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Migranes to CH, Anyone Else? (Read 3112 times)
CH.com Junior

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Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Jun 19th, 2010 at 3:03pm
I am 8 days into my first CH and really struggling. At 56 and male I had suffered Classic Migraines since age 13 (puberty). Usually only 5 to 6 times a year and they only lasted a day. Eventually the headaches were more often but not too bad and onset meds worked most of the time. But, CHs are a whole different world and I don't know if I can do what you all are talking about for much longer. Has anyone else morphed from classic migraines to Clusters?

I pretty much self diagnosed myself before seeing my primary care physician two days ago. She put me on Prednisone and Verapamil. So car the only relief comes from deep breathing exercises while standing and walking. The pain drops a point or two when I stand up, and now is getting to the point where I only sit so it feels better when I stand up. Am I crazy? I have slept about 2 to 3 hours a night until the K7 or K8 wakes me up. I worked for 5 days but haven't been able to go the last three days.  Embarrassed
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Skull Buster
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #1 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 3:52pm
Welcome jay. I personally havent heard of anyone (changing over) so to say, but anythings possible. Maybe the pred. will help you. It works for me. I hear ya on the work thing too. The beast makes it hard to do anything.  And I too seem to hurt a lil less when I stand, and pace around the house. Laying down makes me hurt worse for sure. Asuming you have read ALOT about ch, and you got the whole "thats me"
thing going on, then you should really try the o2. I used it for the first time this past cycle. It saved my ass  and I will never be without it again. Cool God bless 99.5% oxygen.  Cheesy (nothing is pure) Read alot and check out the oxygen info to the left of the screen. Hang in there bro.
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #2 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 4:06pm
I am a chronic ch suffer who is currently in remission at this time however while I was getting hit I had 8 attacks a day lasting 1 1/2 hours long each at a kip 10.  I had never had a ha in my life prior to this.  Two years or so into ch I started getting migraines along with the ch still occurring.  I would get 6-12 migraines a month lasting 2-3 days.  I dont think it is common to get both but not rare either.  I would suggest that you see a reputable Neurologist who specializes in ch or ha since you have had a change in the ha type and request an MRI to rule out any thing bad in the brain going on.  It is standard procedure to go this route.  I just want to make sure your around here awhile and not missing something that could have been prevented by seeing a neuro and MRI. You can go to the OUCH.org website (Orgainization for understanding cluster headaches).  They have a page there of recomended drs by state.
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« Last Edit: Jun 19th, 2010 at 4:08pm by Karla »  

Karla&&suffer chronic ch &&ch.com groupie since 1999&&Proud Mom of Chris USMC Semper Fi
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Skull Buster
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #3 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 4:22pm
Dang Karla, I bet you wnted to cut your head off!! whew, Nobody should have to endure all that head pain.
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #4 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 5:12pm
Thanks for you comments and suggestions. I am having a MRI next week. You are absolutely right about reading about this and saying "that's me". Its comforting to know there are others of you out there. No one I explain this to understands. My wife used to be good about my migraines, but after a whie I knew how long the migraines would last and just had to beat the bastard back for a day. This is just wearing me down. I'm going to look into the O2. I assume that requires a prescription and is at any drug store. I saw some ads on the web for cans, too. I'm getting a little break down to about a kip 4 after a hot shower and trying the water thing too. Thanks again for being out there, whereever you all are.
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anthony g
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #5 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 6:12pm
hello jayhedges
sorry your having a hard time! I too have migraine /clusters i sent you a private message
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Skull Buster
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #6 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 6:21pm
yeah jay, oxygen is given by perscription, but some (like me) couldnt get a script for it (dumbass doctor, no ins. ect..) So I use welding o2, its the same stuff only cheaper. Try the red bull at the onset of attack. It helps alot to keep the kip level down.  Once you get the oxygen, you'll LOVE IT. it will abort the damn things in 10 min. when used properly.
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #7 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 8:42pm
Hi Jay
I'm so sorry you're suffering so much.  Please believe me when I say that we understand what you're going through.  And, yes, it is certainly possible to have both migraines and CH.  My CH is always on the right side, but I still (thankfully rarely) get migraines on my left side! 

For me, while the pain of the CH is terrible, it is the chronicity of the thing that wears me down - the little to no sleep that is interrupted itself with waking in awful pain.  The growing fear as you watch the clock get closer and closer to evening when you know you are due for another hit.  Scared to sleep, knowing that you are going to wake to such pain in just a couple of hours or so.  That's what gets me so hard...

The good news is that prednisone and verapamil do work for many many people - they just need a bit of time.  In the meanwhile, please look around this site and learn about abortive therapy - imitrex, o2 high flow nonrebreather, red bull, etc all do help with the immediate pain.

God Bless and welcome.
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #8 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 9:28pm
Hi JayHedges.  I think the migraines and the clusters are 2 different critters and should be treated as such.  Although take that with a grain of salt because the last time I piped up about migraines I ended up eating my words.

I get both.  Once or twice a year for the migraines (about 20 years) and episodic for the clusters for 25 years. 

You will make it work out just don't get overwhelmed.  You are new to clusters it sounds, so it may take a while to get your cluster-game together.  Most of us find our tools to tolerate the CH, but you have to search for those tools.  Some things work better on some than others.  Doctors don't always know much about them either so it is important to find a specialist.

In the meantime, do the easy stuff that works for most people.  Caffeine/redbull at the onset of an attack.  Sometimes caffeine is sensitive to the migrainers but usually really good for the clusterheads. 

Melatonin seems to work for many.  If your doctor thinks you have clusters, don't leave the office without a prescription for O2 at least 15lpm!!

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Good luck daddy-o.  don't feel too lonely with the double whammy. Angry  I have had a great, productive life and it got even better once I came to this site! Smiley

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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #9 - Jun 20th, 2010 at 2:37pm
Thanks to all. I'm looking for some advice on what kind of mask to get and where if I have to go with welding o2. I understand the dosing I think and have access but don't know where to get a proper mask. Hopefully my doc will give me a script tomorrow. I thinki I had it on the run today when I got my first break, slammed a Red Bull and chassed it for about an hour. but it's back and night is creeping up. Stayed active today so really tired and a bit out of it, maybe its the Prednisone. I think if I'd had o2 today I might have knocked it out but I have a lot to learn. Don't know what I would be thinking if I hadn't found this site and Ouch.
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #10 - Jun 21st, 2010 at 1:49am
Hi Jay,
I started off with having tension ha which then would cause a migraine ha to come on and at some point started getting ch's which at the time i didnt know thats what they were, i just thought they were really bad migraines; that was years ago. I am now chronic and and deff know the diff between a migraine and a ch. I'll take a migraine over a ch any day! Good luck to you and hoping you have a great neuro and can find many pf days!
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #11 - Jun 21st, 2010 at 8:01am
I'm looking for some advice on what kind of mask to get and where if I have to go with welding o2. I understand the dosing I think and have access but don't know where to get a proper mask.

The oxygen info article talks about the nonrebreather mask, and its availability from LifeGas. This mask, along with a high flow regulator (at least 15lpm) is needed to abort most CHs.

O2 and nonrebreather masks are available at many medical supply distributors, as is the higher flow regulator. You need a prescription for all three but you should be able to find a supplier in your area. Make sure you ask for a larger tank (M size) and smaller for portable use (E size). When you get your mask make certain all intake holes have flapper valves (litle plastic circles that close on intake and open on exhalation) but if not, you can improvise by making one out of stiff paper stock.

Good luck and God bless! lance
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #12 - Jun 21st, 2010 at 9:35pm
i get severe migraines at the very end of a cycle. during a cycle there isn't any time space for a migraine. as for precycle migraines i dont think i get those much. i get migraines every once in a while but im not chronic.
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rare ?
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #13 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 7:31pm
chronic, this is no mountain, its a cliff! I get mostly left side,some right side, an occassional left to right jump,to a few migrianes with clusters coming thru!! no joke! they are seperate beasts, common in me!
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #14 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 9:57pm
I had migraines also as a kid, but mine morphed into CH when I was in my early 20's.  That was over 30 yrs ago, the last 7 or so chronic.  You learn to adapt and deal with them.  The first cycle is the toughest because you don't know what is going on and it is hard to try to learn it all really fast.  You WILL handle it, and it will not kill you.

For a mask, click on the CH.com store on the left side of the screen and order the O2ptimask, and do it yesterday.  They are VERY prompt about getting it out to you and it is very much worth the difference in cost over what you can get from a Med Supply store.  It was designed with us in mind, and the 3liter bag makes a tremendous difference, especially if you use a high flow rate.  Print off the info, esp the prescribing info, and take it with you to your Dr and tell him/her you want the script written as in your print out, except I would change the 15 lpm to at least 25 lpm.  You don't have to use that high a flow if you get relief at a lower flow rate, but I can kill a hit within 5-8 mins at 25 lpm whereas it takes at least 15-20 at 15 lpm.  You hurt less, and you actually use less O2 to do it.

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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #15 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 10:14pm
I have been chronic ch for a few years now and have only had 2 migraines previous to that, both after my daughter was born. 

My son was diagnosed with migraines when he was 2 years old, he is now 21 and has had a few sporadic CH hits.  We are both praying he does not go full blown CH but given our histories are aware it's quite possible.  He still gets migraines though not quite as often as he used to and only in recent years has he had a few CH hits.  I can't help but worry for him when he hits that magic age...   
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #16 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 3:09pm
wow...that was day 8 when I started this string. Day 22 now and it may as well have been a lifetime. I am set up now with med o2 at 10 lpm (worthless) and my own welding shop with my welding o2, O2ptimask (priceless) and a regulator that gives me all the flow I need. Doesn't measures lpm but based on how fast it fills my 3 liter green bag I am at about 25 lpm. Aborts in 10 to 12 minutes but pf last longer if I do 20 minutes. I am working on my dosing/busting plan already and great advice from all over here and ClusterBusters. You guys have been my angels and I will remember all of you as I fight this winable battle and now begin to encourage others.

What I have learned is we must believe...we must support each other...each of us must have a plan that works for our symptoms and for our lifestyle...nearly all docs are clueless about CH...Nearly all meds are worthless for CH...(but I'm happy for those of you who have found them useful...o2 is my new best freind...shrooms will likely brake my cycle once I get my hands on them....seeds are on order as a back up...I MUST BE IN CHARGE...Not the Beast...not my doc...not my o2 supplier...not all the great people I've met here...It's my life...This is the hand I was dealt...I will deal with it and bring the Beast to its knees...Thanks to all and may hours turn into pf days.
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CH.com Old Timer

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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #17 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 10:18pm
jayhedges wrote on Jul 2nd, 2010 at 3:09pm:
What I have learned is we must believe...we must support each other...each of us must have a plan that works for our symptoms and for our lifestyle...nearly all docs are clueless about CH...Nearly all meds are worthless for CH...(but I'm happy for those of you who have found them useful...o2 is my new best freind...shrooms will likely brake my cycle once I get my hands on them....seeds are on order as a back up...I MUST BE IN CHARGE...Not the Beast...not my doc...not my o2 supplier...not all the great people I've met here...It's my life...This is the hand I was dealt...I will deal with it and bring the Beast to its knees...Thanks to all and may hours turn into pf days.

You are a very positive thinking person
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Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear... 'The Terminator' AKA CH
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Jim L
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #18 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 1:40am
Like you, I've had migraines since I was a kid. Historically, I've gotten an average of 2-3 migraines a month, normally lasting from 1-3 days.  Imitrex helps if caught in time.  Over the last few years, at the beginning of every summer, the headaches switched from the right to the left side and got MUCH worse for a few months.  Just 6 weeks ago my new, awesome doctore diagnosed CH.  The last six weeks have been pure hell, with an average of 2-6 CH a day.  Sumitriptan, 480 mg Verapamil, second round of Predisone started yesterday, Oxygen prescribed and after a bit of flak from the insurance company, I got two "e" tanks, which I've gone through already.  I'm getting an M tank tomorrow and a couple more "E"s to keep at the office.  Co-pay is pretty cheap for the oxygen.  Just when I go a couple of days without a headache, I get slammed again.  I work in an office staring at a computer all day and it can be unbearable.  I've had Intermittent Family Medical Leave Act paperwork in place for years for the migraines, and they've been pretty cooperative at work for the clusters lately (except for the one co-worker who called me a hypochondriac in front of several other workers).  My dr. says that, alas, CH and Migrains can inhabit the same body.  I haven't had a migraine since the clusters started, but I'm curious to see if the Oxygen helps for them, too.

Good luck and best wishes to you, Jay!
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Re: Migranes to CH, Anyone Else?
Reply #19 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 5:13am
I have had migraines since I was a teen, but never bad to the point I would stop doing what I was doing. I would get the aura bit but just ignore it. There was one time it was nasty which I remember and I had to stop and go to bed but that was it.

Now my migraines are worse, since having clusters it is like they've upgraded to evil level (paralysing parts of my body when I have attacks, trigging off shadows). My neuro seems to think this is normal but is somewhat confused I am having different types of headaches during my cycle. I have a tension headache all the time with migraine attacks daily meaning I am never pain free and have clusters and shadows on top during the night.

Ah...51 weeks today.

Hope that makes sense, head's a bit fuzzy at the mo.

PFDAN everyone x
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