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Solpadol and the beast (Read 1315 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Yorkshire, England
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Solpadol and the beast
May 30th, 2016 at 2:04am
I am up at this time time (6am) in England as I felt the beast coming, I ran downstairs and quickly made a strong coffee which thanks to this site I have found helps just as well as my usual energy drinks, it has subsided without too much pain and I am currently waiting for the caffeine to wear off so I can go back to sleep however this is not the purposes of my post.
About 12 weeks ago I went through my usual 6ish weeks of hell then I believed it was over and my life began to return to normal, then I got the flu and on the back of this I suffered with sinusitis, my doctor prescribed solpadol for the pain (although he never wants to give me anything for ch) anyway I noticed the ch coming back during this time and figured I was having a relapse due to illness so soon after my usual bout. As the sinusitis eased I stopped taking the solpadol as they do nothing for ch and after a couple of days the ch stopped as well., then 2 days ago I hurt my ribs after a fall ( I am so unlucky lol ) I had solpadol left so I reached for these to ease some pain and lo and behold the ch have started again. I know that the medication is not to blame for my usual bouts however I cannot help but feel they are to blame for these straggler ch I am getting. Sufficed to say I will not be taking anymore, I can live with the pain in my ribs and function!!! Has anyone heard of this before???I
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Mike NZ
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Oxygen rocks! D3 too!

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Re: Solpadol and the beast
Reply #1 - May 30th, 2016 at 2:49am
Your doctor clearly knows little about CH as using solpadol (paracetamol / codeine) for the pain will do little if anything to help.

Has he given you anything to prevent the CHs? Something like verapamil, lithium or similar?

I'd also strongly suggest you look into how we're using vitamin D3 which is working very well for over 80% of people who have tried it.

He also needs to get you abortives too for when CHs strike like oxygen and imitrex (imigran) injections.

Batch has posted multiple times about how infection burns your vitamin D3 reserves, which could account for how CH came back after it, similarly so for the sinusitis. Plus hurting the ribs is likely to have had a similar effect.

I'd also get in touch with Ouch UK (Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register) who have a phone helpline and forums where you can learn a lot about dealing with the NHS when you have CH.

Hope this helps.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Wexford. Ireland
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Re: Solpadol and the beast
Reply #2 - May 30th, 2016 at 4:40pm
Mike is right.

D3 is helping over 80% of CHers who are using it and the beauty is that you don't need any prescription.

Read as much as you can on the D3 Regimen in the Medication & Treatments section, under the thread "123 days pain free...".

Ask as many questions as you wish. There is always someone here to answer.

If possible you should look at changing your Doctor. He clearly has no idea how to treat CH. At the very least you should have home Oxygen.

Have you had a formal diagnosis from a Neurologist, who specialises in Primary Headaches ?

Ouch UK are great people. I have dealt with them myself in the past. They can put you in touch with people in your area of the U.K.

Mind yourself,

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Central PA, USA
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Re: Solpadol and the beast
Reply #3 - May 31st, 2016 at 11:14pm
As a CH sufferer - I always choose to take the least amount of meds that are effective to end my pain.  Same goes for other pains as well.  I've swallowed so many painkillers to get rid of CH, I am sick of taking them.  So yes, its possible this med will cause a CH or rebound headache as some call them.

I will vow for the D3 regiment if you have not tried it.  Been doing well for about 3 years controlling my episodes using the regiment Batch has formulated.
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