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I am so Frustrated (Read 9102 times)
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I am so Frustrated
Jul 9th, 2008 at 11:22am
Well Hi everyone, I found your website browsing about CH.  My husband suffers from them and has been for 10 years.  Although he didn't know what they were for the first 7. 

My frustration stems from all the people not knowing how painful they are.  I have tried for a week getting him into the doctor, but either they postpone his appointment and some won't see him at all being on medicaid. 

I guess they aren't to common around here.  When we had medical insurance and he was having his last cycle 3 years ago, the doctor that he went to just gave him samples and suspected they were cluster headaches.  I wish my husband had followed up and not just thought they went away on their own.  Maybe then he could have gotten follow up prescriptions and tried Imatrex shots or Oxygen.

Right now he has been dealing with this cycle for 18 days and treating them with engergy drinks and somewhat using your guy's water treatment, I don't know if he is following it like he should but of course I ask him every hour about his water haha.

Ok after this long post, I have a question for anyone that might know, He seems to be going one day into remission and feels great, then the very next day they get worse and more frequent.  How do or will we know when or if he is going into remission?

Thank you in advance for anyone that can help:D

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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 12:00pm
There's plenty more you can do~but I still encourage a visit to a Neuro. For starters, please read all the buttons on the left. It's a LOT of info to absorb, but it will give you some more ideas as to how to help.
The FIRST line of defense is often Verapamil. There are other preventatives, but you NEED a Dr's script. If you really cannot do that, take a look at Melatonin. It helps many here. I'm trying hard to underscore just how important that DX is in his effort to contain the beast. A bag of frozen peas can help, the waterX5 can be of help.......he's already doing Rock Star, or whatever similar...you're on the right track!
Most of all, it sounds like you are a wonderful supporter for him! Bless you for that! Please know, this place is for YOU as well!
If you check your pm's, I have left you my phone number.
Please use it if you want to talk, Shera.........
You two are NOT alone in this battle with the beast! Clusterville is open 24/7. Encourage your man to drop in- he will learn soo much!
Most important, remember, the BEAST cannot rule your life! Please don't let this happen!
Big hugs for both of you, Shera!
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 12:05pm
Sunshineshera wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 11:22am:
 How do or will we know when or if he is going into remission?

When you can count the pain free days on two hands, and even thats not a given!

The beast is a bastard like that!.....Sorry.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #3 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 12:25pm
Thank you for replying:)

Seems like 3 years ago was forever ago when he went into remission..and from reading your guy's post and information, we can kinda see what has been triggering them, but we don't remember how long they lasted.

Whats weird is they all have happened different times of the day in each cycle.  3 years ago they were late at night before bed. 2 years before they were all while he was working...and I cna't remeber before that lol..but this time are all mostly while hes sleeping, or early morning.  We so miss our sleep...hes in bed right now, because last night was the worst night so far.  He had 3 that lasted 30-45 minutes. 1 am..3 am..5 am:(

I just want to cry all the time for him..then I feel guilty because when they are in the middle of the night I just want to sleep, and bless his heart he just wants me to hold him..the only night I can remember he was pain free, was 2 nights ago..and I had given him a full body massage from head to toe, he swears thats the cure haha...he so wanted one last night but I was exhausted, now I feel bad because it was the worst night I have seen yet.  I have never seen him cry in 11 years except when he goes through these damned things. Cry

Thank you for the support:)  Although I feel like I don't need it because I don't want to make it seem like I am the one in that kind of pain.  I feel guilty for being tired or frustrated, I feel guilty when theres nothing I can do but hold his hand...then I get frustrated when he doesn't want to do the things I suggest that could potentially help...then I feel guilty that I have to leave him alone while he suffers to take care of our 1 year old....who knew I could feel this damn guilty:(

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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2008 at 1:46pm by Sunshineshera »  
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #4 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Please try to think of it this way.....we're all a teepee....sounds odd, I know, but here's my theory......
Kinda Like Reverse Domino Drop
Your husband is a sufferer, he's in front...........
You stand behind him, as a supporter
We stand behind YOU, to help you cope.
If your husband is being pommelled by the beast, and he begins to fall, you can help him......
if WE keep YOU upright, then you can continue to help him.
If HE falls, and then YOU fall.........
well, we ALL fall......
and we want to stay upright......

Melatonin, Benadryl, just might help him sleep thru the nights.
Meanwhile, have a chat with him when he is not getting hit. Ask him to tell you what he needs from YOU during that time when the beast is present.
I'm certain you are doing a great job! Keep it up!
Cathi Kiss
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #5 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 11:33am
So I was here 2 years ago as sunshineshera but somehow I don't remember my email or my password, so I had to register again.

So after that cycle 2 years ago, I finally got him in to see a doctor which is a family friend.  We love him although he is a GP and isn't familiar with cluster headaches.  He listens to my husband and all his unorthodox methods.  Last cycle which started exactly 2 years ago to the day he went 18 days as I previously stated before we got him in to see a doctor.  His Doctor gave him the prednisone taper and vepramil as well as putting him on BP medication full time.  Which helped tremendously but we aren't sure if it was because he was on the downward end of his cycle or what.

So this cycle he went straight in and asked for the same thing and so far it's helping.  He went 2 days pf with only phantoms then decided yesterday he would take a nap.  After I advised him strongly not to but I didn't push because I didn't want to fight with him.  Which now I wish I did because after 30 minutes of falling asleep he got hit with a kip 10 headache.  The by far worst hit of his life, and all he could say on the way to the doctor was he had wish he had listened to me. 

All I could do for him was cry and watch to make sure he didn't blackout.  I know I need to keep my emotions in check but that was the worst thing I have ever had to witness in my life.  He was so out of it and doesn't even remember saying Psalms 23 which he doesn't even know by heart.  It really breaks my heart to see this kind of pain inflicted on anyone especially my husband. 

After the hit was over he wanted me to take him to the doctor and started telling me he couldn't go on...he couldn't take another headache like that and he would blow his head off.  So I panic and start running out to the truck to go get his dad to sit with our daughter...I start the truck and slammed it on reverse and my freaking truck dies on the spot.  I keep trying to start it and it keeps dieing..guess it's too freaking hot outside to act like I am in a racing car. I had to wait 10 or so minutes before I could get the damn thing out of the drive way...and my husband is just standing on the porch shaking his head at me with a towel over his eye.

So we finally get to the doctor and ask a nurse to see his doctor right away he really needs know if he can increase the vepramil...or get on oxygen because he can't go on like this.  So I am not sure if she got confused by the whole thing, because she took him straight back and put him on oxygen.

Then his doctor came in and asked if the oxygen had helped and my husband tells him that he wasn't having one when he came in he just needed to talk to him.  So here comes the 2nd funny part of the whole experience...His doctor just switched off the tank and wheeled it out and had this look on his face like damn those nurses...I looked at my husband and we just laughed.  That made me feel so good to see a smile on his face and I knew we have hope again..and I won't lose him.

So my question is, do you guys think it was the napping that triggered a headache and broke through the medicine block.  Or could it be that the medicine is not strong enough to sustain certain hits?  He wants to go get an oxygen tank just to keep at the house just to be safe if the bastard hits again and breaks through without having a nap.

He has had phantoms and nausea all morning but took a Noz and the nausea went away and the phantoms seem to be easing up.  Also I would like to know from people that have luck with the Prenisone and preventive drugs is if he is having luck with it, then should he still do the noz drinks and the water treatments like he was before?  I tell him that I think he needs to do everything he did before and act like he is in a cycle until he goes a consecutive amount of days w/o phantoms and PF.

Of course I am no expert, and I only can read for him and give him the information I find out.  So any help would be appreciated:)

Sorry for such a long post, just didn't want to spam and have multiple post going on.

Thank you in advance,
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #6 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 1:17pm

I can only comment on a couple of your questions, #1 naps are begging for an attack when I am in cycle, I can't even fall asleep watching TV in the early evening without it triggering an attack and forget an afternoon nap. As far as oxygen goes I ALWAYS have a tank at home with my own regulator whether I am in cycle or not. For me it is my security blanket and I will NEVER be without it no matter what. As far as the drug questions nothing works for me including prednisone, I now use alternative therapies. If you are interested check out Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register. I hope he get the 02 and the medication he needs to deal with this cycle and no more naps.

Good Luck,

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David Ellicott  
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #7 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 1:52pm
Thank you for getting back to me:)  I will relay the information.  I think he needs to not test so many variables at one time.  I do think he should get the o2 as a security blanket but he has yet to test it and see if it even works for him. 

So no naps for now to test the medication I would think?
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #8 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 2:15pm
I would say no naps if possible.
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David Ellicott  
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #9 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 2:29pm
If there is no other reason running at the same time
i think it would be a good idea to tell him to get here himself too.it helps.
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Oh come on!it's just water.It can't be that bad!
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #10 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 2:57pm
Hi there. 
I am "the new wife of a 20 year sufferer in IA" post. 
After reading on CH.com that O2 works I relayed it to my husband.  We run an auto salvage lot in Iowa and we have a welder.  The oxygen used for those is the same O2 that is used for medical purposes.  When Perry got a kip7 the other night he decided he had to try something so he went out to the shop and huffed on the O2 tank straight from the "wand".  He came in giggling!  Then he moved the torch to the side of the house and stuffed the hose through the window!!  He's been using it ever since.  He's still very afraid to sleep, though.  But he's learning alot now that he decided to check out this place.  He cried the first night he looked at the site.  He always thought he was so alone.  He's not.  Thankfully.  Not that I enjoy the thought of other people going through this, but at least we're not alone!!

I don't know if you can get your hands on a welding tank-but I know it helped my husband.  ALOT.  10s are not unusual for him.  But knowing he has that O2 has really put him a little more at ease.  He doesn't venture far from the dining room where the hose is, but that's ok.  I'll rock with him anywhere!

Hope your hubby will check out the site.  I have been telling people all they have to do is read the very first page.  The testimonials.  That's all it took for me!
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #11 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 5:11pm
tarijo wrote on Jun 16th, 2010 at 2:57pm:
Hi there. 
I am "the new wife of a 20 year sufferer in IA" post. 
After reading on CH.com that O2 works I relayed it to my husband.  We run an auto salvage lot in Iowa and we have a welder.  The oxygen used for those is the same O2 that is used for medical purposes.  When Perry got a kip7 the other night he decided he had to try something so he went out to the shop and huffed on the O2 tank straight from the "wand".  He came in giggling!  Then he moved the torch to the side of the house and stuffed the hose through the window!!  He's been using it ever since.  He's still very afraid to sleep, though.  But he's learning alot now that he decided to check out this place.  He cried the first night he looked at the site.  He always thought he was so alone.  He's not.  Thankfully.  Not that I enjoy the thought of other people going through this, but at least we're not alone!!

I don't know if you can get your hands on a welding tank-but I know it helped my husband.  ALOT.  10s are not unusual for him.  But knowing he has that O2 has really put him a little more at ease.  He doesn't venture far from the dining room where the hose is, but that's ok.  I'll rock with him anywhere!

Hope your hubby will check out the site.  I have been telling people all they have to do is read the very first page.  The testimonials.  That's all it took for me!

Spring for a few bucks and get a mask.

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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #12 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 6:37pm
Sounds just like I used to be...when it hurt..I wanted it to stop now...when it was gone...out of my mind and not worried about it! Wink That needs to stop. This is a lifetime malady that requires you ALWAYS  be ready. Cuz when you're not prepared...ouch.

The Prednisone provides 100% relief for me..but is detrimental to your body if taken for a long period, so is generally used as a transitional med while he starts on his prevent..in this case verapamil. A side note on the verapamil. We use it at doses much higher then most docs are used to, some go to 960 mg a day to get relief. DON'T adjust that level on your own as it must be monitored as he goes up.

Oxygen. He should ALWAYS have a tank at home with a regulator that goes to 15LPM, preferabbly 25LPM, and a Non Re Breather Mask. By the time you drive him to a hospital the beast is in full gear and oxygen will probbaly not help. You must get on the 02 at the first sign of an attack. That's why it's critical you get a prescription to have it available at home. see the oxygen info link on the left for details on how the prescription should be written.

I always keep imitrex injectables available on or off cycle in case I get caught away from my oxygen. Energy drinks combined with vigorous physical activity are also a good emergency treatment. Sounds silly but putting your face in a freezer or in front of an air conditioner vent....automotive is colder and works better...and hyperventilating thru your nose....will also help when nothing else is available.

DO NOT take naps, and avoid alcohol, while on cycle, both are very well known triggers for many. And get that poor man on this website. First off, he won't have to start by explaining how much it hurts...we know....and most importantly, we can steer him towards a treatment plan that'll ease some of his hurtin.

Bless your heart for doing the research...it was my wife that got this stubborn a$$ to check this place out!

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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #13 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 6:44pm
Nothing more to add - Joe said everything I was going to say works for my husband.

Just offering support and cyber hugs. I know the frustration and how exactly how you feel.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #14 - Jun 16th, 2010 at 7:25pm
Just another post suggesting you do get your other half to read through the info here. I'm very new to CHs, but the amount of information I've gained here in just a few days has made a huge difference to my understanding of CH and what I can do to have some degree of control rather than being at the mercy of the unknown.

Knowing you're not alone and that people here understand is amazing.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #15 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 9:50am
Thank you all for your information:)  He comes here and reads everything that I tell him during pleasant times of his day.  I try and cheer him up and tell him about the funny stuff I read as well.

So yesterday was rough although he didn't have a full blown CH.  He had shadows or phantoms I don't really know the difference if there is one.

He is feeling so much nausea and isn't sure what is causing it.  He felt like crap all day and we were on the way home last night and he started puking and hyperventilating with severe abdominal pains.  I had to rush him to the ER.  After 4 hours and a lot of test..he had severe GERD and his potassium was way to low that they gave him 4 horse pills.  We went home and he was up all night feeling like he was going to get a headache (oh and btw we bought an o2 tank) so he used that and it immediately stopped his warning signs.

He is going to pick up his nausea meds this morning and his potassium pills so hopefully that will help.  It's just so hard, seems like he gets one thing in check and something else happens to him and he hates it.  I have never seen him in this shape nor in a hospital bed..the 13 years we have been together.  Sad
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #16 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 9:54am
Oh and when we were trying to explain all his medication he is on now for his CH to prevent them...They kept saying migraines which was driving me nuts lol...I kept saying no they aren't migraines they are Cluster Headaches..and one nurse says yes I know Cluster Migraines...GRRRRRRR

He didn't want anything that was going to flush his system or interfere with his medication he is on that has been helping so anything they were handing him to take or his iv bag he was freaking out...was kind of comical and heartbreaking at the same time.  Undecided
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #17 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 10:14am
Ok ok one more funny before I am done spamming...

We go to get his O2 yesterday at the home health place and the lady talking to him kept him in there for like an hour.  He came out and was telling me all she had to say.

Apparently she had the cure for his CH and she was calling his doctor.  She told him he had sleep apnea and that was causing his headaches.  She told him that sleep depervation can cause so many problems including painful headaches.  He needs to get a sleeping disorder test and get off his medications because they can disrupt his sleep and make it worse. 

I kinda smirk and laugh at him...my sister had sleep apnea and a slew of other problems to go along with it and she has migraines because of it, by far nothing like this.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #18 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 10:52am
We've had several people on the board get treated for sleep apnea. At least one has the CPAP and it works great!! No more sleep apnea! Still had horrific CH but thank goodness the sleep apnea was gone!

A long list of I know you care, and you mean really really well......but thank you, buh-bye! Wink

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #19 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 12:56pm
I'm the guy Joe speaks of. Treatment of my sleep apnea with a CPAP machine has done wonders for my lack of restful sleep. Treating it this way has helped my CH because I am better prepared to deal with it having more rest and more meaningful rest.

It does NOTHING to directly treat the CH. Tell your husband's sleep disorder technician to stop practicing medicine or you'll report her to the medical board.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #20 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 8:18pm
Whenever I get medical advice from well meaning, but sadly uninformed people, I just ask them where they went to medical school.  Usually shuts em up.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #21 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 9:31pm
I don't have much more to say on the meds/treatments/ or otherwise, the pros have said it all.  You did mention though that your husband's last cycle was about 3 year ago.  Mine have been 4 years apart for the last 25 years. (just diagnosed 4 years ago so never knew what I was dealing with).   I seem to be just at the end of my cycle, but this cycle I have tracked every headache using the memo function on my cell phone.  The time it started and every five minutes and the pain level.  It is sometimes difficult to do in the middle of an attack, but even at some point in the day if you can track them you might be able to go back three years from now to see if there are any patterns.  Alot of things may change with each attack, but my cycles, from what I  remember, have been fairly consistent, but at least now, I have a record.
From my experience, the night time, awakened from sleep headaches are the worst.  They are more painful and last longer.  I don't get that many middle-of-the-nighters, but I can tell you that the pain is so great that I can actually remember back to alot of them and exactly what I was doing and where I was and picturing rooms in my house that have been totally redecorated.  I can remember the old room in detail.  The pain etches that picture in the mind.

I have gone off topic here, but if there is a big gap in cycles, I hope the recording trip helps.

Good luck to you and your husband.

Brett C.
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #22 - Jun 18th, 2010 at 10:03am
sunshinesheraleigh99 wrote on Jun 17th, 2010 at 10:14am:
Ok ok one more funny before I am done spamming...

Apparently she had the cure for his CH and she was calling his doctor.

It is funny...and frustrating!  Grin  Angry
I think the more you try to explain CHs to others who really don't know or care, and sadly that includes a lot of professionals, the more you have to learn to laugh at their miracle cures. Ain't no miracle cures...but plenty of preventatives and abortives that have helped so many, including me!

Keep laughin' darlin', it's better than screaming! OK, screaming's good sometimes, too!
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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #23 - Jun 18th, 2010 at 11:02am
Thank you all for the help and support:)

Yesterday was a good day only a few shadow/phantom things..and his nausea is seeming to subside with his medication.  He is eating right and seems to be doing so much better.

The o2 is helping him a lot when he feels like he is going to get a headache he breathes in it for about 2-5 minutes and the symptoms stop.  He is on the last week of his first prednisone taper so he is going to get that refilled to keep just incase the first one wasn't enough.  They told him he can't have more than 2 tapers per cycle..so we just hope and pray that the vepramil does it's job:)

We both had a really good nights rest..not sure if it was the over exhaustion or what but I am not complaining one bit lol


He had one exactly 2 years ago to the day/month..before that was 4 years and before that was every 1-2 years since 1999.  I keep telling him to keep a log..so I think tonight or tomorrow we are going to sit down and put our brains together whats left of them..and trace back as far as we can get and log it all.


I am the type of person that I cry with every emotion...then I get to a point where I am just over it and I laugh at everything...probably even when I should be crying or furious lol  Theres something about doctors/nurses and it seems the older they get the worse it gets...that they just look at you like you are a complete idiot and DON'T LISTEN...that just pisses me off.  I may be an ignorant to the medicine field and blind to CH but I can guarantee that they haven't put in the hours researching and banging their heads against wall after wall trying to figure out something to help my husband cope.  So if I ask questions and tell them what they should and shouldn't do for him...they should freaking listen to me....

I had a teacher once quote Einstein to me and it always stuck...and it taught me to be a knowledge seeker.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."
-Albert Einstein-

I thank all of you for this website and all of your help because it is and has been the most informative place to find all our answers.  I am not done posting just wanted you guys to know this:) You might find me regularly lurking and checking on you guys as well:)  Don't be alarmed I am not a stalker haha  I do though wish all of you find the answers you seek to fight these bastards.

/big hugs
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: I am so Frustrated
Reply #24 - Jun 18th, 2010 at 11:56am
Hi Shera,

I am the wife of a chronic.  I understand your frustration.

It makes me so mad when I hear medical professionals call them migraines.  One of my best friends is a pharmacist and although she means well, she doesn't have a clue.  Another friend is an ER nurse and every time he asks "how are Dan's migraines", I just want to smack him.

I finally sent them both a link to a video showing a cluster attack in process, the ER nurse was enlightened, but the pharmacist had no reply.  Go figure.

The non-rebreather mask is a life saver.  If you don't have one, get one.

Also, get your hubby on here to read.  It took me 7 years to get mine on here.  He still hasn't signed up, but at least he's reading now and doesn't feel alone.

Sending good vibes your way. Smiley

Lee Ann
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