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New member 15 years with CH (Read 466 times)
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New member 15 years with CH
Jul 23rd, 2023 at 5:14pm
Found this website while doing some online research. Currently I’m in a cycle getting 2-3 3 hour attacks a day. Diagnosed 15years ago with CH. I take Topamax daily and Rizatriptan at the onset. But as we all know can come on super fast. Not having much luck with medication at the moment helping. I’m down the only three tablets of Rizatriptan left for a week until I’m able to renew my prescription.
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CH - It's all in your

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Cairns, Qld, Australia
Gender: male
Re: New member 15 years with CH
Reply #1 - Jul 23rd, 2023 at 10:54pm
G'day,  Justin,  and welcome to the club no-one wants to join.

Your treatments seem a little out-dated so I have to wonder if you've seen a headache specialist lately because things have come a long way and there are other alternatives that seem to help a lot of people who must live this nightmare.

First port of call must be plain old oxygen inhaled at the first little hint of an attack.  The results can be amazing and there's a button on the left side of your screen marked Oxygen Info    which will give you an idea of what many see as their saviour.

Of all things there's also a can of Red Bull or similar glugged down immediately at onset.  Sounds awful,  I know,  but it helps many.

A medication used often is Immigran/Immitrex and best results come from self-injection rather than inhalers or the pills which are far too slow to start working.

A very innovative alternative,  developed right here at ch.com,  involves simply a mix of VitD capsules and some co-factors which has a success rate of some 80% in stopping attacks completely or cutting them down to a level where they are perfectly manageable.

Cheap as chips,  perfectly legal,  and healthy into the bargain.

Let us know how you're getting on and we'll help in any way we can because we care,

Brian down under.

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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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