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Topamax? (Read 2094 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Oct 28th, 2009 at 6:25pm
I have been on Topamax for over 4 weeks for migraines. I just now upped the  Topamax to 100mg. At first I did a couple of silly things but getting rid of the pain was worth staying on the Topamax. Now I feel like I am losing my mind.

I am not a rocket scientist or anything but I wouldn’t usually consider myself stupid. Lately though I have been forgetting and messing up the simplest things. I work as a receptionist so my job all day is talking. On the phone, when people come in the door…I have to talk. When I have been answering the phone I mess up my words, say the wrong thing, etc. Also I can have a conversation with someone and then later forget it or not remember it correctly. This is not like me at all.  I get lost when I am driving to familiar places. I forget peoples’ names. The other day someone called and asked to speak with someone and I could not remember who that person was. I knew that I knew the name but it was like I could not place it. It took me awhile and I was trying to stall but the person on the other end was getting a little irritated. Rightly so. It was so weird. The person they were asking for I work with everyday!!! I know who she is. I really feel like I am losing my mind.

  Does this wear off? If I keep taking it is it going to get better? If not, can I just stop it today or do I need to wean off? I know I need to talk to my neurologist and I plan to. Before I spend the money on yet another visit and go in there though I would like some first hand experiences from people that have experience with it. I WANT this medication to work. More like I NEED this medication to work but I can’t go on like this for much longer.  Sad
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Re: Topamax?
Reply #1 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 7:16pm
I tried it for Cluster Headaches and yes, the "dumb" effect reduced to about 1/2 after 3 weeks at the max dose. I was still calling it Dopomax, but I was trying.

It no effect on my Cluster Headaches, so I gave up after around 6-7 weeks.

I have no idea what it does for Migraines.

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Bob Johnson
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Re: Topamax?
Reply #2 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 9:13am
As far as I'm concerned, meds in this class are still experimental: data are not in re. effectiveness. Too many docs are willing to play with the latest "X" in the literature vs. starting with the older treatments which have a long track record. IF they don't work, then you consider shifting to the newer products.

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Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH. Written by one of the better headache docs in the U.S.  (2002)
Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute for another list of treatments and other articles:

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Bob Johnson
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Re: Topamax?
Reply #3 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 12:33pm
50mg here.  I never felt the "dopey" part.  Do you take it at night?
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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Topamax?
Reply #4 - Nov 5th, 2009 at 10:37pm
As someone who HATES perscription medicine and someone who took Topamax I can tell you that this was one of the really ones I really disliked. I took Topamex for a little over a month before I stopped. I would get pricklies in my feet (like they had fallen asleep) all the time! I had trouble concentrating as well. I was taking an online class at the time and would watch the lectures and not retain one peice of information. I began researching and found that these side effects were common. My doctor is now trying to get me to take Lamictal. When I researched this medicine I found that it is linked with Stevens Johnsons Syndrom; It is as common as 1/1000 people who take the medicine! Boy am I glad I researched it before taking it! So my advice would be to really look into perscriptions before taking them and if you aren't happy with the side effects so far, stop taking it. There are better options out there. Often if you call a doctors office they will call in alternative perscriptions for you that you can research before choosing to purchase.

Hope this helps!
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CH.com Old Timer

Knowledge is Power

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Re: Topamax?
Reply #5 - Nov 6th, 2009 at 12:06am
My niece felt the same way and after many months, she finally reduced it greatly because she couldn't stand it any longer.
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Experience:  That most brutal of teachers.  But you learn, my God do you learn.  -C. S. Lewis
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Topamax?
Reply #6 - Nov 7th, 2009 at 6:14pm
It did make me dopey.  I am not sure it ever returned to normal, not that i have ever been normal!

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You've overstayed your welcome since the day we met but it doesn't seem to matter to you.  No medications are your master, nothing makes you fret, it's a helpless feeling having nothing I can do
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Topamax?
Reply #7 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 1:27pm
It totally stopped my headaches.  But at the same time I lost weight, some hair, was short of breath, and really not the same.  i was on 100mg..taken at night.  Tapered off and stopped.  Wasn't worth the rest.  Stabilized on verapamil and neurontin.
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Re: Topamax?
Reply #8 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 7:21pm
Joshua wrote on Nov 9th, 2009 at 1:27pm:
It totally stopped my headaches.  But at the same time I lost weight, some hair, was short of breath, and really not the same.  i was on 100mg..taken at night.  Tapered off and stopped.  Wasn't worth the rest.  Stabilized on verapamil and neurontin.

I will respectfully say that if it worked for me, I would have lived with those side effects - easily!

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CH.com Old Timer

Knowledge is Power

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Re: Topamax?
Reply #9 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 10:00pm
I guess I just want my cake and to eat it, too.  Except for the middle couple of weeks, I expect my quality of life to be at least fair and functional.  I know my body well and see my doctor often during cycles to make necessary changes for improvement.  I have never taken any pain medication and do not plan on taking anything that makes me feel drugged.  That is just not a trade off for me, however, it has been for some of my family members so I do understand.  I think I am probably in the minority.  Again, good thing for chocolate and vanilla ice cream!

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Experience:  That most brutal of teachers.  But you learn, my God do you learn.  -C. S. Lewis
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