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How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2 (Read 14158 times)
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #50 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:29pm
great post. since i drive a truck i am limited by how much o2 i can carry. i can't always (if ever) find o2 in rawlings wyoming or sandpoint idaho. although i prefer to be alone during a heavy cycle, i don't like to get too far from an o2 supply. thanks for posting this. you should do a youtube video. Wink
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #51 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:52pm
-johnny- wrote on Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:29pm:
great post. since i drive a truck i am limited by how much o2 i can carry. i can't always (if ever) find o2 in rawlings wyoming or sandpoint idaho. although i prefer to be alone during a heavy cycle, i don't like to get too far from an o2 supply. thanks for posting this. you should do a youtube video. Wink

   Yep pretty tough.
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #52 - Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:00am
The Spaniard wrote on Jul 28th, 2008 at 2:12pm:
jon019 wrote on Jul 24th, 2008 at 10:20pm:
Holy shit, I CAN deal with this nightmare and all it takes is a metal cylinder of O2 and the right mask!!!! LIFE CHANGING my friend.

Jon, I´m happy O2 works for you (a chronic CH).

Thank you. I see that you have been doing your research. Much appreciated. I too was episodic for 20+yrs. My worst nightmare was to become chronic (you will find others here who dispute that). Anyway, I have  Korean friend who says "be careful what you wish for BUT, more importantly, what you DREAD, cuz it WILL happen". She is wiser than she will ever know, but I now believe.

Myself I am episodic, 6 week cycles a few times a year only nights.

Been there, it's a bitch, aint it?

Been coping quite well using coffee, and recently found a way to stop attacks without use of coffee, hence the post.

Like I said, a new idea?, bring it on, I've tried 'em all...That it works for you is wonderful...present as such, and sit back and see...

If nothing would work surely I would go for O2, my remark was in no way demeaning O2, just it is not the way for me, as I have found another way to abort attacks which (from what I understand) is even quicker than O2. Hence the "cannot be bothered".

The tone and intent are notoriously difficult to perceive in an email. What I precieved from yours pissed me off.. and, "cannot be bothered" is blatantly obvious...

Again, I´m genuinely happy O2 is working for you the way it does, and if I offended you or anyone else this was far from my intention.

Good, thank you, and you did...stick around, you may need us...

My post was only intended to share my experience with relief through rerouting blood to the arms, nothing more, nothing less.

Again, I appreciate new ideas, keep 'em coming...

It is a pity to see it has been mis-interpreted all together.

Nope, not so, your idea was not misinterpreted, it was the attitude that colored everything you said...

It is also a pity to see that apparantly on this board threads can be hi-jacked and posters can be attacked for their opinion (and I do NOT mean you by that).

I'm not offended by this post. Defend yourself and your positions. I'm listening...

A real pity. This board needs a good moderator, or a new board needs to be created where opinions and theories can be discussed openly without the static. (again this does not pertain to you).

See what Cathi said...way better than I could say..

The method as described in my first post works FOR ME. No matter what anyone else says or does, it works for me, and I know that because I AM me.

And THAT is what this site is all about. That it works for you is GREAT, you can post that and let us think about it without denigrating what works for others...

And MY opinion is that methods for abortion or prevention of cluster headache attacks which do not involve any medication (I include medical O2 in that group) are and should be well preferred over any other method.

OK, fine, O2 is just concentrated what we already breath. MY opinion, it aint a med, and is way more benign than ANY med (btw, caffeine is a drug too)...

I´m sure we all just love Big Med like Pfizer, heck as far as I know they may even be on this board promoting their products. It sure does feel like it.

Now, THAT is bullshit. I don't love any pharmaceutical company, I use what works for me and I will continue to. Doesn't mean I'm in their pocket or that this site is. That kind of statement will cost you any credibility. Rethink it, please...

In any case I shared my experience, what the reader does with it is up to him or her ofcourse. Please PM me if you would like help in any way with the abortive technique.

Now that there is what it's all about. I've thrown out plenty of stuff that pissed people off...I'm still here...stick around.

I wish all the longest of PF times-

THANK YOU...and you too...aint nobody deserves this shite...every clusterhead is my brother or sister...



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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #53 - Jul 30th, 2008 at 12:09am
Potter wrote on Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:52pm:
-johnny- wrote on Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:29pm:
great post. since i drive a truck i am limited by how much o2 i can carry. i can't always (if ever) find o2 in rawlings wyoming or sandpoint idaho. although i prefer to be alone during a heavy cycle, i don't like to get too far from an o2 supply. thanks for posting this. you should do a youtube video. Wink

    Yep pretty tough.
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lol duh.  i need to get a laptop for the truck! Grin  thanks buddy
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #54 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 9:06am
George wrote on Jul 21st, 2008 at 10:59am:
DennisM1045 wrote on Jul 21st, 2008 at 8:27am:
This sounds like another variation on the exercise theme.  Many others report relief from jogging or doing pushups.  Whatever diverts blood flow to the extremities and away from the head.


It's interesting how different our approaches to handling an attack are.  

A long time ago, I used to exert myself considerably during an attack (mostly thrashing around, pacing rapidly, pounding on walls, etc.) until I figured out that I was increasing the intensity of the attack by reacting violently to it.  

Deliberately engaging in some sort of physical activity during an attack is probably different than what I was doing with all my thrashing.  Mine was more like the "fight or flight" response was triggered, with nowhere to go.  After all, you can't fight with the thing, and you can't run away--so you're left with rapid, shallow breathing, increased muscle tension, and increased blood flow.  All of that is bad during an attack, and seems to make things worse.

A lot of the effort I put into fighting the thing nowadays is directed toward controlling my reactions to a hit, calming myself, reducing my anxiety, slowing my heartbeat and breathing, and reducing my physical activity during an attack to near zero.  

Nevertheless, I've seen enough people on here who find relief in strenuous exercise during a hit to convince me that for some it is a worthwhile approach.  I couldn't bear it myself.

Best wishes,

George, I couldn't agree more with this.  I do admit using Imitrex when I know about the time a hit will come, but I only use this at work.  At home in the middle of the night like last night. I usually stand straight up and rotate my neck and stretch my arms out for relief.  It definitely sooths and reduces the intensity.  I had the shadow for the rest of the night, but that I can live with and even sleep on till I wake up and it was still there.  I like to meditate in my own way w/o the shaking, screaming, deep breathing etc...  I try to be drug free as much as possible.  My neuro years ago gave me a free treatment of Top and it still sits in the medicine cabinet because i'm afraid of side affects in the long term.  I am a runner and i'm thinking about going out for a short jog next time to see what happens.  I'm all for O2, but I don't have it yet.  I love these threads with natural remedies. 

Thank you all!
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #55 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 9:50am
Greg wrote on Jul 24th, 2008 at 2:10pm:
How much is a non rebreather and a tank without insurance? and does anyone know how i could get imitrex for under 240$ for 9 pills (was just perscribed by the doctor today). Thanks and i wish a pain free day to us all.

Greg, I feel the pain of this ridiculous price.  Fortunately, my insurance script plan keeps that down and my GP is nice enough to prescribe me 100mg Imitrex which I cut in half and then I have 18 pills.  If you're getting scripts for 50mg, ask for the 100 to save $$$. 
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Ernie Moss aka Wishbone
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #56 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 2:55pm
Guys on the subject generic Imitrex and I am sure all of you would shoot me if you could for doing this, but I could not get my prescription refilled and I got online to see if I could find imitrex without a prescription.  I found some Sumatriptan from India, not in the injection from but liquid in nasal spray and I have forgotten but was about a 1/3 the price as Imitrix.  I swear it may work even better, of course it may be pure Yak dung.  Mrs Wishbone found out and won't let me order again for obvious good reason, but I am telling you whatever is in it works.  If you Google Imitrex you have to go over several numbers to find it.  I am not encouraging any one to try this merely pointing out there are some "generic" sumatriptans out there well at least I think there are it may be Yakdungtans.  However, I hope you guys are PF and don't need either the real or generic.  Wishbone
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #57 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 3:11pm
Chad wrote on Aug 14th, 2008 at 9:50am:
Greg wrote on Jul 24th, 2008 at 2:10pm:
How much is a non rebreather and a tank without insurance? and does anyone know how i could get imitrex for under 240$ for 9 pills (was just perscribed by the doctor today). Thanks and i wish a pain free day to us all.

Greg, I feel the pain of this ridiculous price.  Fortunately, my insurance script plan keeps that down and my GP is nice enough to prescribe me 100mg Imitrex which I cut in half and then I have 18 pills.  If you're getting scripts for 50mg, ask for the 100 to save $$$.  

You really need the injections or nasal spray. Trex pills take tooooo long, and I'm generally too wacked out to inject. The spray works good for me, but I go through a box every 3 days, and have to plead with insurance.
When my cycle starts again...hope not)..I'm just going to run around like a crazy chicken ( I think that should count as exercise) and see how it works for me.
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #58 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 7:25am
Mr. Spaniard,


I really don't know where you came up with this pumping exercise, but I said to myself last night, WTF, lets try it.  I had my first CH at 11:30pm last night as I always do.  I did the exercise while pounding a can of Monster.  I was so relieved (in 15 minutes) I almost cried in excitement.  NO shadows either after the attack.  The bizarre thing was I got another attack at 3am.  Went downstairs lifted my arms while standing up while pumping.  Gone in 20 minutes 100%.  I'm a naturalist like you who only resorts to drugs as my last option.  That's why O2 has me interested, but if you stand up rather than sit down screaming with your head in your lap, it really works.  Keep positive thoughts while breathing correctly and I went right back to sleep after the attack.  I tried taking a melatonin pill (only 3mg to start) before bed and didn't expect results till I up the dose to at least 9mg after gradually increasing it.  If your discovery works, I may cancel my neuro appt. all together because he is only going to talk about Vera and Top again which I refuse to go on due to side affects and that I just hate pills.  I want him to prescribe me O2, but I may even back out of that if this continues to work.  I only do Imitrex while in cycle to make it to work.  I'm not as severe as others since I only get 1-3 CH a day.  This pumping though kicks ass!

Thank you so much for this  Smiley  I don't care what others think, if you're desperate, you'll try anything.

I will let you know how the rest goes.  I'm not out of the woods yet.
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When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #59 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 12:31am
Chad wrote on Aug 15th, 2008 at 7:25am:
I may cancel my neuro appt

in the 20 years of being an episodic clusterhead i've never been to a neuro.
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #60 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 1:07am
Johnny, your story sounds just like mine. Until this past May. Sure wish I'd done it years ago!
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Re: How to stop an attack in its tracks w/o meds or o2
Reply #61 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 7:01am
I'm just reiterating how well this pumping technique works.  I highly advise those in desperate need to at least try it.  It may not work for all, but if it even reduces the CH frequency, it's worth it if you don't have O2.  This is the first thing I'll do during a attack when i'm back in cycle.  You can bet i'll pump and pound an energy drink as my first line of defense especially during the night hits when it's too late to use abortive drugs.  

Waking up with a KIP 7 or 8 sucks, so PUMP!
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« Last Edit: Sep 3rd, 2008 at 7:05am by Chad »  

When the PAIN starts, I FIGHT back!

Rivea Corymbosa seeds were my KO punch, now D3 is the front runner!
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