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No More (Read 13070 times)
CH.com Sponsor
CH.com Alumnus

Posts: 14163
Re: No More
Reply #25 - May 23rd, 2012 at 10:54pm
Or he enjoys severe pain.

Certainly doesn't make sense to me.
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"I have been asked if I have changed in these past 25 years. No, I am the same. Only more so."  --Ayn Rand
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Mike NZ
CH.com Hall of Famer

Oxygen rocks! D3 too!

Posts: 3785
Auckland, New Zealand
Gender: male
Re: No More
Reply #26 - May 24th, 2012 at 3:01am
Brew wrote on May 23rd, 2012 at 10:54pm:
Or he enjoys severe pain.

Certainly doesn't make sense to me.

Or to me.

I love being able to kill of CHs with oxygen, although I'd much rather not have a CH at all via preventives like Batch's regime and verapamil.

As to enjoying severe pain, well it's beyond my comprehension.
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

Thanks for understanding

Posts: 88
Union City (Erie)  PA
Gender: female
Re: No More
Reply #27 - Jun 13th, 2012 at 12:13pm
Hello everyone...it has been a while.  I guess I gave up for a while (not caring about you all...but fighting to find help for him)

Oh where to begin? Well...after having many teeth pulled and going under anetesia (sp?), Ch hit hard, strong, and mulitiple times daily again.  (more than the normal 2 -3) He was wondering what he had done to bring it on.  I finally piped up and said it was probably the surgery and going under.  I began to make sense to him. (Thanks to what I've learned here) They wouldn't give him anything stronger, as he was taking pain meds for his mouth already.  We called the neurologist's office.  Went to visit, and I asked again about oxygen therapy.  She asked him if he was still smoking, and he said yes, but quitting (not happening yet) so she OK'd O2!!!  When it was delivered to our home, they also brought a machine that only delivers up to 10 lpm.  I told my husband that would not work, broke out the Opti-mask that I purchased long ago, and suggested we buy a regulator for the cylinders.  He OK'd that by saying: "whatever".  Wink  Regulator came and I hooked everything up...then turned on the video from YouTube posted on here somewhere that demonstrated how to breathe it all in.  He watched!  So I let it be after that.  I began to notice that the tank would be moved a bit once in a while.  He is a little better at taking the meds and vitamins regularly too.  He has seemed to have more energy now too.  We decided to get out of the area for a couple days that I was finally able to get off work...I was nervous about the overnight accommodations as we were going to stay with some cousins.  Didn't know if there would be an area for him to get up and pace/walk...whatever he needed.  We never stay anywhere except maybe a hotel, so he has the freedom to work out with the devil at any time.  He brought the O2 tank along! 

I made the mistake of asking about how it is working for him once...."works OK I guess".  Dont want to admit I could have been right all along, no thank yous, but I see some changes.  Living a bit more between hits and trying not to miss his medications. Bit more energy and a renewed interest in an old hobby.  Life is not perfect, the devil still comes a knocking, but after I laid everything at my Lord's feet to deal with...I feel somewhat more at ease, and so does my CHer. We get out a bit more often now for short bouts.  (will not take O2 with him for those yet, but Imitrex) He still depends on that too much, but I see tiny efforts, where I never did before. 

For me, taking a step back from "CH" was the best thing at the time.  I didn't get the pain, but the information loading up with no way to use it, was consuming me!  Maybe one day he and I will be able to work together better on this.  Maybe he feels that I am not the one with the pain, so I don't know....and that part he is right about.  But somewhere down inside, he knows I care, love him, and am only trying to help.  I believe he also knows...that maybe...just maybe....I have a little.  Thanks to this site and all of you wonderful supporters and friends who have not been afraid to share!!!  God bless you all....I will be around.


PS:  Don't give up Hayley...it has been a long road for me, and I am still walking it.  But I know how to pray for you!
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