Cafergot ineffectiveness

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Posted by Erik on March 23, 1999 at 10:56:38:

Hello everyone,

I have been visiting this site for awhile, but this is the first time I have posted. I have been a CH sufferer for over 13 years, and I am now 27 years old.

Up to this point, I have been a firm believer in Cafergot. This drug always worked for me. I started this latest cluster at the beginning of February, and sure enough, the Cafergot aborted every CH. I went through them for about three weeks having one CH every night and then the cycle went away. All of the sudden last week, I awoke to the all too familiar unbearable pain! I took the Cafergot, and unfortunately, it did nothing. Now I am getting three to four Bad CH's a day and the Cafergot has done nothing. My doctor prescribed Belergal (s.p.) and it is doing nothing. I am not getting any sleep and my wife is very worried. Nothing is taking the edge off of these things. The doctor is now setting me up with Oxygen. I pray that this works.

My question is, have any of you had similar experiences with Cafergot? Does your body build up an immunity to this drug? I just wonder why all of the sudden it is no longer working.

Also, I am confused why the CH's are back so soon. Normally, after they go away, they stay gone for at least a year. But this time they only subsided for two weeks. Do you think that this is the same cluster, or is this two clusters very close together?

Thanks in advance for your comments. I hope all of you find relief.

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