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Have *some* teacher's lost their minds? (Read 7279 times)
CH.com Alumnus

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Jun 4th, 2008 at 9:17am
Two examples of teachers who imho, should be staked out and left for the buzzards.  Where in the hell are they finding these people?  And yes, I know, these two are only a small minority, BUT, how many do we not know about?

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What the hell?

Posts: 85
Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #1 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 9:53am
I've been lucky with my son because he has had incredible teachers in kindergarten and 1st grade.  Then 2nd grade came along, the teacher in NC was completely useless.  We moved the end of October and luckily he ended up with a teacher here who got it and has been very influential in some of his talents.  But I promise, I don't have alot of hope for our education system with the teachers who mess around with minors, the ones who buy alcohol for their students, and then the ones who just teach because they want summers off.  Where are the ones that care and want children to learn?  Unfortunately, they aren't popping into the education system like we would like for them too.  I'm going to shut up, because I could go on and on about what the country could do to help get good, morally correct teachers again.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #2 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:18am
Like in any population of professionals, you have good workers and bad workers.

I am a former teacher and I ask all of you this one qeustion. How many of you have spent an entire day observing a classroom? I ask all of you to try that or even a week before you cast judgement. That is a great picture of that little boy but not from the eyes of the clssroom teacher. Teaching is tough. You have NO idea how your children act when you are not around. Trust me.

Do you know anybody at your office that disapears or goofs off when the boss is gone??? Where do you think that started?
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CH.com Junior

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #3 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:38am
My thing is what teachers are offered in this world.   Of course that one 2nd grade teacher needed to be tarred and feathered, just based on her attitude alone.  She couldn't even spell!  We aren't getting alot of good teachers anymore and the states are begging for them.  But because the salaries stink and the crap they put up with isn't worth it, children are suffering.  There are always going to be the few (and I remember when it was just few) that didn't live up to expectations.  But now, why should they even attempt it?  The really bad ones are in the grand light of the media, which in turn makes the rest look horrible.  The really great ones aren't recognized.  It is sad that the one profession in this country that could easily be one of the most difficult is also the one without a decent pay rate.  Yet actors, football players, etc... are paid these exuberant amounts of money for what?
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #4 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Paige_H. wrote on Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:38am:
Yet actors, football players, etc... are paid these exuberant amounts of money for what?

Let us not forget attorney's and doctors. My spousal unit is an atorney and makes *decent* money [you define decent] but certainly not what high profile nor what partners at my firm make.
I have often asked WHY we put ACTORS, of ALL people, on a pedestal not to mention the football player who can not spell but got caught with cocaine no less tan 4 times
[Dexter Manley-Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register-Washington Redskins] and he received a scholarship to Oklahoma State and went there for 4 years!  Let's not even talk with Micahel Vick or Michael  Irvin and don't get me started on the NBA. Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register Yes, all professions have thier bad apples and the lime light is on teachers today. Nothing wrong with that. Every profession needs some policing but having been a teacher where I had NO Special Ed training and was forced to teach a class that had 11 Special Ed kids in it makes you wonder and loose your faith in the system. One kid had an IQ of 65...65! He could barely spell his name. And yet I had to to write and IEP for him w/o the proper training on how to deal with a child with an IQ of 65. This first incident seems similar since the child is of lower IQ than the other students and is disruptive toward the class. Sounds very, very familiar.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #5 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 3:10pm
If the Asperger kid has behavior issues, the administrators should decide if he gets removed from the class. No votes. If the kid has a right to be in the class, it doesn't matter what other kids think. If the kid is a problem, the solution should come from judicial action of the adults, not from some popularity contest vote.

In the good old days, kids who disrupted class or wrote with their left hand were hit by the teachers with hard objects, and the sanctity of the classroom was maintained. Then common sense died, and we had to stop hitting the kids.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #6 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 4:16pm
Back in the "good old days" we DID have the "board of education" and it was used without the CPS getting involved and AFTER it was used we got the "parental" board used on us at home cause by the time we got home our parents KNEW what we'd been up to in school (and it wasn't by e-mail!).

Why should teachers give a damn if parents don't? This has been my complaint for several years... and yes, Tom, I HAVE sat thru a day in a classroom (many days) and I HAVE taught a few dozen classes and I HAVE dished out a "little" corporal punishment to a few diehards (bring on CPS!!!!).

But there ARE people who should NOT be teaching (or attempting to teach) our children. My opinion - either you can or you can't and if you don't have the "calling" then you shouldn't be there. Schools should do more thorough background checks on teachers and maybe that would weed out some of these perverts and crazies that we're hearing about on the 6 o'clock news.

But first and foremost - Parents MUST get involved. Until that is done and kids KNOW that their parents are involved we're gonna have a problem with our education system. The government DOES NOT know what's best UNTIL and WHEN we TELL THEM!!!

Say what you want to about the good old days, but we DID get an education far superior to anything that's going on today. And we weren't much different from kids today....

Hugs BD
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #7 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 6:22pm
Thank you for your comments Tom. I often feel alone in this battle on this board. I teach in a school that trains interns from the college so I see so many brand new teachers. We see many bright talented interns ready to teach. Lisa is in a Master's program for teaching right now and they weed them out very quickly if the professors don't feel they will do well. It is not possible anymore to get a teaching certificate in a 4 year program in many states. To upgrade the highly qualified status, many states are requiring a concentration BS or BA then doing grad school for the student teaching education program. The new education programs are not just about teaching but dealing with inclusion, technology, diversified society and education, and testing requirements. It will take Lisa 5 1/2 yrs to complete what I did in 4 years. The colleges ARE attracting students that will be good teachers but as Barb said we are fighting an uphill battle with many parents. Our hands are tied with what we can do with discipline. I had a bad situation last Friday and when I called the Mom about it she said why didn't I call her earlier. I just had 2 weeks ago and a few other times this past year as well as notes in his agenda. Unfortunatly the teachers get blamed all too often for this. Last week in Melissas post I mentioned how important it is that we work together. There are plenty of great teachers,  canidates and plenty of wonderful parents who support us.

I have also been teaching 28 years. Yes, I do look forward to my summers but they are often filled with hours of volunteer swim team(many of these kids are my students) , professional workshops and getting ready for the fall.  Enough on my soap box. I just wish we could work together more rather than the constant bashing of education. Get in and volunteer, mentor a kid or find a way to help out to improve the situation!

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CH.com Alumnus

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #8 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 6:33pm
TomM wrote on Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:18am:
How many of you have spent an entire day observing a classroom? I ask all of you to try that or even a week before you cast judgement. That is a great picture of that little boy but not from the eyes of the clssroom teacher. Teaching is tough. You have NO idea how your children act when you are not around. Trust me.

Yes, I have been in the classroom, substituted for 1st-3rd and then 7th.

And to be quite blunt, I don't give a flying rats ass about what the teacher *saw*, she HAD no right to make that little boy the object of a group discussion/vote to this face.  What if all teachers took that route?

As to the second teacher, I would have probably gone to jail if I'd heard an ADULT talking to my kid like that.  And yes, I did discipline my child (who I might add is finishing her Master's degree and will graduate magna cum laude).

Uhm, TomM, in the first incident with the little fellow who is an Aspie, where do you get that he has a lower IQ?  From what I've read, most Aspies tend to be higher in intelligence than their age groups, BUT, are deficit in other areas.

I agree that in the majority of cases, teachers have a shit job, but you know something?  I didn't make them choose their profession and I can guarantee you, most know the pay scales before they enter the profession.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #9 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 6:55pm
Children with Asperger's often are very intelligent. I have several in my magnet program. Still not convinced, google Temple Grandin. It's an incredible story. Coping with social situations seems to be the biggest problem and they often get special education in speech therapy for this. In the meantime they function above grade level with their peers. This teacher in the video is clearly wrong and I am embarrassed to be in the same profession with someone like this. Every career has idiots like this. I'm just asking not to take the whole profession down and all of the new teachers as well!

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #10 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 8:15pm
Every profession has the good, the bad, and the criminal........the tragedy is when the criminal gets away with it because no one will step forward and that gives the rest a bad name.  One shouldn't have to defend thier profession due to the few who taint it.

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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #11 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 7:23am
Tom, I guess what I'm trying to say is that for every 100 good teachers there's always one who can taint the others. And that's the one we hear about - the others have to defend their reps against the taint. And it's NOT right.  There are still dedicated teachers out there, but their hands are being tied by the damn government and all the PC marlarky.

Teachers should be given more "control" of their classrooms (as in the old days). Parents should be called on the carpet when their kids misbehave and kids expelled when they don't "follow the rules".

It's a fact that if kids are given a bad name they're gonna live up to it, so they should be praised for doing good and reprimanded in a positive way  (psyche 101).

We've gone so far overboard with this PC stuff and making sure our kids know about drugs and sex (which should be taught at home in my opinion - not at school) that we're forgetting to teach the basics (which is what the schools are FOR).

Carolyn, I know you were involved with your daughter (as I was with my son) and we SAW that they got an education, but so many parents just don't care anymore or think the teachers should do it all. today parents think an e-mail is a parent/teacher conference a lot of the time.

Another thing I've noticed (with my grandson) is that parents don't listen to their kids account of what's going on. Sometimes when a kid misbehaves - it MIGHT NOT be exactly what it appears. Sometimes there might be two sides to the story. Ask the kid his/her side of it before you jump to conclusions. When I was in the third grade a teacher "accused" me of something that I didn't do (and I hated that woman till the day she died) - she lied! My parents KNEW I didn't lie and when I refused to take a punishment for something I didn't do (and I did enough) they called my Dad and he came to the school and listened to me. I did not get punished, but always held a grudge against that woman. So when my son was in school, before I jumped to conclusions I did ask his side before any punishment was dished out by anyone (he didn't lie either - that was one of our rules). If you put the kid and teacher in the same room - the truth is gonna come out somewhere in the middle. My kids tend to get hysterical at Caleb before they listen to him and that upsets me to no end. A few times he just hasn't deserved their rath and Granny has let them know it, but it hurt his feelings that they wouldn't listen to HIM.

If I've given the impression that I don't respect teachers I sure didn't mean to - because I do respect them. There are several who made a big difference in my life. But it still boils down to parents being involved in their kids lives, their schooling and their upbringing.

Hugs BD
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #12 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 8:14am
monty wrote on Jun 4th, 2008 at 3:10pm:
If the Asperger kid has behavior issues, the administrators should decide if he gets removed from the class. No votes. If the kid has a right to be in the class, it doesn't matter what other kids think. If the kid is a problem, the solution should come from judicial action of the adults, not from some popularity contest vote.

Yes, this is true. The teacher doe snto get to vote on who stays and goes but I  have a hard time believeingthe liberal media. Something else is going on here and not being reported.

deltadarlin wrote on Jun 4th, 2008 at 6:33pm:
TomM wrote on Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:18am:
How many of you have spent an entire day observing a classroom? I ask all of you to try that or even a week before you cast judgement. That is a great picture of that little boy but not from the eyes of the clssroom teacher. Teaching is tough. You have NO idea how your children act when you are not around. Trust me.

Uhm, TomM, in the first incident with the little fellow who is an Aspie, where do you get that he has a lower IQ?  From what I've read, most Aspies tend to be higher in intelligence than their age groups, BUT, are deficit in other areas..

Did not mean to imply he was lower IQ just using that as an example of how teachers are NOT trained but EXPECTED to deal with kids who DO NOT belong in thier classroom. that kid has emotional problems, that's all.
I taught Technology EDucation. Power Tools and PC's. A kid with an IQ of 65 using a Ban Saw or Table Saw or teaching him the finer points of Corel Draw....come on. He did not belong there but my principal thought otherwise so I was stuck. Who got screwed???? the Good kidz, as always.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #13 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:18am
Yes, parents should listen to their children and I do that constantly.  I also read between the lines and get it all straight.  However, I will NOT tolerate a teacher who won't listen to what I say and a counselor says.  My son makes straight A's, cries if he gets a B, but gets extremely bored when he is finished with his work in class.  I have given the teacher more than enough ideas of what to do to help this situation.  Instead of implementing any of the ideas - she calls me to complain about it.  I wouldn't be so angry; however, I have talked with my son, a counselor has talked with my son and the teacher rejects everything we say.  I was happy to tell her that I'm a single mother and I can't monitor her classroom for her.  I also explained that if she can't control her class, then possibly she should discuss with the principal ideas that might help her some.  Two days later she called me to tell me that when my son was finished with his work, that he was more than welcome to read WRESTLING MAGAZINES!  Doesn't that sound like a lovely teacher?
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #14 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:44am
Barbara- I sure haven't felt that you don't support teachers; actually the opposite. I think you have a really clear picture of what the problems are. Each situation is different.

It seems when anyone has a bad expereince we are quick to jump on the band wagon and add our complaints as well. I can't emphasize enough to get involved with your children's class. Develop a good relationship with the school. I was very dissapointed with who Lisa had for 2nd grade and went in to ask to be changed. The principal was more than understanding and told me that usually class changes aren't made but since my husband and I were so supportive she would do this. Yeah, it's favortism but we had done volunteer work. The principal told me she doesn't like to allienate the parents who help her. Also when you are in the schools you can see things first hand.

Tom is so correct about the limited training many teachers have with special ed. Those summers off have been spent for many of us doing training. I was fortunate enough to see this coming and did dual certification in special ed. No Child Left Behind has made a mess of your schools! You would be amazed ant what we aren't leaving behind!

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What the hell?

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #15 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:53am
I wish I had time to be involved with the school.  But I don't, I have to work for a living and can't be volunteering and doing this and that for them.  I also can't even get an hour to go to the school and discuss what best not happen for 3rd grade.  This teacher wants to put my son in a class with less children, which would be fine.  However, the class will be part children with higher IQs and the other part will be special ed.  Now what the hell does that say about an education system?  It just tells me that it has all fallen apart, there isn't any regard for the children, there isn't any concern for what they are learning or how they are learning it.  It really isn't the teachers fault in most situations, alot of falls on the States for letting everything go to far.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #16 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 12:27pm
Paige_H. wrote on Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:18am:
Two days later she called me to tell me that when my son was finished with his work, that he was more than welcome to read WRESTLING MAGAZINES!  Doesn't that sound like a lovely teacher?

Yes, this is an example of a teacher who is not doing a good job at all. Like I said earlier. There are always a few bad apples and this one needs your attention. You need to keep on her, unfortunately, and explain to the principal that this type of behavior from the teacher is NOT acceptable.

TomM wrote on Jun 5th, 2008 at 8:14am:
Who got screwed???? The Good kidz, as always.
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"Everyone should believe in something. I believe I'll go fishing." --Thoreau--
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What the hell?

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #17 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 2:04pm
Oh Tom, you know me well enough to know that I have raised hell about it.  Thankfully, he only has one more day of school left.  I believe he will be changing schools next year anyway.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #18 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 4:47pm

This class make up is very typical lately. This is heterogeneous grouping and is as controversial as homogenious grouping was. I don't really care for it and most teachers don't either. Imagine how much easier it would be to teach if everyone was doing the same thing. Teachers have to teach several levels of math all at once. My last class today included a girl from Haiti who speaks little English, 2 autistic children and 5 that receive Title 1 Special ed. There are several others with their issues. I also have 2 kids who are way above grade level in that mix. The homeroom teacher is great with 29 years experience and still is overwhelmed at times. Imagine the new teachers? It's not that they aren't being trained, just overwhelmed.

I also have to work full time. PTA's after school, sending in cookies for parties, helping with after school projects like holiday programs are all ways I squeeze in time. Most of this is evening work. When my kids were in elem school I also took a personal 1/2 or whole day just once  a year to visit or help with a party or field trip. I know it's hard and you aren't alone. That is another issue too. We have so much less parental involvement. Economy has forced so many to work.

I hope next year is better!

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #19 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:27pm

I was with you right up to this:
Economy has forced so many to work.

This is a cop out used by many. Allow me to fix it:
Greed and lack of imagination have compelled so many to work.

Too many parents think that earning more money, providing the best house, food, clothing, etc. means they are being the best parents. Kids don't care about that shit. Even though they may not verbalize it, what they want is a mommy and a daddy. Ones that will show them how to have fun, how to love, laugh, cry, how to show up at the school party, how to be a human being.

It's too easy to blame "the economy" because it's impossible to prove.

I'm with ya on everything else.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #20 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:53pm
I have had teachers that do not understand the subjects they are teaching and really did not care. Example the teacher held up a motherboard pointed to the socket and called it the bios and later said that firewalls stop viruses.

I have had other great teachers that were not afraid to admit they were wrong and really wanted to learn to become even better teachers and even taught theories that not everyone agreed with. Some of those teachers even asked me to help with their classes because I knew more about the subject and they were not afraid to let people know that I was helping.

I found some of the best education I received was not in regular school and sometimes not even in a school sometimes it was online. Some of the books I have purchased to learn things were useless so I tend to pirate books instead of spending money and risking ending up with a useless book.

Most of the teachers I have had used old text books with outdated information/Non industry standard applications and seemed happy to work with it instead of going online obtaining new information and trial versions of the newest programs and finding free legal solutions. Because of this many students entering the workforce are at a disadvantage because the school could not afford to buy Microsoft office for 400 computers and used Coral word instead (it is different from office if you have not used it) and file maker pro the list goes on.

There are free trial versions they could have downloaded and reinstalled every 60 or so days open office is 100% free and is similar to word 2003 (standard in many companies) and Microsoft has a new program that actually gives students many of these applications for free now.....but I know for a fact the local schools are still using older and sometimes non standard applications.
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This really bothered me more than anything else it was not that they could not teach us with the correct software or hardware or newer books or information they choose not to even when there is a free and legal way around many of these problems.

I first noticed this in grade 3 the teacher said there were 9 planets in the solar system I was watching television the day before and they said they discovered a new planet a small moon I told the teacher this and she had read about this but continued to teach us there were 9 planets it would not cost her any money to draw the new moon on the board....

Just my 2cents
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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2008 at 7:24pm by MvT »  

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #21 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 6:02pm
Brew I feel the same way.
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #22 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 6:47pm
I also completly agree with you about work Brew. I just hear so much, " I have to work." We were lucky that Erik worked out of the home so one of us was home and always available. He had to cut out some craft shows before the kids started school but we wouldn't trade those experiences and opportunitites for all the money in the world. Unfortunalty it doesn't work for everyone. There are lots of single parents out there trying to make ends meet and they are often the ones caught in the "I have to work" issue. Still it can't hurt to take a day off now and then to help chaperone a field trip or help with a party!

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #23 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:54pm
I was one of the *lucky* parents who got to have it all because I had a job that was extremely flexible.  From kindegarten thru fifth grade, I had to miss ONE program.  I went on every field trip and made more cookies than I can count.  Even when Sarah was older, I was still lucky enough to have flexible hours, to be able to pick her up when she didn't want to ride the bus, attend programs if needed and whatever else.  Like Charlotte, I've spent many a night or weekend, making stuff for class parties.

At least she's about to finish college and *those* days are long gone (although I did make candy and cookies for the grad department, just to stay in practice, you know  Wink ).
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Re: Have *some* teacher's lost their minds?
Reply #24 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 10:37pm
People sire or birth children and they automatically think they're parents.
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