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No More (Read 13084 times)
Beth E
CH.com Junior

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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No More
Dec 20th, 2011 at 6:46pm
I am giving up on being the leader of the fight in my house.  I cannot continue fighting if the one who is being attacked refuses to fight back.  And I also will not be the "cause" for the additional suffering.  When he is ready to do battle, I will be there...but for now...I am just going to wait for the call to bear arms I guess.  But I also am not going to make the rest of the way easy for him by being the servant.  I want to be the knight by his side.  I have fully placed him into the hands of my Lord.  And, unless He is called on...He won't do much either.  There comes a time when you have to desire to take matters into your own hands and do something about your condition. ANYTHING!!!!  I will be around to read and applaud all of your efforts.  I will possibly even post words of encouragement.  I am on your side, part of your team.  I will await the day that my CHer is also.  God Bless.

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Re: No More
Reply #1 - Dec 20th, 2011 at 7:25pm
So sorry you were compelled to write this. I can only imagine that your dear sufferer is not cooperating in participating in research and trying suggested treatments.

I guess it's kind of like the spouse of an alchoholic realizing they can't go to AA for their spouse. But the spouse can go to their support groups. Likewise, you can continue to count on us for supporter love.

I think some people just enjoy  being sick---almost like an addiction to victimism. Or they are just to weak to fight it.

Hang in there Beth. I know you love him or you wouldn't care. Hopefully he will come to realize that what you're doing to improve his life is really to improve BOTH your lives. Maybe then he'll be more accepting.

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Re: No More
Reply #2 - Dec 20th, 2011 at 11:18pm

Tough spot to be in, I'm with my wife, (queeny)...when he's ready. you can help him, not until then.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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Mike NZ
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Re: No More
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 3:58am
Beth - I can only imagine how tough it will have been to write what you wrote.

I also echo Joe and Christy's comments.
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Re: No More
Reply #4 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 2:12pm
I agree with all of the above.

Hang in there Beth and remember we're here for you and when and if he's ready we'll be there for him.
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flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: No More
Reply #5 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 3:52pm
Bless your heart.  You are certainly in a bad spot. 

It's impossible to help someone who won't help themselves.

You've been a VERY proactive advocate for your CHer but you can't do it all.

Good luck, Sweetie....
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Re: No More
Reply #6 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 6:18pm
You can lead a horse to water, Beth, but that's all you can do. This is also a siren call to all us CHeads to remember that our supporters do it far harder than we ever will.

Take some time for yourself darlin'. You deserve that much at least.

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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

Thanks for understanding

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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Re: No More
Reply #7 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 6:29pm
I have not regretted the day I found you all!!!  I remember weeping, realizing that I was not crazy, wierd, alone, making excuses for my CHer, or afraid anymore.  That this thing was real and not just in our home!  I will keep learning, printing out information and putting it in "my" CH binder. One day he may pick that up first.  Get curious for himself, and find you!  This site is in our internet "favorites" too. 

I have always been the one to fill the medicine boxes for the week, but no more. He will have to do it.  This means he may not be continuing Batch'es regimen of D-3 and such, but....it remains to be seen. Don't know about any of you...but since he has been on that, his fingernails have stregthened, become smooth and glossy!  Our adult daughter asked him the other day why he was polishing his nails clear.  Ha ha! He said he wasn't and thinks it was one of the meds doing it.  I said "yep, probably the D-3" Dr. said that was probably right. He thinks he takes too many, but the Dr. did say that it wasn't hurting him anyway. I also had him taking Kudzu.  So, what happens if he doesn't continue it all....we will see. (Then I'll know if it really was helping) He does coffee, but wants no part of Red Bull or such either.  But, I still have the Opti-mask on stand-by...just in case.  Wink

Thank you all for supporting ME! You have touched my life and you are all special people out there, fighting against this demon of a condition!!  I am an EMT and I have dealt with and seen a lot of things, but this one....well...you just sometimes feel helpless.  (Hence my nickname) Everyone phones me and asks me what they should do about this, or that....if I don't know, I suggest the Dr.! But with this...the Dr's don't even know what to do! (And I still don't feel qualified to help much. So I will direct anyone to you!)

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Re: No More
Reply #8 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 8:59pm
Ya know, there is a very small percentage of people on this earth who define their existence by their pain and suffering. The rest of us realize our lot, accept it, and then do something about it.

Let's hope your DH ends up being in the second group. God helps those who help themselves. Saying "if he doesn't care, why should I?" is much easier said than done, but seems necessary in this case.

Stick around. We're glad you're here.
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"I have been asked if I have changed in these past 25 years. No, I am the same. Only more so."  --Ayn Rand
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Re: No More
Reply #9 - Dec 21st, 2011 at 11:18pm
You have done all that you can to this point. Smiley
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Re: No More
Reply #10 - Dec 31st, 2011 at 2:16pm
Hi Beth, just thought I'd check in and see how things are going?
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

Thanks for understanding

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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Re: No More
Reply #11 - Feb 4th, 2012 at 10:57am
Hello all.  I have been popping in, but not logging on much.  Things are going very slow, hard, and frustrating. I still have to drive him to his appointments, but I hate going, because I want to open my mouth and tell all.  I have intervened a few times as I was getting worried.  They increased his verapimil, but after few days, things began changing...an not necessarily for the headaches.  Finally, I suggested he call the Dr. and let them know the symptoms he was having.  They had him right in the next day.  He BP was very low, so they did an EEG. It was not "normal".  So then they did blood work to make sure he did not have a heart attack.  Negative, so that was good news.  Well, they figured his body could not handle the increased dose of the verapamil. So that came back down.  They then started him on Depakote.  He doesn't take any of his medications regularly, as he "forgets". He noticed his hands were drying, and peeling terribly with nothing helping, so he started taking some D3 again.  (about 6000 that I see..again, not regularly) He is stll on the dalaudid, but they are getting serious about cutting him back now.  He is not happy, as they "haven't given me anything to deal with the pain in it's place". He uses all 4 tablets for his morning (2-3am) dose.  Then he uses Imitrex injection for the second hit. (about 2-3pm) That is way too much of that also.  He has stocked piled it from before, but is just about out now.  He made the comment to me the other day that "I will be needing some ER trips in the near future".  UGH!!! He hasn't even tried to slow down his smoking (about 2 packs a day) They ask him, and have given him lozengers and such, but they don't get used.

And of course, like I have been reading with some of the other sufferers, the weather is NOT making things any easier.  We live in the snow belt and really have had no winter to talk about.  Two of our sons work for the state DOT on roads and have gotten only one night overtime this winter. 

There are times I feel bad for him, there are times I am frustrated with him and really don't care....then I feel guilty again, cause I know his pain is real.  But he probably has other problems on top of the CHs now.  <sigh> He really believes there is a magic cure out there somewhere.  That someone has missed something along the way. I try not to get his hopes up at all, and that many of you say that learning to live with CH makes for a more fulfilled life, instead of trying to fight it all the time.  (Easy for me to say huh?)

Well, I have not forgotten about you all.Thanks for being there.  Love reading some of your quirky jokes, daily thoughts, and just things that make your life just as crazy as mine! I have been entertaining lately, which helps to keep me sane. I sing classic country, bluegrass and gospel.  If you like that sort of thing. We (my singing partner) just started a Youtube channel: earthangeltunez  We have a facebook page also: Earth Angel.  She plays the guitar, and I just picked up a fiddle last summer and am trying to learn.  But NO public performances yet (with fiddle I mean)! Yikes...at this speed, don't know if there will be any.  Ha ha
Take care all, until next time.  Beth
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Re: No More
Reply #12 - Feb 5th, 2012 at 9:35am
Hiya Beth  Smiley

I'm glad you popped in.  I think of you often.

It really is possible to live a happy and fulfilled live with CH.  Your hubs needs to learn to take the hits as the come and not sit in anticipation waiting for it.  That would be enough to drive anyone batty.  I remember someone once told me when I first showed up that you (both of you) need to live between the hits.  If you don't you're just letting the CH win.

He's got to learn that he's never going to find something that works if he doesn't take anything regularly.  Does he really forget or does he not want to take anything?  Does he use one of those pill sorters?  Most preventative meds take time to build up in his system so they aren't going to help for up to two weeks.

As for the ER trips they will eventually peg him as a drug seeker and he won't be getting any kind of help from them.

As for the emotions you are going through I go through those same emotions.  I get pissed and angry and frustrated.  Then I feel like shit because I'm not pissed at Phil, but I'm sure it comes off that way.  There are times that I blame myself for Phil getting hit even though I know better.  There are times I beat myself up because I think that I'm not being a good enough supporter to him.

Hang in there Beth.  We're always here for you  Smiley
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: No More
Reply #13 - Feb 7th, 2012 at 2:42pm
You remain his best hope not doctors or medicine.
Kudzu doesn't work well with other medications.
Your frustration is normal and so is his. You two need a break. Take some time and treat yourselves to some kind of recreation other than relenting over CH.
Shove the 02 bottle at him. Decide on one therapy and stick to it. You cant throw it all at once and treat this. Planning and timing. If he refuses treatments that may help him that is normal in some respect. He is beat down and dont care. Been there. There is hope and help. For you and him. Do not be discouraged. Abortive, transitional,and prevent. Decide on a treatment and stick to it. If it doesn't work move to treatment plan B. My heart goes out to you both. Kiss
all the best
the bb
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Re: No More
Reply #14 - Feb 7th, 2012 at 6:09pm
Thinkin bout you guys...this ones for you
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the bb
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Re: No More
Reply #15 - Feb 8th, 2012 at 12:26pm
2 quotes from Man’s Search for Meaning that came to mind reading your postings. I’m 39 pages into this book and this one will change me for the better, I can already tell.

“To suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic.”
“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how.” 

What is his “WHY” in this life? Not just pertaining to cluster headaches but in the greater scope of his life. Because the cluster headaches are not the scope of it by a long shot. Suffering is not the scope. When he finds the answer to that, he will find his fight again. Help him find that if you can. Sounds like he needs to find why he should fight before can actually start to fight.

Sigh. It’s a hard fight to try to fix someone who won’t fix themselves. We have our hands to play though, as supporters. We aren’t spectators in this card game. H*ll, we’re even called out by name (alright not really) in Newton’s first law. “An object at rest will stay at rest or an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by an equal and opposite force…” Being an equal and opposite force is the thing I shoot for here. In the interest of full disclosure I will note it’s worded as an “unbalanced force” in some texts- make of THAT what you will! Haha!

YOU are not giving up here, you’re just adjusting your tactics. Keep doing that. Try. Try. And try again. But never give up. Never give in. And we’re only helpless when we’re dead.

Hugs to you and the row you have to hoe on this one. You know what I think causes cluster headaches? Excessive stubbornness! Haha! Well, maybe not. If that was so all us supporters would have it too!

People are thinking of you, pulling for you, all the world over. Add me, here in Texas, to that long list.

Keep us posted!
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Never, never, never give up.
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

Thanks for understanding

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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Re: No More
Reply #16 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 5:47pm
Thank you all for your kind words....hard to not just throw in the towel.  He is begging and phoning Drs. lately to do something.  I believe he is thinking about doing the "in house" DHE therapy again.  He just wants a break and a full nights sleep.  He is taking all kinds of concoctions he can find around still in the house.  DHE ,(don't know how old it is for sure) and he knows not to mix it with imitrex!  Indomethician, Excedrine, ibuprophen, muscle relaxers,...there are bottles sitting around, but I don't know what he has taken, or just looked at, or mixed....(gulp) Please pray, I don't want to roll over to a cold body.  Undecided Hard for me to sleep thru the night because I'm listening to him breathe.
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Mike NZ
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Re: No More
Reply #17 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 6:55pm
If he is taking anything he can find at random, I'd be strongly tempted to get rid of the stockpile.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: No More
Reply #18 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 7:26pm
I agree with Mike.  That stockpile has got to go if he's just randomly popping a bunch of stuff.

I understand he's in pain and I understand he's exhausted and needs a full night's sleep.  Maybe inpatient DHE is the way to go for him.  If he does that clean out the house of any stockpiles that he has...well maybe not imitrex;

You may have told us, but I can't remember.  Does he use melatonin or anything else at night for sleep?
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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Re: No More
Reply #19 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 7:31pm
Have thought of that. He would be raging! I'm not sure what he is taking for sure or if he is looking for stuff and not putting it back.  I know he would love to find more imitrex or DHE, or dalaudid.  Smoking like a chimney too! (Wish he would inhale O2 instead) Think I'm just gonna have to order some on my own and just sit the tank next to his chair. Wink
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Beth E
CH.com Junior

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Union City (Erie)  PA
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Re: No More
Reply #20 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 7:37pm
yes...melatonin. 10 mg. (two 5mg tablets)  He believes they are already 10s and is taking 20...then he adds two more.  Someone suggested I switch them out, and I have.  I don't like being sneaky but 20 mg a night is better than 40!  Inpatient is what I meant by "in House".  Sometimes, I could use the relief myself, even for a couple days. I really should clean out that cupboard of "bottles". And true, I would keep the imitrex...if there is any left.  And the past few days he hasn't been forgetting his regular meds, as he is getting desperate.  Everyone (Drs. included) said that getting off the dilaudid will get worse before it gets better.  I think he has managed this long pretty well.  I hope the storm is a short one! Thanks all
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Mike NZ
CH.com Hall of Famer

Oxygen rocks! D3 too!

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Re: No More
Reply #21 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 7:46pm
Beth E wrote on Feb 9th, 2012 at 7:31pm:
Have thought of that. He would be raging!

Better off raging than having issues from an overdose which with a random medication a could be pretty severe.
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Re: No More
Reply #22 - Feb 10th, 2012 at 11:02pm
Tell him you need to know what he has taken so you can tell the paramedics when he overdoses.... Angry Shocked
Hang tough.
the bb
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Re: No More
Reply #23 - Feb 17th, 2012 at 12:03pm
I recall a time when I was so frustrated with Joe because of how he was self-medicating. He carried around this insulated lunch bag. He called it his "dope bag". In it was about 8 bottles of different pills that he called his "dope". Our kids were small at the time, and he picked them up in the afternoon. You can imagine how I'd react when I'd see him "stoned" (as he called it) and know he drove my kids like that.

In a rage I called his doctor and asked for (demanded) an appointment consultation because I felt Joe was overdoing the meds. I used the words "dope" and "stoned". The doctor saw us the next day and tried to reprimand me for using such words. I told him - "those are Joe's words, not mine. It's what he says around my kids." Then I told him what JOe was taking, and how much, and how often.

The first thing the doctor did was explain to me what each medication did, and how it was ok to be taken together. He reminded me that they are medications, not dope or drugs. And he said Joe is not stoned, he is experiencing side effects from the prescribed medication.

Then he looked at Joe with his eyebrows raised and discussed timing and proper dosages.

It wasn't too long after that and we heard about O2 and lithium. Really made a difference for us. No more Joe waiting for feuorynl to kick in while he took God knows what with it.

I really hope your husband will come around some day and realize that there are better, safer and faster ways to beat this pain. Maybe the DHE would be good to get him a few days respite, and then once he's rested, he can be more reasonable with trying a different approach. It's got to be so frustrating for you. When they say "In Sickness and Health" and dont tell you about CH....well they really do push your will, don't they?


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Re: No More
Reply #24 - May 23rd, 2012 at 10:43pm

I came on here tonight to vent just the way you did. My boyfriend won't seek help. He said he is tired of regimens, drugs, scans, doctors, etc. He wants nothing to do with oxygen. When I bring up that I've been researching treatments, he doesn't say anything back. He just shrugs while he holds his head in agony. I don't understand it. It breaks my heart that he has devalued himself to the point where he thinks he deserves the pain.
I remember a year ago when he told me how much it meant to him that I was a supporter and that I was doing research, buying him Batch's vitamins, and getting him an Opti-Mask. In the entire year that he's known how effective oxygen is, he's tried it zero times. I don't think he's even taken his vitamins more than four days in a row since I got them for him.

So do I just stand by and watch him suffer? I guess so. I wish I knew what it was like to have a CH'er who actually cared about their options.
But I keep loving him.

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