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Posted by Jim R on October 22, 2001 at 06:19:04:

In Reply to: My first posted by Scott Gatewood on October 22, 2001 at 00:14:58:

Scott, your experience sounds very familiar. When I forst got these, I could have sworn it was sinusitis - tried every remedy for these, but of course they didn't help. Went to a neurologist who diagnosed migraine, and he put me on ergotomine. I knew this wasn't correct and on my second cycle (after about a 5 year remission), I did all the research and found a doctor who corroborated everything and placed me on 120 mgs of verapamil (which is basically a heart drug used frequently for atrial fibrillation control). The 120 mgs. of this did the trick for about 3 years, than had to up it to 240, which worked for another 10 years - until recently.I started mine at 24 years old (now 46), so you're a little late on average, but certainly not out of the realm. Yes - they bring you to your knees. I too feel it often in the back of my neck (often my first signal of it coming). I get them on both sides but more on the right, but they usually stick to the same side during a cycle. Now, I'm getting them on the left, which is not as common for me, and with this side I also get shooting ear pains, but not the "teeth exploding" feeling I get on the right side - not missed, believe me! CH truly are BEASTS is every sense of the word - synonym - "suicide headaches" which I refer to only to illustrate the intensity of pain experienced by sufferers of this malady.Scott, I suggest you read everything you can. There is a LOT available on-line (including this site). Match your symptoms, write them down, copy the material and find a doc. Many docs are NOT at all familiar with them, so you will have to be armed with information in order to find help. I hope it isn't for your sake, but it does sound awfully familiar.... Jim R

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