is well over 2 hours away. Will ask for an O2 script though and hope that works. The problem with imitrex was that it worked for the headache I had at the time, but I'd have another half an hour later, and than another one an hour after that one ended, and so on. Used the inhaler though so is the injection any better?
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CH.com Newbie

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Posts: 7
A Newbie from South Australia
Reply #289 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 6:33pm
Hi all
From a small country town in South Australia--and yes a CH lady!  Note I did not say girl!  Have gleaned a lot of great information from your site; thank you.  Also a forum member from an Australian site. Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register
Not a big membership as there is very little known about CH is Australia where we struggle to find a local doctor with any great depth of knowledge in this area.  My first inroad with a neurologist was not particularly satisfactory either.  I was only diagnosed about 2 years' ago and have been on a bit of a roller coaster since.  One of the biggest problems I have had is explaining the severity of the pain (I refuse to call it headache) to ER staff when requesting oxygen.  Whilst trying to maintain some composure when one wants to grind ones head into the wall does not go down well I am afraid.  At least now my local ER people have some knowledge now after a recent week's hospitalisation where they saw me in full unmedicated state.  Then their response was a little different, but they felt unable to assist as medication "not ordered".  I feel more confident now of my ability to handle myself during attacks (like clockwork on wakening, 4pm and 7pm) after receiving a bit more attention from another neurologist.  His simple message was--feel an attack coming--take Imigran/Sumatriptan, dont hesitate.  Repeat in 2 hours and take up to 6 a day.  If not managing "call me" immediately to be commenced on IV Cortisone.  So far this has not been necessary--coping on the Imigran.  There are so many differing treatments and messages; the key obviously is to find what works for you--and when it stops--to go back and get further help.  Look forward to roaming your site.
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CH.com Newbie

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Reply #290 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 9:36am
My first time on CH.com but not a stranger to CH.  I was diagnosed back in 2004 after I had colon surgery.  That cycle lasted 43 days with the beast kicking my but 2-3 times a day.  I was very un-educated about CH along with my doc (who is excellent and helping me now in every way).  Not knowing about CH I was taking imitrex 100mg pills 4 times a day.  That lead to the famous reboud headaches. To make a long story short, I read about using O2 and that saved me.

Now, 6 years later I am in another cycle. My CH is episodic with remission lasting unsally 18 months.  This one is bad and I am in the 23rd day with 1-2 a day and many shadows.  I did learn to stock up on imitrex statdose.  I started this cycle with 18 injections and a couple of 100mg pills (which I still have).  I have 8 left and getting worried.  My problem is I work outside of the country and in Rosario Argentina right now so getting oxygen is tough.  On March 31 I'm outta hear but you all know that is a long way away.

I am very loyal keeping my log which is an important tool for me to gauge what is coming up next. Also being a part of this family is an important step for me. I have never spoke to anyone that had CH before.  No longer alone...... My wife reads web sites relating to CH and she is getting stronger by the cycle.

So I'm going to enjoy my day and wait for the night  Angry

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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Reply #291 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 11:37am
CD wrote on Mar 7th, 2010 at 9:36am:
..... imitrex statdose.  ..... I have 8 left and getting worried.     

Please tell me you are doubling to 16 or even tripling to 24 the amount of attack aborts you can get with those 8 stat doses...?

Here's the link just in case you haven't seen the imitrex tip that outlines how to do this:

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March 31 does sound a long way away, I'm sure, so your concern is understood.

I don't suppose they have any dive shops around there or welding supply places where could you get O2 without prescription?

Would they have any psilocybin (sub hallucinogenic doses of which are showing real promise for CH) around there or Rivea Corymbosa Seeds? You could look into that angle at clusterbusters.com if so inclined.

I've heard others here report that the mostly useless imitrex pills can have some value when taken shortly before bed - in order to be in effect when the guaranteed wake ya up night hits wanna  come along.

Others have reported that around 9 mg melatonin before bed can actually enable them to sleep thru the night (????!!!). Can't say it worked for me though.

Hang in there man - and here's very much hoping this episode will just freekin end already for you soon.

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2010 at 11:44am by bejeeber »  

CH according to Bejeeber:

Strictly relying on doctors for CH treatment is often a prescription that will keep you in a whole lot of PAIN. Doctors are WAY behind in many respects, and they are usually completely unaware of the benefits of high flow 100% O2.

There are lots of effective treatments documented at this site. Take matters into your own hands, learn as much as you can here and at clusterbusters.com, put it into practice, then tell this CH beast Jeebs said hello right before you bash him so hard with a swift uppercut knockout punch that his stupid horns go flinging right off.
bejeeber bejeeber Enter your address line 1 here  
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CH.com Newbie

I Love CH.com!

Posts: 2
Reply #292 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 7:21pm
Thanks for the reply and it is great to hear from a from a friend.  I will be checking out the site you sent to stretch out the statdos.  I did find out last night that I don't need a prescription for O2.  How did this happen! Went to a local doc and he was totally against this saying it doen't work.  Instead he had a nurse give me a shot of a painkiller that barley scratched the surface, but I did sleep which is gold nowadays.  Anyhow my wife asked the nurse and she said just go to a drug store for about $50 bucks and get a supply for a month.  Sweet.

The other meds you talked about are new to me but wil look into it.  Today was shadow free and it is 9:30 PM getting close to the beast attack.  Thanks again and love this site

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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Reply #293 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 8:35pm
Cool about the oxygen!!

You are probably well aware, but in case not, the psilocybin (AKA "magic mushrooms"), and even the RC seeds are illegal to ingest in many countries due to their potential for recreational abuse, so of course be careful when looking into them.

Melatonin is considered a sleeping aid nutritional supplement in the US and is sold over the counter w/out prescription at drugstores in the US, but of course I don't have a clue about Argentina.

Hey if ya got any more questions or comments, please start a new Topic in Getting to Know Ya or one of the other message board areas so we can get the max number of clusterheads responding.  Cool
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CH according to Bejeeber:

Strictly relying on doctors for CH treatment is often a prescription that will keep you in a whole lot of PAIN. Doctors are WAY behind in many respects, and they are usually completely unaware of the benefits of high flow 100% O2.

There are lots of effective treatments documented at this site. Take matters into your own hands, learn as much as you can here and at clusterbusters.com, put it into practice, then tell this CH beast Jeebs said hello right before you bash him so hard with a swift uppercut knockout punch that his stupid horns go flinging right off.
bejeeber bejeeber Enter your address line 1 here  
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CH.com Newbie

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it depends, but mostly mentor
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Reply #294 - Mar 10th, 2010 at 12:09am
I don't know if I'm doing this right but I want to let some one know I'm here.  Bless coach_bill for getting me here. My first I can remember was only about 5 years ago. Since then the longest I've gone without a hit is 3 months.  I cannot go on with much more right now but I'll be back tomorrow.  I did not not get diagnosed until Jan. 2009.  I've spent a lot of time by myself.  I only hope for acceptance to this sight, I'll be back soon.
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CH.com Newbie

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Posts: 7
Reply #295 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 8:00pm
Hi Buzz Hog
I am only new to the site as well.  Australian, and currently in the middle of a cycle causing me quite a bit of discomfort--BUT-a damn sight better than I was a couple of months ago.  It seems managing these attacks is the answer, but there seem to be so many people who are struggling to get any sort of help; especially here in Australia.  Hang in there.  Dusker
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CH.com Hall of Famer

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Reply #296 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 9:48pm
Hey Dusker and Buzz Hog (or is that Buzzer and Dusk Hog?),

It would be very cool if you could create new topics introducing yourselves here in the Getting To Know Ya forum.

If you could use some input from some folks who have compared a lot of notes and found some good solutions, that's where they'll likely see your posts, whereas this topic is a bit obscure and your posts can be easily missed. I only noticed them by chance myself.

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« Last Edit: Mar 11th, 2010 at 9:48pm by bejeeber »  

CH according to Bejeeber:

Strictly relying on doctors for CH treatment is often a prescription that will keep you in a whole lot of PAIN. Doctors are WAY behind in many respects, and they are usually completely unaware of the benefits of high flow 100% O2.

There are lots of effective treatments documented at this site. Take matters into your own hands, learn as much as you can here and at clusterbusters.com, put it into practice, then tell this CH beast Jeebs said hello right before you bash him so hard with a swift uppercut knockout punch that his stupid horns go flinging right off.
bejeeber bejeeber Enter your address line 1 here  
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CH.com Newbie

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Reply #297 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 5:11pm
Thank you for your advice.  I was a bit bewildered when it came to deciding where to add my "bit".  Cheers
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donna mae
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Reply #298 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 8:06pm
Hi to all !  I'm also new to this sight and I can't tell you how grateful I am to all who have responded with help to my questions and offered advice.The information that is shared is here is tremendous. This curse affects us in so many ways, and only we  CH's can understand that. It takes time to sort it all out. I'm one of the lucky ones who got a quick diagnosis, 1 month into my 1st cycle. My heart goes out to all of you who have suffered with this for years, no knowing.
This week I finally got an appointment to see a nuero, next month and  I'm hopeful I will get the needed prescriptions and quickly find what will work best for me. Things are looking up. Still dealing with daily shadows, eye droop, tearing, annoying head pressure that never goes away, but I'm dealing and not crying any more and that's a "good thing". Smiley
God Bless
Donna Mae
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Donna Haynes junebug57  
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Reply #299 - Apr 6th, 2010 at 8:45pm
I'm here for the first time and I've had CH since the age of 14 and I'm 54 now. I was diagnosed rightly in 1983 by a neurologist in Tacoma, WA who said, after I told him what I was going through, "You've got Cluster Headaches" just like that. First of all I was relieved that I wasn't dying of a brain tumor but then went through pretty much the same trials of ineffective medications that were available at the time. When Sumatriptan came along I felt some hope but it soon proved ineffective. The best response I got was from Imitrex injectables and oxygen. I loved it when they prescribed the vials of Imitrex instead of those penlets. At 3am one morning I was in the usual amount of pain and barely able to function, I ended up shooting my last injection in the air. I have to admit I felt pretty isolated and this site has offered me more comfort than I have known for a long time. After a 7 year period of remission, another cycle started last Thursday.
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DISCLAIMER: All information contained on this web site is for informational purposes only.  It is in no way intended to be used as a replacement for professional medical treatment.   clusterheadaches.com makes no claims as to the scientific/clinical validity of the information on this site OR to that of the information linked to from this site.  All information taken from the internet should be discussed with a medical professional!