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Blowing Your Nose? (Read 5397 times)
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Blowing Your Nose?
Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:40am
Hello everyone I am new here obviously. I am 25 and have suffered since the age of 18. I have tried everything over the years to help, well everything that doesnt cost any money as I haven't had any insurance since the age of 18. Anyway within the last two years, and this might sound EXTREMELY wierd to some people.

I have been blowing my nose really hard into a wet towel or cloth through only one nostril usually the one on right side of my head, which is where my Ch's occur, I immediately follow the blow out with a really hard breath in through the same nostril until i can hear a crackling noise in my right ear.   OK REALLY WEIRD RIGHT? 

It seems to help relieve my headaches about seventy five percent of the time. What I would like t know if anyone as ever heard of, or tried this, and does anyone think that this could be doing any damage to me, as some people I have told this to seem to think it may be doing.

Thank you for being here everyone. This is a great site and im reading everything I can.
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #1 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:49am
Yes, I have indeed heard of it working for at least one other CH'er I know. He tells me that it will help stop the lower level CH's, but doesn't stop the monster one's from coming.

I used to laugh when I saw him holding his nose with his cheeks all puffed out - he feels very strongly that putting that pressure inside his sinuses works.  Interestingly, he hyperventilates to abort also.

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« Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:50am by Marc »  
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #2 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:56am
I used to also hyperventilate in the past to help as well but not anymore.  When I do Blow my nose I try to do it as early as I can and it seems to help. Sometimes I'm not really in a place where I can and if it gets to a higher level, then no, it doesn't really work well.

Do you know if he is at all worried about any effects it might have on him by blowing?
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« Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:58am by MattyG »  
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #3 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 9:30am
CH and sneezes are related!!    Dunno which causes what but even Prof Goadsby isn't going to talk me out of this one.
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #4 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 9:46am
Sneezing is a definite precursor to CH attacks for me also.  I even get nose bleeds on the affected side from blowing too hard so I try to avoid the hard blowing. It really sucks getting hit at the same time as a nostril gusher! I’m sure the nose bleeds are from dry air because I only get them in the winter so I keep the humidifier cranked up to 40%.

Getting that tickle in the sinus is a warning for me to get to the O2 tank post haste.

Rolo.. Smiley
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #5 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 11:20am
What with the sinuses swelling closed on the CH side, and the gunk-running nose during an attack (probably TMI), I end up honking like a tuba.  Relieves the pressure a bit, but doesn't really seem to end anything, unfortunately.


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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #6 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 4:47pm
George wrote on Nov 17th, 2008 at 11:20am:
What with the sinuses swelling closed on the CH side, and the gunk-running nose during an attack (probably TMI), I end up honking like a tuba.  Relieves the pressure a bit, but doesn't really seem to end anything, unfortunately.


Yup. I grab a big handful of heavy duty paper towels, then bury the thermostat setting to the bottom on my way to my cluster-chair where my O2 tank is waiting.

I hear people say that their nose "gets a little stuffy" during an attack - man, that ain't me! Between my eye and one side of my nose I'm just flowing.........

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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #7 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 6:22pm
I stock up on extra tp and paper towel during my cycle. I leak out of my eye and sinus (right sider) like a tap.

I try and "make it move" out of my cluster side sinus during most of my cycle, can fill a waste basket each day.

o2 is so awesome. When my hit is coming and I get that "feeling" and the eye and sinus start their leaking I get on the o2 and when the hit is aborted I do not seem to leak any more, until the next one then it starts the same way.

Does this help or make sense?

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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #8 - Nov 18th, 2008 at 11:33pm
God, my nose isn't just stuffy during an attack usually, it runs like a frigging faucet. There are some attacks when I don't have it running like crazy, but that's rare. I keep a crapload of kleenex on me at ALL times.

I've tried doing the whole thing where I make my ears pop... It sometimes helps when the CH is affecting my ears, but, my eustacian tubes are messed up...so there's no telling wtf the CH is causing them to do.

As soon as we can afford it, I'm getting some name brand 4-way, and gonna try aborting with that.
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #9 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 6:41am
Pixie-elf wrote on Nov 18th, 2008 at 11:33pm:
God, my nose isn't just stuffy during an attack usually, it runs like a frigging faucet. There are some attacks when I don't have it running like crazy, but that's rare. I keep a crapload of kleenex on me at ALL times.

I have the same thing happen.  My nose runs like crazy and my eye drips/tears (on the right side) just as much.  It appears that Kleenex are out friend at the time Smiley
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« Last Edit: Nov 19th, 2008 at 6:42am by Chad »  

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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #10 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 6:55am
im no doc but the trigeminal nerve (that plays up with cluster headaches) runs behind ya eye and down ya nose so thats prob why everyone gets the nose stuff happening...but remember to use non scented paper when ya blowing ya nose as for me this can make a hit alot worse..

it also connects to nerves down the neck and thru the rest of the body...so that could ne why ya get a weird arm.

i get it too down my neck and arm AFTER a hit...espec with the bad ones...but i find normal pain killers can help with the residual pain for this if it gets bad...for me the side and back of my neck gets very tired too...kinda like the feeling after "dead arm" when you are corked by someone...

Hey you are from Melbourne? in VIC?
would be good to hook up with someone with similar
stuff if ya were Smiley  Cool
for some reason my profile wont change that im not in japan anymore...lol
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« Last Edit: Nov 19th, 2008 at 7:02am by cyberone »  
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #11 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 7:14am
oh now it does say im in melbourne....hahaha
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #12 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 1:33pm
I'm new to the site too.  CH affects my right side, eye turns blood shot, puffy and swollen and my nose runs (i'm sure crying is what is making my nose run).  I have noticed that when I blow my nose, during the blow, there is no pain.  Too bad I can't constantly blow my nose during the tough ones!!  I also get severe pain in my neck and shoulder.  I think it's because my whole body tenses up during the HA.  After the pain subsides, or at least mostly subsides, i have strong muscle spasms.  One time my whole body shook after I passed out from a toughie. 

Anyone else get like this?

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Bob P
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #13 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 2:42pm
Sarah could tell how bad an attack was by the size of the pile of snot soaked tissues in front of me.
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fly gas
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #14 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 6:59pm
I've tried proactive nose blowing. Take a mouthful of Listerene, breath in and out, loosens everything up. also Tiger Balm or the like, dab it around your nostrils BEFORE you have a headache or precursor and breath deeply. Rub some on a kleenex and breath through the Kleenex, and the mucus should flow. I'm usually congested through the episode most times, sometimes blowing my nose mid cluster feels like popping my eye out of its socket, the less the better. It MAY also cut down on length a/o severity a/o onset/number of clusters, who the hell knows, but it SEEMS to help me in a minor way.
Don't chuck the drugs or icepacks, almost 40 years with this ****, I'm still experimenting.
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Re: Blowing Your Nose?
Reply #15 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 3:18am
hard nose blowwing and sneazing are triggers for me. i used to blow my nose really hard during an attack out of frustration and it seemed to make things worse.

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