husband diagnosed with CH

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Posted by jc ( on January 15, 2001 at 00:17:38:

hello there-haven't posted for a while-husband had
a very bad cycle of what was diagnosed as clusters
all through the month of december. he started to
see a dentist after new year's for his (very) bad
teeth, the dentist did xray's, etc. and gave him
an anti-inflammatory. he isn't getting the pain
since he's been on these new pills.

i think it's probably a little backwards to be
diagnosed with CH's when it's teeth, as opposed to being diagnosed with everything else under then sun
when it's really CH's. wondering if the bad teeth
were triggering the attacks, and if so, has anyone
else experienced this?

we are hoping that it was strictly the teeth causing
the excruciating pain, but maybe that is just too much
wishful thinking......

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