JaysSoreHead wrote on Jun 29th, 2011 at 8:18pm:A. Have you been diagnosed with Cluster?; when?, by whom (doc’s specialty). Are there any other medical problems which concern your doctor?
B. What treatments have you used, or are now using? Med, dosing, duration of each, your judgment of the usefulness.
C. Have you used or explored any alternative treatments (and ditto)?
D. Give a brief picture of the degree of limitations you face because of the headache and any social complications which they cause. How is your social support.
Hi Jason,
I'm Zenica, I figured I should post my results here so that you can see what you can use in NZ and what I have found effective.
I live in Mt Wellington as a new resident. I have only been in country for 9 months but I have a lot of past medical history from doctors in the states.
To answer your questions I will list them in the same order as asked at the top
A: Have I been diagnosed? Yes and no, in the states I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Migraines by a neurologist in texas. The migraines started when I was 15 after a week strong attack that eventually left me hospitalized when none of the medications could even touch the pain I was in. I would class that week as a Kip 9 according to the cluster headache forum. The reason I believe this original diagnosis was incorrect is that those headaches never completely stopped. I have a conditional shadow (a low grade headache) and a series of spikes in pain each day with no breaks. When I am not spiking I am still attacked by the shadow of the beast.
Migraines don't usually last for years and they really don't come in daily strikes. The reason the US doctors believed this was my condition was because the location of the pain was so radically different from CHs. It was located in the upper back part of my skull for some reason. I doubt this is "cluster related pain" but my final diagnosis of Clusters came about two years ago when I fractured the upper part of my eye socket.
After the accident my main headache became completely focused on that part of my head and behind the eye. This should have gone away after the prednisone and eventual healing of the bone. It didn't. I still occasionally get the original migraine pain in the back of my head but now the main pain is the cluster attacks.
B: I have believed that I actually suffer from both diseases, migraines and clusters and was actually told by my doctor that this is not only possible but is the reason I have not had any real help. Having two conditions, I need two forms of treatment.
Treatment for Migraines: Tramadol occasionally 50mg, ibuprofen standard dose, amitriptyline 100Mg daily (ami is also used for preventative clusters).
I have tried every product available from the states as preventatives and so far I have either been allergic to some or found that they did not help combat the pain and damage from long term suffering. I will instead note the new structure that I have found successful.
C: Alternative treatment: for Clusters: Several weeks long now, I forget exact date when I started it.
Batch's Regime but with stuff you can get in NZ Below... My Gp did not and still does not agree with the results that Batch worked on and believes that no one should take vitamins in such high doses. I have taken consideration of his point and I still STRONGLY believe that Vitamins are the cure for me.
Here are the brands/doses that I take once a day with breakfast.
"Ethical Nutrients mega magnesium powder" which contains 300mg magnesium, 3.0 grams taurine (amino acid), 300mg Vit C, 67.6mg calcium, and 52mg potassium.
"Cal-D by blackmores" which contains 600mg calcium and 500 IU Vitamin D3.
C: Not really an alternative now... 100% Oxygen at 20ltrs per minute on non-rebreather mask. I use O2 for spikes I can't control the normal way.
A kip 9 beast is killed in 6 minutes now with o2 but I am finding that after taking the mag powder and calcium I no longer have morning attacks and my evening attacks are much much less frequent and much less severe.
I attribute this new success on two things, Magnesium, Which is a well known deficiency that can cause extreme headaches and is also known to combat the signs of fatigue and stress.
and Two: Taurine, which is found in Red Bull and Mother energy shots. Taurine is very successful for me, I drink one can of RB or Mother and One Spike is obliterated. Taurine is known as a "booster" which helps make all of the vitamins stronger and easier for the body to absorb.
D: I am a student at Auckland University. My limitations may not quite be as "severe" as others, perhaps only because I have a strong constitution for pain tolerance after years of suffering. I also have a few people who do understand my condition and stand by me always. I would never have got the courage to try the medical route again if not for those friends who love me so much that they take it upon themselves to look for the cure.
My worst problem is simply that I am misunderstood. In pain, I still maintain that happy appearance that makes people believe I am fine even when I'm not. When I am really bad and can't contain it, it is confusing to others... they are usually content to say "oh a migraine, you need a dark room and to be still" Any cluster sufferer would know that darkness and stillness are their worst enemy.
I wish that I could explain my state (of always being in pain) and not look like a loon to those around me. I believe if I let the public see inside they would probably lock me up. I am not a junky or someone pretending to suffer for the attention, I am simply a silent, but strong, pillar for support who occasionally wishes for someone else to take the load.