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How to be a GREAT supporter (Read 33482 times)
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #25 - Aug 30th, 2009 at 10:24pm
Hi Christine - I guess the biggest thing for me to do when my hubby's in cycle is keep the house calm, make sure we don't go anywhere without his O2 and imitrex, and check his supply of meds.  When he's in pain sometimes he likes ice. His body temp range doesn't have alot of tolerance, so I try to keep the house comfortable.

He doesn't want any pampering. Usually he tries to lay down afterwards, it pretty much wipes him out.

Hope this helps.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #26 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:36pm
Hello Christine...

Talk to your CHer....ask what they would like for you to do.  A plan is important both during a hit and after.

Good Luck....

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My life supporter!!!!!!
Reply #27 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 11:27pm
My Husband is the greatest supporter. There is not much he can do for me . But he knows when I 'am getting one by my body language. So he quickly gets me to the bed room. I really can't talk but he gets me a cold frozen pack. A tissue and a washcloth. The on thing he dose do is to keep me informed on how long I might have to go and this is reassuring to me. holds me and makes sure I'm not passing out from the pain and the crazy heart beat. Love him he is the only one that can make me safe. That is so important to have.
If he is not with me. I'm scared
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #28 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 4:10am
Hi all,

My partner and I have recently got together, he is a long time sufferer. Our relationship began right at the end of his CH season and I only witnessed one attack. We have been friends for a long time so I have known about his condition through a previous season, but only now are we close. After witnessing the attack before I had asked him if there was anything I could do for him during an attack to help or ease him, and he simply says nothing. I read here from sufferers that they feel comforted to be held or massaged, but he says any touch for him intensifies the pain. Also other supporters have mentioned bringing water or ice packs - I wonder whether because he has suffered alone for so long whether he is resistant to help or whether he genuinely would just love me to leave him alone until it's over. He suffers silently and motionless. I have never spent the night with him during a season so not sure what to expect from that. The beast is in remission now, not sure when the next season is due and also don't want to bring up the subject and remind him of this.

Any advice greatly received
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anthony g
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #29 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 6:40am
sorry to hear! i know when i have an attack i want to be left alone so this seems to be a common reaction! as long as he knows your there is the best thing! good luck and stay strong!
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #30 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 8:25am
anthony g wrote on Dec 28th, 2009 at 6:40am:
sorry to hear! i know when i have an attack i want to be left alone so this seems to be a common reaction! as long as he knows your there is the best thing! good luck and stay strong!

Thanks for your reply. I will just do all I can to continue life as normal and not let the CH affect our relationship. I know he tries his best to continue life as normal during the seasons, so I suppose I just have to go with do my best to make that happen. I just wish there was something I could do. I know all supporters and sufferers feel the same though.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #31 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 10:41am
Sammy99 wrote on Dec 28th, 2009 at 4:10am:
He suffers silently and motionless.

You said previously that he's a long-time clusterhead.  The above really sounds as if he's dealt with it for quite some time. 

Many of us get less demonstrative as time goes on.  Old-timers tend to approach an attack (below a certain level, of course--severe attacks are a different animal altogether) as if it's a battle.  In order to "win", we need all our concentration and strength to endure the thing, pass through it, and minimize the effects.  It's very difficult. 

I think that's at least part of the reason many of us prefer--and must--be alone during an attack.  We cannot have the distraction of another person around, no matter how well-intended. 

But that's not all of it.  There's also a powerful revulsion in some of us to being touched during an attack (me included).  We can't tolerate it.  "Noli me tangere." 

It's by no means a universal reaction, but I suspect that he reacts in that way.

Sometimes the best thing a supporter can do is to understand what's going on, and provide what's needed when asked for it. 

I know that there's much more that most supporters would do if they could, but when he says that there's nothing you can do, there's really nothing you can do.  He knows what he needs to get past it.  He'll emerge from his "zone" and respond when he's able to do so.

It's tough to do nothing.  I know.

Thanks for caring so much for him.

All the best,

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« Last Edit: Dec 28th, 2009 at 10:54am by George »  

"Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound."  (Thomas More, author of "Utopia", and Chancellor of England.  1477-1535)
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #32 - Dec 29th, 2009 at 8:55pm
Hello.  I have been with my fiancee', Dave, for 3 years now and have witnessed horrible, gut wrenching, tear jerking, nasuating times of his battle with the beast.  He is not quiet or still.  He has had ch since he was about 13 and just had his 40 birthday.  He went almost 2 years without one, and is at the end (hopefully) of a pretty bad session now.  He is having alot of what we call psyic headache, you know, you get ALL systoms: pressure, eyewatering, neck discomfort... without the psychotic demonic pain. Until last night he had 2, and as usual, went to work this morning. 

I, like everyone else on this site wish, beg and pled to be able to do something to help.  Just being there sounds so fake, but, apprently it is not.  Because, I hear that alot from Dave, he says, just being there for him helps alot. Sometimes I feel ashamed for just laying there when he is battling the worst pain a human can endure.  I feel so sorry for him, sometimes I just cry. 

I have read people talking about ice.  What do they do with it? Dave said he can't imagine holding ice on his head.  We are trying an icepack under his neck right now.  He has pressure and neck discomfort.  All suggestions will be appreciated. 

Loving my CH man
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I AM a Phoenix!

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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #33 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 4:24pm
I got one of those facial mask icepacks for Joe. I don't think he uses it while he's sucking on the O2 tank but afterwards for the hangover pain. He likes having it. As he's been reporting the last few days, he's trying RedBull for the first time with this cycle. It seems to help him alot too so I go get him that and set it on the table with his icepack. Then I leave the room. He doesn't want me to watch him and I don't want to be a nuisance.  But I'm within hearing range so if I hear him fumbling around I go back in to see what he needs.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #34 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 4:48pm
What is the redbull for?
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #35 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:04pm
Carrie wrote on Dec 30th, 2009 at 4:48pm:
What is the redbull for? 

Carrie, many CHeads get a good deal of relief from slamming a can of Red Bull at the immediate onset of a hit.  Can't hurt.
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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #36 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:14pm
Do you know what the ice is for?  Do you put it on your neck? Face?  The doctors office today said to put it where it hurts, are you kidding?  His whole side of his head hurts.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #37 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:15pm
AussieBrian wrote on Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:04pm:
Carrie wrote on Dec 30th, 2009 at 4:48pm:
What is the redbull for? 

Carrie, many CHeads get a good deal of relief from slamming a can of Red Bull at the immediate onset of a hit.  Can't hurt.

Thanks for the advice, we will try anything at this point.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #38 - Jan 6th, 2010 at 6:31pm
Carrie wrote on Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:14pm:
Do you know what the ice is for?  Do you put it on your neck? Face?  The doctors office today said to put it where it hurts, are you kidding?  His whole side of his head hurts.

Sorry a bit slow getting back to you, Carrie. Many CHeads use an ice-pack directly on the side of their face, on the front, or at the back of the neck. (There's a saying around here, "Frozen peas are my friends".)

Others are horrified at the thought and use heat-packs just the same way. I personally use both at the same time switching them around every few minutes. Figure if I can't beat the bastage, I can confuse him enough he'll go.

I well remember hanging my head under the shower once turning the water from boiling hot to cold and back, accidently scalded my scalp and half my hair fell out. Didn't even realise until morning.

Cheers from down under,


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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #39 - Feb 14th, 2011 at 10:45am
My best friend and mom are both CH sufferers. My friend has been chronic for six months with no relief. I want to help both of them, but i am seven hours away in college. It's terrifying because I never know what is happening from not only day to day but hour to hour. Sometimes I feel as if I should be at home to help them, but honestly I'm not sure if there is anything I could do for either of them. Right now I am my friend's outlet when venting. It is breaking my heart, but I can't even pretend to understand his pain and I am willing to be that outlet for him. I just don't know if there is anything more I can do. When things get really bad he shuts me out completely, and I think that is harder than his angry outbursts. My mom on the other hand regards me completely as her daughter, and tries to hide her pain from me. However, I somewhat know what she is going through because of my friend. I just want to help them, but I don't think there is anything I can do. Suggestions?
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #40 - Feb 14th, 2011 at 10:52am
You're already doing a lot. Most of us just want to be left alone when we're getting hit. It's a very "intimate" time for us and we don't like peoiple to see it. Continue to read the board and learn as much as you can about CH and its treatments. Then compare it to what they are doing. Most docs know nothing about CH and it breaks my heart to see people needlessly suffering for years because their docs are clueless about all the treatments currently available to reduce the number and intensity of attacks.

Send them BOTH the link to this board, and encourage them to join. Or at the very least get them to just read the board and see how much is available to them.

Bless you for taking this step to help them. We love our supporters around here. Smiley

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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I'm a supporter

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Eden Mills,Vermont
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #41 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:38pm
Well first I would like to say "thank you" for this site. I am a supporter to my boyfriend of nearly 10 years and he has suffered with these terrible beasts for nearly all but two of them. We are both at are wits end and i find myself in tears thinking how can this be what life has in store for us?  He has tried so many medications and treatments and we both feels so hopeless. I am happy to read about the role of the supporter because there are nights I lie awake in bed listening to him pace the floors, rock in the chair, cry, get in and out of the shower, turn on and off the O2 etc and wonder...why can't i do anything for him?  I am a nurse  and I can take epidurals out of peoples spines, give highly controlled medications and save peoples lives but I can't help him? What is happening?  Lately he's been complaining of a "bee buzzing in his head" feeling. Does anyone know what this is? Is it just part of the clustering.....letting him know he's going to get one?  It goes on for days when he's clustering and the Dr.'s can't seem to expain it.  I feel so alone...I am so glad I found you!
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« Last Edit: Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:52pm by Edenmtclusterhead »  
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I'm a supporter

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Eden Mills,Vermont
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #42 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:48pm
Carrie wrote on Dec 30th, 2009 at 7:14pm:
Do you know what the ice is for?  Do you put it on your neck? Face?  The doctors office today said to put it where it hurts, are you kidding?  His whole side of his head hurts.

Carrie- I know that my boyfriend prefers hot on the back of his neck....very hot. He gets in and out of the shower and he puts a hot pack on the back of his neck when he's not in the shower...he prefers this instead of ice but everyone is different.
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #43 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:53pm
Go to the medications section and check out the post "123 pf days and I think I know why". It's a D-3, Magnesium, calcium, zinc and fish oil daily supplement regimen. Pennies a day, good for you even if you don't have CH and MANY on the board who try it are showing favorable results, including complete remission. No guarantees mind you, but cheap and worth a try.

Then review this link and make sure he's getting the maximum benefit from the 02:

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Bless your heart for being a supporter. If my wife hadn't googled the original CH streaming board I'd still be chewing aspirin and crying for 90-120 minutes at a time.


edited cuz i can't spell today!!!
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« Last Edit: Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:54pm by Guiseppi »  

"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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I'm a supporter

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Eden Mills,Vermont
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #44 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 7:44am
Joe- Thank you for the information here...I will def. check this out. Were willing to try anything at this point. Cry
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #45 - Oct 9th, 2012 at 6:48pm
[quote author=6D46444C4E42270 link=1159993470/14#14 date=1204920426]
Study all you can about the condition....education is power.  He may not feel up to a lot of reading so it might be up to you.

Hi Jackie,
It has been up to me to read this important and helpful information on CH and I get frustrated that my husband does not take a more pro-active approach in researching his own condition.  I know it's because he doesn't feel like doing a lot of reading, but some days I don't either. 

Some days he won't take his medicine because when he keeps getting the CH's regardless and then he says the meds don't work (which is logical).  He hates pills and he hates going to the dr.  I have to get on his ass about both and it can be exhausting.  Today, my attitude is, "It's your head, it's up to you what you want to do about it."  I know this sounds ugly.  Today is not one of my best.

Some days I am strong enough to handle this and other days I'm not.  I know I need to be patient and that he is hurting beyond comprehension, but I'm also trying to help his brother who has stage 4 bladder cancer.  The combination of these two horrible medical conditions is almost more than I (or he) can bear some days.  Today I am feeling more frustrated than hopeful.  I know it's really "the beast" that I am mad at. 
Oh well, thanks for listening.  What doesn't kills us makes us stronger, right?

Any more advice is most welcome.

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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #46 - Oct 9th, 2012 at 9:49pm
The only other advice is make sure the caregiver is getting sufficient care.  Smiley That's a full plate you're running with. What doesn;t kill you DOES make you stronger but don't get killed in the process. Whether it's here on the supporters board, your church, inner family cirlce, close friends, make sure YOU have a leaning post too. Wink

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #47 - May 19th, 2013 at 10:35am
sldrswyfe wrote on Jul 13th, 2007 at 1:32pm:
It is such a blessing to have not only a compassionate supporter, but one that is secure enough to "back off" while you're in the ring...and not take it personally.

My husband isn't physically here with me at the time...and hasn't been for awhile...but when he is he's a gem...and very loving and comforting after Im out of the ring.

He holds me...covered with sweat and all...rocks me...and need not say a word...I can hear his heart.

That he is kind enough to be quiet, and tell others if anyone happens to be around to also keep it down...is invaluable...he can deliver the information in a kind way...I would end up screaming at people during and hit...then have to deal with addional guilt afterward.

I have said this before, but not to supporters...the sweetest times I remember is waking up on the floor where I defeated the demon, with my husband lying on the floor holding me...I can never thank him enough or express my deep gratitude.  That is truly how important you all are...

This is a lovely post  Smiley
A lot of people I have seen posting about cluster headaches say they want to be alone, but I find that my partner being there just to put a hand on my head or wipe it with a cold towel helps. When I have a bad attack when I am alone I will moan and groan and hit my head and take fast shallow breaths.  Angry but if he's there he tells me to relax and breathe deeply. It helps that someone is there to calm you down I think...even though sometimes I snap because I can't always breathe deeply and stay calm.  Roll Eyes

That's why, perhaps i am the opposite of most people where when the headache gets more intense I shout him to come and sit with me.  Wink
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Mike NZ
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #48 - May 19th, 2013 at 4:34pm
There is also a half way point too. I like my supporter to be around, making sure I've got my O2 going but just letting me get on with it. During the CH I don't want to be fussed but I don't want to be totally alone either.
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Re: How to be a GREAT supporter
Reply #49 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 2:48pm
What a great place...just got done reading all the posts.  My husband doesn't like doing research~~because he is dyslexic he finds reading and big medical terms hard to understand.  Some stuff I read on here I don't understand~~But I do relate with so many of you. Bob hates to be touched while fighting the battle. He like his o2 and peace and quite.  This last cycle after 2 1/2 years remission has been his worse by far, they came back with a bang.  Like other posters here I ask what I can do or get him then remain as quite as possible.  He has never moaned like he has in this cycle.  I went away to be with family for 3 days.  I was so worried about him it was hard to enjoy myself and I finally broke down in front of my family.  I know he is hurting and hurting bad but seeing him going through this is also hard on me.  Thanks for letting me let my feelings out.  I can't believe it's taken me so long to find this site.
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