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wife of CH'ER (Read 5538 times)
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wife of CH'ER
Aug 16th, 2008 at 7:06pm
this is written under Karl's id, he said he would get me my own very soon.

This is very hard to write this letter. When Karl and I started going together we went to the sellway mountains. Karl was teaching men to be hunters guide, I was the cook. We took a ruff horse trail dropping salt licks and I fell of the horse, Karl kicked me in the hip twice getting on his horse. I think I broke a rib. Karl told me to stud up or I couldn't go on anymore rides. For the first five years of marriage Karl never had these HA. Then they started, and he'd come home from work with dark glass's, and had me put blanket the windows. Eventually I started to take him to emergency. Every time they took his BP it was really good. The nurses would look at me like theres nothing wrong with your husband, but still the dr would give a shot, but I really saw that they didn't really worked. One more thing you should know about me was I was raised by an alcholic father, and pain did not exists no matter if I had a hole dug in my leg, certainly not for stitches.
Anyway Karl started to get Narcotics, alot, and when we moved to Lewiston he got addicted so bad on Narcotics. He was stagering, and passed out one night, when he put a small burn in the carpet because he fell asleep with a cig. He would not stop so I left him. We did get back together. Loveing each other has never been a  problem and we hate being away from each other.
So now he's off the drugs and he has so much medication. When they give him another one for the same problem, he never got rid of the others. So here I am with a new set of CH, and when Karl told me I was a cold person. But because of that I'm trying to change and be supportive, its very had on me. Its not that I'm not a compassionate person, but I have been through alot and now that he's not on drugs its easier to show him that I care, just don't know how to show it all the time because he goes through so many different stages.
So if you can help me with what I"m dealing with, maybe I can give Karl what he needs. Thank you for reading letter.  Vina
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Take It Easy

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #1 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 7:21am
Hi there

This is a hard one but ima give it ago mabey another supporter could give better advice but im a sufferer and i can tell you from a suffers side.

Well first i would like to say good job to karl for getting off the narcotics.

Well first bit of advice i can give you is to read all the info you can.
We all know this thing we live with can sound very strange after all how can you have this much pain with out dieing and why the cycles, at the end of the day its a headache take some painkillers, it is very easy for a none sufferer to think this way becase honestly if i didnt have this pain my self i would not be able to consider that the pain was this bad

There really isnt much you can do apart from be understanding and to be there to hold his hand this illness can be a very loanly and very scary i can not put down in words how important our supporters are you guys are amazing.

Regarding the narcotics, like any drugs they are extremly hard to get away from expecially when someone is deluded in thinking they will stop the pain as they wont the most they will do is make you out of it enogh to dull the pain but Karl got away from them and you should be mighty proud of him for that  so stay strong and enjoy the pain free time togeather as john lennon said "all ya need is love" very smart man

remember read read read!!!!
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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #2 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 3:06pm
Hi Vina,

   Karl said he is so proud of you.  We are too.  Our supporters are worth their weight in gold for what they do for us.  I have put in a message to 2 of the greatest supporters around,  to come here and read your post.  (Jackie and Cathi)  If they can't help you, no one can.  lol

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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #3 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 3:23pm

My heart goes out to both of you - in your own ways, you've each had a really rough time of it! 

I'm really proud of Karl for kicking the narcotics.  It is really difficult to do - even without the pain.  I'm also really proud of you for seeing this through, and for trying to understand what he needs.  It isn't easy.

The most frustrating part of being a supporter is that there is actually very little we can do except try to understand.

I think it's quite different for the two of us.  I was allowed to be in pain as a child.  Gary, on the other hand, was abused as a kid, and was in the army for many years, and had this really macho "walk it off" attitude about pain.  He never sought treatment for broken fingers or toes, never went to the ER for his ulcers or for his back problems.  He did have to have all the cartiledge removed from one knee after collapsing one night - but he "walked it off," and won't get a new knee despite (numerous) doctors' advice to do so.  In fact, he sprained his ankle and had several broken bones in his foot and wouldn't go to the ER.  After 3 or 4 days, with his foot looking like a black and blue balloon, he finally said "Maybe I should see a Doctor about this."  Ok.  He was limping.

So the first time he was screaming and writhing around on the floor in pain, it scared me.  A lot.  That was in 1999.

The pain did not come regularly.  So we thought it was a tooth problem.  He did have bad teeth, and got them fixed.  The pain continued to visit.  So we thought maybe it was his sinuses.  He did have an infection, and went for a rhinoscopy.  The pain kept coming.  Then we thought it was an allergy to wine.  But the pain kept coming.

Finally, in early March 2006, it started coming like clockwork.  Every day at 4:30, every evening at 7:30, and every night.  And Gary was an insomniac to begin with.  At least we were finally able to have it properly diagnosed.

The difference is - when Gary was on the floor screaming in pain, I KNEW it was pain.  Pain that would send any other normal human being to the ER.  The man was walking around with shrapnel in his leg, no cartiledge in his knee, a bad back, a broken foot and a very badly sprained ankle - and that hardly phased him.  So this was BAD.

And I started searching.  And thankfully found this site. 

...and I learned that the pain of a cluster headache is the most intense pain a human can experience.  That women who have it believe it to be more painful than childbirth.  That there is no real "treatment" for it per se.  There are guesses, and things that doctors have found that for some people prevent some of the pain from coming for some of the people sometimes - and some things they've found that sometimes stop the pain once it's there for some people.  But there is nothing that works all the time for all the people.  And preventing the pain from coming is much more difficult that stopping the pain once it's hit - and the most effective things for either work for just 70% of the people.  ....And that something that worked for someone in their last cycle might not work this next cycle.

My god - I had just a regular headache for two weeks and that was enough to drive me nuts.  I kept saying to myself - multiply this by 1000, and MAYBE that's what my husband is experiencing.  Because according to the people who study these things, the pain of a cluster headache is 100x worse than the pain of a migraine.

It's really beyond my comprehension.

So.  My husband has to live with devastating pain.  The hits are no longer regular - so he has to live not knowing when the pain is going to strike.  He can't get much sleep because of the pain and the attacks, thus he lives in a constantly sleep deprived state.  So he has to live with a lot of pain - unbearable pain - a constant state of fear and/or anxiety, and with very little - at times no - sleep.

I'm amazed HE's not a "bitch on wheels" so to speak!!!!!!!!!!  Of course he's not always himself.  And he can definitely be mean - when he doesn't mean to.  I remind myself that it isn't me.  It's the beast, not my husband.  He does go to extraordinary lengths to let me know how much he appreciates my support and my help through all of this, and that makes it easier for me.

But it isn't always a bed of roses, to say the least.  I know you don't expect that.  The key, for us, was talking things through when he wasn't getting a hit.  I asked Gary to put himself in my shoes - what would he do, what would he feel - if I were screaming on the floor, thrashing around in pain 4 - 10 times a day, often for hours?  He'd want to do SOMETHING. 

Gary doesn't like to be alone during the hits.  Many cluster heads do.  We talked out signals - and now I know when he wants me to get a cold cloth, or hold his hand or foot - or him.  Or just be there next to him.  I keep an eye on the 02 tanks - make sure we don't run out, change the regulator to the active tank so it's ready to go. 

But being a good supporter isn't just about understanding what your clusterhead is going through and figuring out how to be there for him.  It's also about understanding what you need - and making sure you get it.  Lots of sleep.  A night out with the girls.  A bubble bath.  Going out for a ride.  Whatever your thing is.  Being happy, upbeat, and emotionally stable is probably the best gift we can give to our cluster sufferer.  And if you're unhappy with him - it doesn't work.  So communication is really important.

And it seems like you two are well on your way!  You are both to be commended for your hard work in helping each other.

But please - feel free to post.  Feel free to ask.  Feel free to rant here when you need to - it helps. 

My best wishes to you both,


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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #4 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 6:19pm
Hi Brian:
My husband thinks your cool. Thank you for your advice. I will continue to read. Karl has shown me movie clips, and around the sight to read messages from other people.

Reading some of the worst CH, Karl is lucky not to get as bad as some of you do. God Bless you all.  My heart acks for all of you.

I will do my best, atleast Karl is seeing that I am trying to help.

I'm ashamed of myself because Karl has more compassion than anyone I know. I'v had several heart attacks and have a heart stink
put in, my kidneys are at 48%, and my lungs are diseased. Karl is never away from the times I'v needed him, although most of the time I don't complain. We go to each others doctors appointment, and he wasn't raised with alot of love, yet he's great when I'm in the hospital.
I can never complain about him in that way. Yet I have trouble reaching out to him. But you never stop learning even if your 61.

Thank you very much for responding to my problem.  Thank you for the advice.
God Bless you, Vina
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Many Blessings&&Vina
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #5 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 6:40pm
Vina....welcome to the board.  This place offers support and understanding for both you and your Karl.  Here, you'll both learn great coping skills.  You've already received some good advice....read, read and then read more.  Knowledge is power.

I'm a supporter too.  My hubby Blake has suffered for many years.  I know it's a hard fight but I'm betting you all will be just fine.

Talk together about about your plan of action when he's under attack.....what does he want from you.  Some cluster sufferers want to be completely alone.  My hubby wants me right there...all have different needs and wants.  Encourage him and yourself too.  It does get better.  You two can do this, sweetie...there is safety in numbers.

Ask questions if you need.  Vent if you need.  We're always here to help.

Good luck and stay strong.


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Making biscuits

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #6 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 6:52pm
vina wrote on Aug 17th, 2008 at 6:19pm:
Hi Brian:
My husband thinks your cool. Thank you for your advice. I will continue to read. Karl has shown me movie clips, and around the sight to read messages from other people.

Reading some of the worst CH, Karl is lucky not to get as bad as some of you do. God Bless you all.  My heart acks for all of you.

I will do my best, atleast Karl is seeing that I am trying to help.

I'm ashamed of myself because Karl has more compassion than anyone I know. I'v had several heart attacks and have a heart stink
put in, my kidneys are at 48%, and my lungs are diseased. Karl is never away from the times I'v needed him, although most of the time I don't complain. We go to each others doctors appointment, and he wasn't raised with alot of love, yet he's great when I'm in the hospital.
I can never complain about him in that way. Yet I have trouble reaching out to him. But you never stop learning even if your 61.

Thank you very much for responding to my problem.  Thank you for the advice.
God Bless you, Vina

Brian IS cool!  Smiley

Vina - you're so right.  You never stop learning - especially if you don't want to.  I think you'll really find this site a lot of help.  I always check in to the Medications & Therapies forum to see what people are trying. 

And I'm sure that when Karl's not getting a hit, he'd love to answer any questions you have.

I think it's really great that you want to help, and it's even better that you two can learn together.

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Take It Easy

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #7 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 7:09pm
vina wrote on Aug 17th, 2008 at 6:19pm:
Hi Brian:
My husband thinks your cool. Thank you for your advice. I will continue to read. Karl has shown me movie clips, and around the sight to read messages from other people.

Reading some of the worst CH, Karl is lucky not to get as bad as some of you do. God Bless you all.  My heart acks for all of you.

I will do my best, atleast Karl is seeing that I am trying to help.

I'm ashamed of myself because Karl has more compassion than anyone I know. I'v had several heart attacks and have a heart stink
put in, my kidneys are at 48%, and my lungs are diseased. Karl is never away from the times I'v needed him, although most of the time I don't complain. We go to each others doctors appointment, and he wasn't raised with alot of love, yet he's great when I'm in the hospital.
I can never complain about him in that way. Yet I have trouble reaching out to him. But you never stop learning even if your 61.

Thank you very much for responding to my problem.  Thank you for the advice.
God Bless you, Vina

Hi vina

Thank you to you and Karl im just a normal bloke karl is the cool one for getting off them narcotics.

Reading your reply made so much sence to me as my wife has never been the opening up type but she is a great supporter none the less and you will be to i loved the reply more because i can feel the love you guys have for eachother and at 61 that is no small thing.

i am 29 and if i am still so in love at 61 i will die a happy man all my respect goes out to you both and i feel privlaged that i may be able to help you god bless you both


PS thanks laurie you know your cool to Smiley
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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Black-Billed Magpie

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #8 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 1:18am
Hello, Vina.   Smiley

As Karl may have mentioned, I'm the other Idahoan on the board--I live in Boise.  I'm an episodic clusterhead like Karl, and a lefty as well.  I've been a clusterhead for a bit better than forty years.  Although I used to cycle twice a year for six to eight weeks at a time, in recent years, my cycles have been three years apart. 

First of all, let me thank you for joining CH.com, and allow me to say--welcome.  I'm very glad you've decided to join us.  Thank you for caring for one of our brothers.

There's little I can add to the good words that Jackie and Linda have given you, except to encourage you to make use of the Family Support Team at OUCH--

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Linda and Jackie are both on the team, and I can't overemphasize how helpful they can be in your journey to finding a path through this thing.   

Our supporters are the gold standard in human beings, as far as we're concerned.  Again, thank you for being there for him.  I know he needs and appreciates your support. 

You know...you folks aren't all that far away.  If we ever have occasion to meet, I'd be more than happy to do so.

All the best,

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"Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound."  (Thomas More, author of "Utopia", and Chancellor of England.  1477-1535)
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #9 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 10:54am
Hi Lorry,

My heart goes out to you but your husband being on narcotics is not his fault or yours. When you see a string of doctors that are Neuros,
you assume they know what there doing. How can 6 specialist in a row be wrong saying the same thing, of course you would do what they say.

I'll pray he'll get the o2, and the shots and goes into rehab to get clean. I'm so mad he will go though hell getting off narcotics, but have been there. I thought Karl was going to burn us up alive being on them. He did not have to go to rehab, he kicked it on his own.

I found its very hard for me to be on narcotics. I just had a new thumb joint put in and carpal tunnal at the same time. It took 10 weeks with a cast and I did not know there would be the pain I had.
I took barely any pills. I just didn't want to temp Karl.

I truly, hope things will get better for you, I know with narcotics its not. I'm glad your on this site and pray your husband will get on it to.

Have a great day. Will chat again

Bless you, Vina

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Many Blessings&&Vina
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 11:12am
Hey Vina, just wanted to send a huge hug and a kiss your way! Smiley Smiley Without my wife I'd have given up hope years ago. We cannot say enough about what it means to have somebody standing behind us when we're getting creamed. And you've stuck by him down a darker road then most of us have had to go. God bless you for being that strong! Welcome to BOTH of you from your new second home! Wink


(edited cuzI still can't spell!)
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2008 at 11:13am by Guiseppi »  

"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Making biscuits

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #11 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 11:16am

Thank you, you're very kind.  I'll contact you privately for this discussion, as this thread is here for you, not for me.  Smiley


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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #12 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 1:14pm
i honestly can't imagine dealing with narcotics and CH from a sufferer or supporters view.  I take narcotics for neck pain and kidney stones (but not very frequently, as the pain is not every day, I often go weeks without it).  If I had to deal with a narcotic addiction and CH, Id go insane.  Kudos to both of you for getting through that hurdle.

Welcome aboard,  I honestly think it is harder for supporters than sufferers.  I would much rather have the pain than see my wife or any of my kids have it.
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You've overstayed your welcome since the day we met but it doesn't seem to matter to you.  No medications are your master, nothing makes you fret, it's a helpless feeling having nothing I can do
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #13 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 2:56pm
Karl said "he's feels so much better that he can tell me things and I'm following lead to give him what he needs"

All of you have opened my eyes. I really did not think Karl needed me. Even though we where together through his head pain, I assumed he could take care of himself. Silly me. Karl has already seen a change and hopefully I can do more.

I am looking forward to hear from all of you when you have time.
Its been a real eye opener for me. I feel ashamed for how I was.
I will stand by him whatever.

Thanks again,  Bless you, Vina
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Many Blessings&&Vina
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #14 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 4:13pm

You SO do not need to feel ashamed! !!!!!  It can be a very helpless feeling, to be in love with a clusterhead, and often there is little to do.  We're not mind readers.  It takes communication - but from both of you.  I have to tell Gary rather frequently (very nicely) that I'm not a mind reader.   Grin  And both of you are, happily, on the right road now. 

Laurie   Smiley
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Take It Easy

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #15 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 4:29pm
Vina you have no need to feel ashamed in any way we can be buggers to live with and as i stated earlier its easy to not relise the pain is actually as bad as it is both of you are great and i will be keeping in contact with you both its a pleasure to try help you both

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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #16 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 2:01am
Hi Vina,

I've been on here for about a year and I think I've posted twice now.  But... your letter really hits home. 

My husband hasn't had a pain free 24 hours since the 1990's.  My mental health counselor, who can't imagine how he continues to work, describes his pain as forcing him into almost a child situation.  It is really hard to watch the person you love reduced by pain to this level. 

Thanks for posting.  Keep hanging in there.  You are definitely not alone as a supporter (and yes, we supporters all have our down/bad times).  And, in my opinion, some days it is okay to feel sorry for yourself a bit, just so long as it is a temporary reaction. 

Do you have a close friend who you can talk to?  I find it really helps me to have someone to talk to when watching his pain gets too much. 

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #17 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 10:26pm

You know I have said "things" that have embarrased me". The the words that say one thing and I take it differently.
I was writing Brian, and now I'm scared to have everyone thinking how stupid I am. I let Karl read everything so I don't hurt someones feelings. Plus I'm a terrable speller.

Anyway Brain was talking about how he use do cycles 7 to 8 weeks a time, then they cut back to up to 2 weeks. I was telling him how I loved motor cycles. Karl laughed, and of course we changed it.

Then Karl was telling me he see's shadows, I thought he was talking about shadows on the wall.
So I wrote Linda and asked her if there where anymore words that are the same but mean something different.

You guys have a handful on your hands. Sorry. But if I say something stupid and Karl does not catch it, please feel free to call me what ever.

I really don't have any friends to talk to. I have some of the ladys at church, but they would not understand this. Plus I'm allergic to the sun so I don't get out of the house. Karl and I pretty much stay in the house. I go to the stores and doctors, but thats it. So hearing from you wonderful people I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you, and I hope your doing well.  Bless you, Vina

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Many Blessings&&Vina
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #18 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:23pm

I answered your questions in a PM Vina.  And like I said....keep asking.  There are no stupid questions around here.
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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
WWW calientev8 N/A N/A  
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Goshen, IN
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #19 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 5:29am
Keep talking to us...ask questions.  You're not stupid.  You're learning.  That says you are a good supporter.....wanting to do anything and everything to help your hubby.  Believe me...we were all in your shoes at one time.

Bless your heart for your dedication.....you're doing a good job!

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #20 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 11:15am
Morning everyone. Karl just told me now that I have a general road, to go to the sides and click on the ones for education.

I have run into a tree. Karl says help me, but yesterday he was getting a headach and I asked him if he took his pills . He said "NO"
So I started dinner, walked in the living room and asked if he took his pills he said "NO". So the next time I walked in I brought water.
He said "he'd just taken them".
Then he was getting more pain I aked if wanted his shot he said "NO", I asked do you want me to get your O2 out. He said "NO"
Finally I told him this is what makes me not want to do for him, because I'm doing all I can and he shoots me down.
So I'm confused with the mix messages. I wanted to get mad, but instead I went back to the kitchen. I had to go outside and Pray. I didn't know what else to do.
What am I doing wrong????

Thanks Vina
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Many Blessings&&Vina
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Take It Easy

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #21 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 1:22pm
Your doing nothing wrong atall vina, when we suffer a hit some times it gets us down and we take it out on the people close to us i would not take it personal if you ask him 1 time and he says no leave it at that if he then wants anything he will ask if you keep asking wile karls n pain he will get irritated.

anyhow hope this helps and take care
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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Santa Maria, Ca.
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #22 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 4:21pm


   I can't remember if I already said this to you in one of our PM's,  but it is worth repeating.

  Sit down with Karl when he ISN'T having a headache.  Ask him outright...."let's talk about what I can do for you while you're getting hit.  Do you want to be left alone?  (Most of us do Vina)  or should I just bring you coffee and just set it down and go do something in another room but close enough for you to shout out, if you DO need anything?

Karl most likely has a window of about 5 mins.  before the pain gets too bad.  Time enough for him to take his meds, so you needn't worry about reminding him.

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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
WWW calientev8 N/A N/A  
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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #23 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 5:54pm
my wife is doing alot for me and i am so appreciative. i have done this on my own for close to six years and now i am releved i don't have to anymore, my wife and ch.com as support.
My wife is learning the lingo i use and sometimes because i have done it on my own, its hard for me to share openly. I have had a alot of ridicule and judgment from my family and employer and friends.
so i am learning i don't have to do it on my own anymore and it will take some getting used to. Linda is right i have very little warning the hits are coming and by the time they are there i get a little scatter brained.
My wife is my everything and with your all help we will make a dynamic team against this thing that has tormented me for so long now.
God bless all of you
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: wife of CH'ER
Reply #24 - Aug 21st, 2008 at 10:31am
I really like your "team" approach on this. My wife has stuck by me for 28 years of these stupid things, makes everything about them easier to take. I've lashed out at her a time or two when I've really been hurting, fortunately she doesn't hold it against me afterwards!  WinkYou two will be just fine, hang in there.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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