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Sinus rinsing may help you too... (Read 1409 times)
matt m
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Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Jul 26th, 2010 at 8:17pm
After three years of suffering from cluster headaches I was convinced that mine were triggered somehow, by my sinuses. I had an ENT agree with me sow I had a terribly painfull surgery. After I heeled I was great for six months when out of nowhere I was hit with another cycle. I went back to the surgeon and he didn't see anything this time that should be causing our kind of pain.But he thought I should have an alergy prick test done to be sure that wasn't the problem. This all turned out to be too expensive for me to even be an option or I would have definatly tried it. As a parting piece of advice he told me to rinse my sinuses every day and it would prevent any infection from hanging out and causing problems. For those that dont know sinus rinsing is spraying water, mixed with salt and baking soda, up one nostral at a time. the water goes up around and back out the other side and your mouth. I do it leaning over the kitchen sink with an 8 ounce bottle I got from the drug store. I bought an adapter for a waterpick toothbrush from the ENT but it was way too irritating for me, the tip went about 2 inches up my noes and tickled when it pulsated the water. Some people like it the best.I am not claiming that this in any way is a cure but if it is nothing more than a way to keep the demond at bay it is well worth the small inconvenience. This is also not an immediate remedy either. When I first tried it I didn't see any improvement at first because I was allready in a cycle. I asked for an anti inflamitory(NABUMETONE 500 MG) because they seemed to improve my situation.Later I added verapamil sa 240 mg , together they improved my life greatly but I still was just surviving compared to life before the cluster.So I wasn't satisfied ,I just felt like their had to be an answer. I was still surtaine that my problem was coming from my sinus, because of the consentration behind my left eyball which had given me problems by being dry through out my childhood and teens. So I continued my meds that were helping and I took up rinsing everyday. At first I would forget from time to time and I could really tell the next day. Eventually it got to where if I forgot in the morning(my prefered time) by that night I felt like I had spider webs in my nose. So now I don't miss a day. I don't forget even when I went on vacation to the beach. It's a part pf my life now like brushing my teeth.I don't even take any meds anymore. I don't pretend that this will help everybody but I am sure that it is helping me I have been cluster free for almost a year now. And I really think this could help alot more of you I feel Bad that I waited a year to share this but clusters were out of sight out of mind untill I ran into another sufferer and shared my story with him and told him about this website and I felt compeled to tell everyone. It's very cheep , safe , and has other benefits such as pracicly eleminating all upper bronchial problems . I havn't had a sore throught , runny nose , cold , or any sinus problem whatsoever. I'm sure results will vary diffrently for every one especially for those with sinus problems due to their living quarters. Mold , dust , pet dander and smoke all are present in my old trailer and I am simply unable to change that imediatly.I did every thing I could to get rid of these things but as many of you probably know it's not that easy to get rid of all these things in a very old trailer. So I think that my dwelling is causing my clusters but I can't afford to move, so what do you do? I rinse and religiously. Heres my recipe.
              32 oz luke warm water(distilled if you can )
              1 tsp salt
              1 tsp fresh baking soda(not the old one in the   
mix in a large measuring cup or something thats easy to pour . fill up your squirt bottle that you got from the drug store and empty the bottle on one nostrel, refill and contine repeating untill you run out of water. Have some paper towels close so you don't drip all over the kitchen.The bottle will usually come with instructins and some have packs of premixed solution. Use it or lose it , thats up to you but I hope It helps you like it helped me .

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Re: Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2010 at 8:52pm
Great to hear you have found something that helps you. No question there is a sinus connection to CH. Whether it's those who do the lidocaine up the affected nasal passage side, the sinus buster, the ice cold air up the affected side, all bring a degree of relief to sufferers.

Keep up with the routine, clearly it's giving you a substantial benefit. My wife and daughter have started that "Netty Pot" routine which is a funny looking plastic tea pot device with premixed packets of a rinse that you do in the shower, sounds similar to what you're doing. Done wonders for both of their allergy/sinus issues.

A word to the wise, stick around here and stay boned up on the latest and greatest treatments for CH. CH will eventually find away around most treatments and it's always a good idea to have a plan B already in place.


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Skull Buster
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Re: Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Reply #2 - Jul 26th, 2010 at 9:16pm
YES, with CH, you always need a plan B.
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Re: Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Reply #3 - Jul 27th, 2010 at 7:15am
Skull Buster wrote on Jul 26th, 2010 at 9:16pm:
YES, with CH, you always need a plan B.
...and even a plan C for that matter.
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Re: Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Reply #4 - Jul 27th, 2010 at 8:48am
Later I added verapamil sa 240 mg , together they improved my life greatly but I still was just surviving compared to life before the cluster.So I wasn't satisfied ,I just felt like their had to be an answer.

Sinus problems can exacerbate or trigger a CH, but they are definitely not the cause. I am glad you are finding relief but please accept a word of caution: you may just be going out of cycle. I only say this, not to discourage you, but to help in case (God forbid) they ramp up again.

I notice your verapamil is a bit on the low side for effective preventative serum levels. Anywhere from 240-960 mgs daily is more usual. And you do not mention O2 (used properly at the right flow rates of 15-60lpm) or energy drinks or melatonin or imitrex. So if they do come back you still have an arsenal available to you. In the meantime, great news on the relief. May it last forever! Blessings. lance
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Jim L
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Re: Sinus rinsing may help you too...
Reply #5 - Jul 27th, 2010 at 12:15pm
My variation of the netty pot is a squirt-bottle thing I got at the drug store. I use it to rinse things out -- It is pretty gross and it doesn't seem to hurt or help my CH.  It makes my sinuses feel cleaner during allergy season, though!

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