Changeing doctors - stupid question maybe...

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Posted by annemarie ( on February 22, 2001 at 04:28:02:

Several times I have read on this board that people have problems when changeing doctors. They often have to start all over again educating their doc in what it is that ails them.

And every team I read that I wondered why medical files are not transferred to a new doc, if you move out of the area (or just prefer another face. lol)like they are in my country.

They may not transfer them automatically, as happens when a doc terminates the practice and lets a new doc have all the patients (and their records).
But could you not ask the former doc (who supposedly helped you all right with your clusters) to pass on your records to a colleague in another town?

When you travel, you can get a note from your doc, can't you, stating what meds you are on, in case you need them pronto? Why should a doc that will not treat you again keep your records?

A side issue maybe, but the movement of demanding our medical records from our doctors, started in the 60's US of A, as I very well remember. What happend to all that legislation?

Is it the new doctor? Won't they accept what another doc has written? You could probably sue them if you were so inclined, for ignoring iomportant medical evidence.

Or am I seeing things the wrong way and don't I know what I am talking about?
Please enlighten me, otherwise I'll never shut up, lol.

Walk in beauty, annemarie

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