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THANK YOU... (Read 2490 times)
CH.com Alumnus

So many donuts, such little

Posts: 4754
Gender: female
Mar 17th, 2009 at 4:49pm
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the supporters.  

It is not an easy job to watch someone you know and love in torture day in and day out.  For some, the suffering has a break, yet it's torture to know that the beast will visit them again in the near future. For those that are supporters to chronics, bless you.

You are all my heroes.  May God bless ALL the suporters! And may God bless DJ and Steph for a place to call home.

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« Last Edit: Mar 17th, 2009 at 4:50pm by Langa »  

When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.
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CH.com Sponsor

theres no smoking on the

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fayette county ohio
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Reply #1 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:54am
being a supporter is tough. mom was mine for years back before we had internet. it must have been  horrible seeing her child going through that kind of pain with hardly any information and not being able to help. she spent allot of time at the library and cutting out newspaper articles. it was amazing how she did it without getting scared or upset.  she brought me ice water and cold wet towels several times a night and never complained. now my wife brings me the cold towels and ice water but i don't think she handles it as well as mom did. i always hated dealing with the aftermath of an attack when people around you are upset and crying.
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« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2009 at 1:02am by -johnny- »  

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CH.com Alumnus

So many donuts, such little

Posts: 4754
Gender: female
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 8:22am
Moms - nothing like them.  Smiley

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When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.
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CH.com Moderator
CH.com Alumnus

Go For It!!!

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Goshen, IN
Gender: female
Reply #3 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 9:04pm
Thank you Langa.  That was kind and came from your heart.
For all you CHer's must endure being there for you is little enough.  Just wish we could do more.  We can't make it go away but we can love you, stick by you and try to comfort you when we can.

Much Love,
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CH.com Hall of Famer

comfortably numb

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Reply #4 - Mar 19th, 2009 at 1:37am
Langa wrote on Mar 17th, 2009 at 4:49pm:
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the supporters.  
You are all my heroes.  May God bless ALL the suporters! And may God bless DJ and Steph for a place to call home.

I think that deserves a hardy, HERE HERE!!

Ya know, I'll never know when one of my posts ends up being my last here, for whatever reason (anyone notice people are driving like maniacs these days?) and if anything was to be my last post, I would hope it would be on this topic.

When I've read posts belittling or bashing people that were not able to keep on supporting sufferers, sometimes after years of being able to do so, I've always taken a different view of those situations. People that lose relationships because of this disease, and there are many, certainly have my deep sympathy, but, I think by expecting that never ending support, it lessens the heroic support of those that don't run.

I do think that those that stick by us through thick and thin, deserve to be singled out for going above and beyond the norm.

I don't think we can or should expect people to be able to go through this day after day, year after year, without relenting. I think we should praise and honor those that do, as extraordinary souls.

You're not *just* supporters, but lifesavers, and have my deepest respect.

(hope to be back Wink
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"those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
- C.S. Lewis
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CH.com Alumnus

San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Reply #5 - Mar 19th, 2009 at 10:46am
Ya know, I'll never know when one of my posts ends up being my last here, for whatever reason (anyone notice people are driving like maniacs these days?) and if anything was to be my last post, I would hope it would be on this topic.

Well put. If my wife hadn't found this place for me I don't know where I'd be today. Supporters rock.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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CH.com Sponsor


Posts: 3507
Near Milwaukee WI, USA
Gender: female
Reply #6 - Mar 19th, 2009 at 4:46pm
Jackie said everything I felt, so I won't add to it.

I'm just glad we can be there for all of you.  I took those vows of "better or worse, in sickness and in health" very seriously 26+ years ago.  I know there are a lot of other supporters who take them just as seriously.  And being able to support (via the internet) others with the same problem is just an extension of those vows.  I've never met such an amazing group of people anywhere else.

We love you all, too!
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“Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”
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CH.com Sponsor

Live, Laugh, Love....

Posts: 2333
St Louis, Missouri
Gender: female
Reply #7 - Mar 19th, 2009 at 4:51pm

Just before I saw your post I was thinking how all of the supporters here not only support the CHer in their home but also all of us here.  Sometimes I am so humbled by the kind words that I read here.  Even if I'm feeling a little alone, I come here and realize that I am not.

Thank you all for that!


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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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